Photo Bioreactor

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A High-efficiency Industrial Photo-bioreactor for controlled production of micro algae
AlgaeLink N.V.
Rangeerstraat 21 - 4431 NL s-Gravenpolder - The Netherlands Phone: + 31 (0)113 715 400 - Fax: + 31 (0)113 715 401 -


Algae as Biofuel

* Invention description * Potential Applications * Benets and Advantages * AlgaeLink and Microalgae * Cultivation Algae for Biodiesel production * Mission statement * Algae becomes Green Gold in the industry * Advantages of Micro Algae * Algae requirements


* What is an Algae Photo-bioreactor * Closed Photo-bioreactors * The AlgaeLink system * Key benets of the AlgaeLink photo-bioreactor * Process of the Algaelink photo-bioreactor * Components of the AlgaeLink photo-bioreactor * Flow description of the AlgaeLink photo-bioreactor

Why Alage

* Algae Advantages9

9 10

AlgaeLink Photo bioreactors

* AlgaeLink Demo photo-bioreactor * 1 Ton Dry biomass per day Algae production plant * 10 Ton Dry biomass per day Algae production plant * 25 Ton Dry biomass per day Algae production plant * 50 Ton Dry biomass per day Algae production plant * 75 Ton Dry biomass per day Algae production plant * 100 Ton Dry biomass per day Algae production plant

Laboratory analyses of Algae Oil and Algae Biodiesel

* Algae Oil Analyses * Algae Biodiesel Analysis


FAQ - Frequently Ask Questions

2 day introduction to Alage course
* Algae species * About the course * What the course covers * Components include in the course * What the cousre include

18 22

How to become an AlgaeLink distributor

* Who qualies * What AlgaeLink has to offer


Algae as biofuel
Algae photo-bioreactor technology as vegetable oils or other renewable resources.
Algae photo-bioreactor technology is simply an improvement on a process that Mother Nature invented millions of years ago called photosynthesis. The mature, oil-rich algae can be processed into a number of products, such as biodiesel, ethanol, animal feed, food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and a variety of plastics. AlgaeLink has developed a high-efciency tubular photo bioreactor for production of micro algae under controlled conditions. Productivity is orders of magnitude greater than any other photobioreactor system.

Invention Description
Finding renewable energy sources has been a top concern for many scientists around the world and algae-based biodiesel has emerged as a viable resource. At present there are two common methods for algae based biodiesel production; photo-bioreactors and raceway ponds. The major technical challenges of these systems are how to: sustain highest photosynthesis and biomass productivity, reduce cell damage by hydrodynamic stress, reduce costs in fabrication, installation maintenance and increase the capability of the system to expand to an industrial scale. Researchers at AlgaeLink have designed a new photo-bioreactor system which overcomes all the technical challenges of biodiesel production. Compared to traditional photo-bioreactor systems this system produces little hydrodynamic stress, allowing for more diversity of algae species, and has higher biomass sustainability. Compared to open raceway ponds, this system considerably increases a photosynthesis and algae biomass production by reducing light path, and improving culture mixing. Furthermore, the photo-bioreactor system will just need one fth to one tenth of the land area that will otherwise be required for an open raceway system to produce a the same amount of algae biomass.

Potential Applications

Algae-based renewable biomass/energy production Microalgae carbon sequestration Secondary and tertiary treatment of wastewater Food for sh and other cultured aquatic animals Algae-based nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals. Algae-derived ne chemicals including polysaccharides for cosmetics Organic fertilizers and soil amendments

Benets and Advantages

Higher biomass Can sustain higher cell density Culture mixing Provides more effective culture mixing with little hydrodynamic stress on the cells Diverse Algae Species Because of reduced hydrodynamic stress more diverse algae species can thrive Cost effective Fewer changeable parts and 1/ 3 material of the used in traditional photo-bioreactor systems

AlgaeLink and Microalgae

AlgaeLink is a in The Netherlands-based global manufacturer of algae growing systems. We are building a world-wide supply chain and network that is sustainable and delivers value from earth-to-engine. Our operations cover agronomy, rening and trading. We are pioneering the science, we design, build, own, operate and market algae production plants and biodiesel reneries. Our vision is to be the worlds leading biodiesel business.

