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Classification & Characteristics of Rural Consumers

Classification of Rural Consumers

Category 1 Rich land owners Category 2 Rich farmers (dominant caste) Category 3 Small peasants with uneconomic holdings Category 4 Tenant farmers Category 5 Agricultural labour Category 6 Poor with no means of livelihood

Based on Wealth
Affluent 50 million > Rs 200 per day can afford luxuries Middle Class 350 million Rs 50 Rs 200 per day can purchase manufactured goods Poor 400 million < Rs 50
Own houses Grow own food Free education, health care

Characteristics of Rural Customers that Affect Buying Process

Age & stage in life cycle Occupation Economic situation Lifestyle activities, interests, opinions (Destitute, aspirants, climbers, consuming class, very rich) Personality & self concept Psychological factors ( perception, cognition, beliefs & attitudes, motivations primary & secondary)

Need & Product Hierarchy

Self actualization / dreams
Esteem / Std of Living Leisure Needs Productivity Needs

Basic Needs

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