Cultivating Algae for Biodiesel Production

WITH THE INCREASING INTEREST in biodiesel as an alternative to petro diesel, many have looked at the possibility of growing more oilseed crops as a solution to the problem of peak oil. There are two problems with this approach. Firstly, growing more oilseed crops would displace the food crops grown to feed mankind. Secondly, traditional oilseed crops are not the most productive or efcient source of vegetable oil. Micro-algae is the highest potential energy yield vegetable oil crop.

Mission statement
We will strive to be the best in our business; we will offer quality and value to our customers; we will provide products that are safe, economical, and environmentally sound; we will strive to meet the highest standards of integrity. We will be successful by perfecting our processes and learning to consistently exceed customer expectations.

We will:

Attain growth through Innovation and Excellence. Constantly seek to understand and fulll our customers needs. Deliver products on time and strive to maintain a high level of after sales support. Provide a respectful work environment. Promote teamwork, accomplishment and self-respect. Practice candor, openness and honesty. Conserve natural resources, operate our facilities safely, minimize the environmental impact of our activities and promote sustainability.

Algae becomes Green Gold in the oil industry

As we inch closer towards a post-carbon economy, the future mix of energy sources is slowly bubbling to the top. One potential addition to this mix is the large-scale production of oil-containing algae. Unlike crops that are currently being used for oil production such as soy, palm, corn and jatropha, some strains of algae contain as much as 70% oil. Algae needs just a few simple things to kick-start a happy oil-bearing life: water, sunlight and nutrients. Algae can be grown in open ponds or sealed in clear tubes and it can produce far more oil per acre than soybeans, a source of oil for biodiesel. Algae is also capable of absorbing nitrogen from waste water and extracting carbon dioxide from power plants. Whats more, it can be grown on marginal lands useless for ordinary crops, and it can use water from salt aquifers that is not useful for drinking or agriculture. Algae has the potential to produce a huge amount of oil.

Advantage of Micro Algae

The advantages of deriving biodiesel from algae include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Rapid growth rates, a high per-acre yield; and algae biofuel contains no sulfur, is non-toxic and is highly biodegradable. Some species of algae are ideally suited to biodiesel production due to their high oil content, in some species topping out near 70%. Micro-algae are single celled microscopic organisms which, like plants, use photosynthesis to convert the suns energy into chemical energy. Micro-algae can be grown in large bioreactors that provide the algae with all the needs to maximize growth and oil production. Micro-algae are much more efcient converters of solar energy than any known plant, because they grow in suspension where they have unlimited access to water and more efcient access to CO2 and dissolved nutrients. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. The total oil content in algae can be up to 70% of their dry weight. Micro-algae are capable of producing more than 30 times the amount of oil (per year per unit area of land) when compared to oil seed crops. Some algae can grow in saline water. It is worth exploring the possible economic production of oils from algae using saline ground water in the growing ponds. Micro-algae are the fastest growing photosynthesizing organisms. They can complete an entire growing cycle every few days. 120 tons of oil/hectare/year can be produced from algae. Algae production can be increased by increasing the carbon dioxide concentration in the water.

Algae requirements
The nutrients and carbon source necessary for micro algae growth, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N), need to be supplied. The supply of carbon dioxide in accordance with it is actual consumption by the micro algae is of great importance. However, as the culture medium is an efuent from a wastewater treatment plant there may be no need to supply nutrients and/or carbon dioxide since they are (usually) already present in the efuent. The light energy needed is exclusively solar, which makes the system much more economical. However, in an alternative embodiment of the proposed system, articial light could be supplied to the system or simply means for improving luminosity, for example reective means. For micro algae cultivation only simple nutrients need to be provided, such as ammonium or nitrates, phosphates, trace amounts of certain metals and, most importantly, carbon dioxide. Since algae are autotrophic, they can grow on this simple and cheap medium.

What is an Algae Photo Bioreactor?

Photo bioreactors are fermenters in which phototrophic micro-organisms such as micro algae are cultivated, where their growth and propagation are promoted at the same time as various substances are produced by the photosynthetic cells. The potential for producing photosynthetic products by photosynthesis techniques using simple matter, through micro algae, has been recognized in the last years. The ability of simple micro-organisms, such as green algae, to use sunlight and carbon dioxide to produce complex organic matter with the release of molecular oxygen is of great interest and has been explored in many different ways. Micro algae (blue-green algae and green algae) are photoautotrophic micro-organisms able to use sunlight to metabolize carbon dioxide (CO2) in energy-rich organic compounds (CH2O), with the consequent release of oxygen (O2). Organic compounds, represented by CH2O, are used as building blocks for micro algae growth (when referring to micro algae we are also including cyan bacteria). Water is also needed in the process as an additional substrate, as can be seen in equation 1. CO2 + H2 0 + light energy

aCH2O + O2 This process of light-driven biomass growth is called photosynthesis.

Closed Photo-Bioreactors
This type of technology implements a closed system that introduces carbon dioxide to the algae to enhance its growth in the presence of light, water and nutrients. Closed photo-bioreactors are culture systems which restrict the exchange of gases, water, and contaminants between the culture and the outside environment. They have several advantages over open pond systems for the cultivation of micro algae: 1. 2. 3. higher biomass concentrations due to shorter light paths; reduced contamination; better control of physico-chemical culture parameters;

For some applications, these advantages justify the increased cost of such systems compared to open ponds. Open ponds do not provide conditions necessary for high density algae biomass production because of diurnal and annual variation in light intensity and temperature. Photo-bioreactors have the following advantages over open pond production. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Better control of algae culture Large surface-to-volume ratio Better control of gas transfer Reduction in evaporation of growth medium More uniform temperature Better protection from outside contamination Higher algae cell densities are possible.

Covering ponds does alleviate some of the disadvantages, but enclosed systems will still provide better control of temperature, light intensity, better control of gas transfer, and larger surface area-to-volume ratio. An enclosed photo-bioreactor design will enhance commercial algae biomass production by keeping algae genetics pure and reducing the possibility of parasite infestation. The ability of a pond to grow algae is limited by its surface area, not by its volume. Algae only grows in the top 6mm of water in order to receive enough solar radiation.

The AlageLink system

The tubular AlgaeLink bioreactor works by circulating algae cells, nutrients, water and carbon dioxide through transparent tubes to maximize the amount of light reaching the algae cells. The short light path maximizes this process, thereby maximizing the photosynthetic efciency. The photo bioreactor can be operated for very prolonged periods without cultures crashing, facilitated by a patented tube self-cleaning mechanism involving special technology. The system typically operates at densities of 10 to 15 times that of conventional culture methods, and is therefore more productive. The closed, controlled system ensures that environmental parameters are automatically controlled, and the fully automatic operation dramatically reduces labor requirements and eliminates handling problems. A reservoir cells. tank provides a dark phase for the more complex protein building function of the algae A semi-continuous stream of nutrient & CO2 is supplied to the dark phase of the process. This function is fully automated and regulated via the process control system. Live algae are collected into a receiving tank via an overow. The output volume is equal to the process input volume. Typically 20 to 30% of the system volume is harvested per 24 hours. The pumping system has built in exibility to ensure maximum cell viability under a diverse range of operating conditions, this exibility facilitates production of a wide range of species.

Key benets of the AlgaeLink Photo-bioreactor are:

It offers maximum efciency in using light and therefore greatly improves productivity. Typically the culture density of algae produced is 10 to 20 times greater than bag culture and can be even greater.

Space saving. Can be mounted indoors or outdoors. Low transport cost for the larger photo-bioreactors because we ship no pipes but at sheets. The sheets will be converted with our patented technology to pipes on location. Dramatically reduces labor requirements and eliminates handling problems. Systems can be operated for long periods without culture crashes occurring. Patented easy self cleaning system can dramatically reduce fouling. Closed, controlled, continuous automated system and therefore cultures may be easily kept sterile. Environmental parameters are simply controlled. Can be build at any size. Short delivery time. Oxygen poisoning cant occur. System automatically releases all Oxygen. Reactor stimulates rapid algae grow. Fully automated. Controlled and monitored via a high tech computer system.

The process of the AlgaeLink photo-bioreactor

AlgaeLinks demo photo-bioreactor

Algae photo bioreactors have had a lot of publicity in the last 12 months. We at AlgaeLink, N.V. are extremely condent in AlgaeLink photo-bio reactors and we would like our customers to feel this way as well. For this reason we are offering our demo units as the initial step to larger plants. We would like you to start at this size, with minimum investment with the ability to scale up to any capacity, at any time. All our equipment is modular, which means you have the time to gain expertise and experience before investing further.

With this low budget photo-bioreactor you have you a perfect unit to:

test your algae strains test the algae growing conditions in your area learn how to collect the algae Learn how to dry algae press oil out of the dried algae, etc.

Components of the AlgaeLink photo-bioreactor

Photo bioreactor

The system consists of tubes 36m long and 30cm in diameter. The tubes lay horizontally. The Algae ows continuously through the tubes for light. 2 Automated cleaning system

This is a built in cleaning mechanism within the tubes, which mean you do not have to stop production in order to clean any algae from the internal side of the tube. 3 Pump box

The pump box holds 3 pumps. The Acidity pump, nutrient pump and harvesting pump. These pumps control the mediums pH level and the nutrients level. The harvest pump regulates the ow to the lter system. 4 Filter system

This bag lter collects the algae ready for processing. 5 Computerized Control system.

The control system allows you to monitor the process from any location in the world. It monitors the temperature, CO2, pH and nutrient levels and allows you to maintain records of this for comparison and monitoring purposes. It also measures O2, dissolved O2 and conductivity. 6 Feeding vessel

This is the heart of the system that contains a number of sensors such as temperature, conductivity, pH and level sensors. These sensors then activate the pumps so the system automatic feeds the algae the required level of nutrients for optimal growth. 7 Water pump

This system gently regulates the ow of the algae through the photo bioreactor.

Flow description.
1. From the Feeding vessel the ow progresses to the Diaphragm pump which moderates the ow of the algae into the actual tubes. Built into the pump is the CO2 inlet valve. 2. The Photo bioreactor itself is used to promote biological growth by controlling environmental parameters including light. The tubes are acrylic and are designed to have light and dark intervals to enhance the growth rate. 3. The Photo bioreactor has a built in cleaning system that will internally clean the tubes without stopping production. 4. After the Algae has completed the ow through the Photo bioreactor, it passes back to the feeding vessel. As it progresses through the hoses the oxygen sensors determine how much oxygen has built up in the plant and it is released in the feeding vessel itself. It is also at this stage that the optical cell density sensor determines the harvesting rate. 5. When the algae are ready for harvesting, the algae passes through the connected ltering system. This lter collects the algae that are ready for processing, where the remaining algae passes back to the feeding vessel. 6. And the ow continues.

Why Algae
Biodiesel relies on naturally derived oils or fats as a feedstock for the fuel. So any oil whose sources are relatively cheap to produce is most attractive. One of the major expenses in producing oil is land for the oil-yielding crop. In terms of oil produced per acre/hectare of land, algae has a 5- to 31-fold advantage over the next best oil producing crop. This of course depends on the species of algae and growth conditions and displays a signicant cost advantage and the potential for much greater yields at much greater efciencies. But Algae is not just for Biodiesel it is high in antioxidants which is valuable in the food industry, its pigments are used in paint and many other products worldwide. It is also a natural source of Omega 3 and 6, Vitamin B12 and a variety of minerals needed for both human and animal consumption.

Algae Advantages

Micro algae is growing all year round and has a short life cycle Micro algae is the fastest growing plant on earth 100 times faster than trees Micro algae typically double their weight once a day

Require raw materials that are abundant: sunlight, water, carbon dioxide and nutrients (P and N) Produce a vast array of natural products: pigments, proteins, enzymes, sugars, fats, amino acids, vitamins Metals bioaccumulation: micro algae can accumulate metals up to 20% of their weight adsorption in cellular wall and transfer of metallic ions to its interior

They can grow in adverse conditions like deserts and saline waters.

AlgaeLink demo photo-bioreactor

Complete automated turnkey demo photo-bioreactor with production capacity of 2 to 4 kg dry biomass per day.

AlgaeLink demo photo-bioreactor includes:

36 meters of transparent synthetic tubes with a diameter of 300 mm and a volume of 3.5 m Pumps and valves Selected algae Electricity for pumps involved in the process is 12 kW Stainless steel vessel


Installation in a 48 m2. CO2 requirements (mass) 10 kg Kg.Day-1) Carbon requirements (mass) 3 (Kg. Day-1)

Micro nutrients required:

Ca Cu Fe Mg Mn Mo K Zn

0.0424375 0.000245 0.0025375 0.100625 0.00105 0.0000131255 0643125 0.001268755

(Kg. Day-1) (Kg. Day-1) (Kg. Day-1) (Kg. Day-1) (Kg. Day-1) (Kg. Day-1) (Kg. Day-1) (Kg . Day-1)

1 Ton Dry Biomass per day Algae production plant

Complete automated turnkey photo-bioreactor with production capacity of 1 ton dry biomass per day:

1,068 meters of transparent synthetic tubes with a diameter of 640 mm and a volume of 667 m Pumps and valves Selected algae Electricity for pumps involved in the process is 55 kW

Installation in a 1,752 m2. ( 0.9 Acres) Tanks 333 (m1) (tanks are not included) CO2 requirements (mass) 2881 Kg (Kg.Day-1) Carbon requirements (mass) 786 (Kg. Day-1) Nitrogen requirements 81 (Kg. Day-1) Phosphorus requirements 11 (Kg. Day-1)

Micro nutrients required:

Ca Cu Fe Mg Mn Mo K Zn

12.125 0.07 0.725 2.875 0.3 18.375 0.3625

(Kg . Day-1) (Kg. Day-1) (Kg. Day-1) (Kg. Day-1) (Kg. Day-1) (Kg. Day-1) (Kg. Day-1)

0.00375 (Kg. Day-1)


10 Ton Dry Biomass per day Algae production plant

Complete automated turnkey photo-bioreactor with production capacity of 10 ton dry biomass per day:

10,692 meters of transparent synthetic tubes with a diameter of 640 mm and a volume of 6,667 m Pumps and valves Selected algae Electricity for pumps involved in the process is 545 kW


Installation area 17,522 m2. Tanks 3,333 (m3) (tanks are not included) CO2 requirements (mass) 28,805 kg Carbon requirements (mass) 7,856 Nitrogen requirements 813 Phosphorus requirements 105 (Kg. Day-1) (Kg . Day-1) (Kg . Day-1) (Kg . Day-1)

Micro nutrients required:

Ca Cu Fe Mg Mn Mo K Zn

121.25 0.7 7.25 28.75 3 0.0375 183.75 3.625

(Kg . Day-1) (Kg . Day-1) (Kg . Day-1) (Kg . Day-1) (Kg . Day-1) (Kg . Day-1) (Kg. Day-1) (Kg . Day-1)


25 Ton Dry Biomass per day Algae production plant

Complete automated turnkey photo-bioreactor with production capacity of 25 ton dry biomass per day:

26,733 meters of transparent synthetic tubes with a diameter of 640 mm and a volume of 16,667 m Pumps and valves Selected algae Electricity for pumps involved in the process is 1,364 kW


Installation area 44,555 m2. Tanks 8,333 (m3) (tanks are not included) CO2 requirements (mass) 72,013 kg Carbon requirements (mass) 19,940 Nitrogen requirements 2,031 Phosphorus requirements 263 (Kg.Day-1) (Kg . Day-1) (Kg . Day-1) (Kg . Day-1)

Micro nutrients required:

Ca Cu Fe Mg Mn Mo K Zn

303.125 (Kg . Day-1) 1.75 18.125 71.875 7.5 (Kg . Day-1) (Kg . Day-1) (Kg . Day-1) (Kg . Day-1)

0.09375 (Kg . Day-1) 459.375 (Kg . Day-1) 9.0625 (Kg . Day-1)

50 Ton Dry Biomass per day Algae production plant

Complete automated turnkey photo-bioreactor with production capacity of 50 ton dry biomass per day:

53,466 meters of transparent synthetic tubes with a diameter of 640 mm and a volume of 33,333 m Pumps and valves Selected algae Electricity for pumps involved in the process is 2,727 (kW)


Installation area 89.110 m2. Tanks 16,667 (m3) (tanks are not included) CO2 requirements (mass) 144,027 kg (Kg.Day-1) Carbon requirements (mass) 39,280 (Kg . Day-1) Nitrogen requirements 4,063 (Kg . Day-1) Phosphorus requirements 525 (Kg . Day-1)

Micro nutrients required:


Ca Cu Fe Mg

606.25 3.5 36.25 143.75

(Kg . Day-1) (Kg . Day-1) (Kg . Day-1) (Kg . Day-1)

Mn Mo K Zn

15 0.1875 918.75 18.125

(Kg . Day-1) (Kg . Day-1) (Kg . Day-1) (Kg . Day-1)

75 Ton Dry Biomass per day Algae production plant

Complete automated turnkey photo-bioreactor with production capacity of 75 ton dry biomass per day:

80,199 meters of transparent synthetic tubes with a diameter of 640 mm and a volume of 50,000 m Pumps and valves Selected algae Electricity for pumps involved in the process is 4,091 kW Installation area 133,665 m2. Tanks 25,000 (m3) (tanks are not included) CO2 requirements (mass) 216,040 kg Carbon requirements (mass) 58,920 Nitrogen requirements 6,094 Phosphorus requirements 788 Ca Cu Fe Mg Mn Mo K Zn 909.375 5.25 54.375 215.625 22.5 0.28125 27.1875 (Kg . Day-1) (Kg . Day-1) (Kg . Day-1) (Kg . Day-1) (Kg . Day-1 ) (Kg . Day-1) (Kg . Day-1) (Kg. Day-1) (Kg . Day-1) (Kg . Day-1) (Kg . Day-1)


Micro nutrients required:

1,378.125 (Kg . Day-1)

100 Ton Dry Biomass per day Algae production plant

Complete automated turnkey photo-bioreactor with production capacity of 100 ton dry biomass per day:

106,932 meters of transparent synthetic tubes with a diameter of 640 mm and a volume of 66,667 m Pumps and valves Selected algae Electricity for pumps involved in the process is 5,455 kW


Installation area 178,220 m2. Tanks 33,333 (m3) (tanks are not included) CO2 requirements (mass) 288,053 kg Carbon requirements (mass) 78,560 Nitrogen requirements 8,125 Phosphorus requirements 1,0508 (Kg. Day-1) (Kg . Day-1) (Kg . Day-1) (Kg . Day-1)

Micro nutrients required:

Ca 1212.5 Cu 7 Fe 72.5 Mg 287.5

(Kg . Day-1) (Kg . Day-1) (Kg . Day-1) (Kg . Day-1)

Mn 30 Mo 0.375 K Zn 1,837.5 36.25

(Kg . Day-1) (Kg . Day-1) (Kg . Day-1) (Kg . Day-1)


Algae Oil Analysis

Explanation of Algae oil analysis: 1. The algae oil used was crude and unltered. 2. The phosphorus content was low, so this oil needs no degumming. 3. The FFA content was 1.21 so it is possible to go directly to alkaline transesterication. 4. The iodine value was 123 while the EN14215 requires 120, so minor blending with a low iodine feedstock is required to get this parameter within the EN standard. 5. The oxidation stability is what we can expect from a oil that is very rich in delicate unsaturated fatty acids such as Omega 3 and Omega 6. 6. The content of Omega 3 and Omega 6 are quite high, which makes this oil suited to be used in the food/supplements.



Biodiesel Algae Analysis

Explanation of Biodiesel from crude algae oil results:

1. The ester content achieved was quite high and well within specs. 2. The Linolenic acid methyl ester perfectly meets EN standard. 3. The copper corrosion meets standards 4. The iodine value is the same as for the algae oil that was used as feedstock, as expected 5. Free and total glycerol are within specs. 6. Monoglycerides, diglyceides and triglycerides are within specs. 7. Oxidation stability is low as expected for an oil that is rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6 oils. However, there are on the market additives that can improve this parameter to meet standards. TBHQ (tertiary butyl hydroquinone) can be added at the ratio of 0.02% to raise the stability to meet the EN standard, citric acid can also be used to increase oxidation stability. It is also possible to blend antioxidants with quelating agents to improve the oxidation stability (ex.: 0.0075% of BHA + 0.0075% of PG + 0.0045% citric acid).





Are there commercial algae farms?

ALGAE FARMING IS AN INDUSTRY. Commercial algae farming is an established industry. It has been going on for over 50 years, and has become a small industry. There are only a handful of companies doing it on a large scale. Total world-wide production is a few thousand tons of algae biomass per year. So far, algae has been grown mostly for its protein, which is worth more in the marketplace than either its oil or starch content.


What are the optimal conditions for producing algae with these Reactors

Generally speaking low rainfall, high temperatures and sunshine hours are positive for algae growth. The plant should be located very close to a CO2 source, such as a Brewery, waste water treatment centre or a power plant, etc.


What if I am from a colder climate?

It is possible to still use the photo bioreactor, but is it cost effective? You would have to shelter and heat the unit and you would need to apply lighting to simulate sunlight. If located away from CO2 source, you would also need to use CO2 gas supplements.


What is required to produce 1ton Dry algae mass?

Carbon requirements (mass) CO2 requirements (mass) CO2 requirements (volume - PTN) Nitrogen requirements Phosphorus requirements 786 2881 1467 81 11 Kg . Day-1 Kg . Day-1 m3 . Day-1 Kg . Day-1 Kg . Day-1

Maximum values Maximum values (0.8% dw) (0.6% dw)


What are the CO2 emissions fees?

The emissions fees are like the stock market, where Companies are charged between $1.50 to $12 per ton for their CO2 emissions. In this case as you are extracting CO2 from the atmosphere, you can apply to be paid for this. The amount of Biomass you produce will determine the emission fees.


Why a demo reactor?

This unit is really only used to demonstrate algae growth. Algae can double its volume in 24 hours, if you start with 100 kg of algae, you will have 200 kg within 24 hours. You simply remove it the water and algae from the base lter and dry the algae in a vacuum dryer or hot air oven.


How are the Algae Photo bioreactors installed?

The unit arrives disassembled with a detailed manual on how to install it. For larger units it would be recommended for the installation to be done by our contractors. Price will vary based on capacity.


Can I produce pharmaceutical algae with the AlgaeLink photo-bioreactor?

Yes, products from the photo-bioreactor can then be processed into pharmaceutical grade products, providing a proper installation and process is available.



What is the cost of Producing Biomass per kg?

The cost will vary based on your location. For example, do you have enough natural resources or must you pay to supplement light, temperature, nutrients or CO2. Your method of oil extraction and manual labor required will vary signicantly worldwide. Therefore, it is very important to start with the demo reactor so you can experience the total cost in real time.


How do I dry Algae?

This is very simple to do, you can dry in the sun or if in colder country dry within a greenhouse or Drum lter (with vacuum) system or hot air oven.


How do I harvest?

After discharge, it is necessary to separate the culture medium into a liquid phase and into a solid phase which contains the micro-organisms (biomass). The system should preferably comprise means for performing this separation, which can be achieved by various processes. The biomass can be separated from the liquid phase by centrifugation or with a lter unit.


What is centrifugation?

This involves spinning the growth medium extremely rapidly, exaggerating the effects of gravity. It can be used to accomplish two things. The rst is to simply rapidly separate the algae cells from the growth medium. The growth medium can be drained, leaving much denser (about 20% concentration) algae. A second approach combines centrifugation with microltration, spinning the growth medium and algae against microlters or micro screens which allow the growth medium to pass through by retain the algae. While both approaches are effective, the use of centrifuges requires large quantities of electrical power, which can increase costs substantially.


How do I extract oil from Algae?


When algae is dried it retains its oil content, which then can be pressed out with an oil press. Many commercial manufacturers of vegetable oil use a combination of mechanical pressing and chemical solvents in extracting oil. While more efcient processes are emerging, a simple process is to use a press to extract a large percentage (70-75%) of the oils out of algae. b. Hexane Solvent Method Algae oil can be extracted using chemicals. Benzene and ether have been used, but a popular chemical for solvent extraction is hexane, which is relatively inexpensive. The downside to using solvents for oil extraction is the inherent dangers involved in working with the chemicals. Benzene is classied as a carcinogen. Chemical solvents also present the problem of being an explosion hazard. Hexane solvent extraction can be used in isolation or it can be used along with the oil press/expeller method. After the oil has been extracted using an expeller, the remaining pulp can be mixed with cyclo-hexane to extract the remaining oil content. The oil dissolves in the cyclohexane, and the pulp is ltered out from the solution. The oil and cyclohexane are separated by means of distillation. These two stages (cold press & hexane solvent) together will be able to derive more than 95% of the total oil present in the algae. c. Supercritical Fluid Extraction This can extract almost 100% of the oils all by itself. This method however needs special equipment for containment and pressure in the supercritical uid/CO2 extraction, CO2 is liqueed under pressure and heated to the point that it has the properties of both a liquid and gas. This liqueed uid then acts as the solvent in extracting the oil.


More FAQs
14. What is the cost of oil extraction?

The method you choose depends on you. If you wish to preserve the cake then use oil press, Hexane solvent tends to have a higher yield. It is best to look locally and determine which is most cost effective for you.


Do I need to treat the water after harvesting?

You do not have to treat the water after use, you simple recycle it as it is a continuous owing system, and it will have some algae growth with it. Simple added the required CO2 and nutrients for re-use. This is fully automated in these systems.


What is the cycle time to produce algae?

Algae doubling time can vary from strain to strain, in general they can double from 0.3 times per day to 3 times per day. It depends on the strain, temperature, solar insulation, nutrients and salinity. In optimal conditions you can harvest every 3.5 hours with the Photo bioreactors.


What is the quality of algae oil?

The oil quality depends on what algae you use, as does the yield. In general it can be compared to Soya.


Selling Algae Cake

Micro algae are rich in many specic and attractive compounds, some of which are very interesting as nutritional supplements, such as long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. Other nutriceuticals derived from algae are vitamins and antioxidants, such as -carotene and astaxanthin. As well as important applications in the food industry, micro algae are also used in the pharmaceutical market as they contain sterols, which can be used as building blocks for pharmaceuticals (hormones). Furthermore, cyan bacteria are a potential source of compounds with biomedical applications, such as antimicrobial, antiviral and anticancer compounds. The price of Algae cake is very high. Algae press cake is sold (today March, 2007) for minimum $ 1.53 and as high as $ 4.06 p/kg. Algae Cake price is expected to rise until the marketplace determines its value.


Lifecycle of algae

Unless you suffer from contamination, the lifecycle of Algae is indenite. You must care for it and it will double its volume every 24hrs. However for large capacities it is recommended that you have available source of algae.


What water can I use?

It is recommended to use sweet water, however it is equally viable to use salt water, and you simply must change to a suitable algae species.


Are the Algea specs shown in this brochure, valid for all species of Algae?

No, the specs shown were for one particular strain only. Each strain will vary slightly, so it depends on your choice of strain and its application. For example you can grow different algea strains for the:


Food industry Animal food industry Pharmaceutical market as they contain sterols


Biomedical applications Only for the biomass

If I buy an photo-bioreactor, do you have any kind of assitance?

Yes, we will monitor your plant from our ofce here in The Netherlands via our computer. We are able to monitor your progress based on the variables applied in the software package we supply and then advise what course of action needs to be taken to improve your yield. This system also allows us to scale up your system effectively when you require a lager capicity.


Nutrients added to process: Algae strains

We supply a blend of 10 strains that comes with the photo-bioreactor, however you can choose to use your own, depending on climate and water type i.e. fresh or salt.


What is the delivery time on installations?

Delivery times for the demo photo-bioreactor is 8 weeks. Delivery times for large scale photo-bioreactors are approximately 4 to 6 months. The delivery times will vary per project.

a. b. c.

What are your payment terms?

Delivery is ex works The Netherlands 60% by ordering 40% before shipping

Payment terms are:

a. b. c.

Do you have warranty?

10 years on the tubes 1 year on moving parts such as pumps, centrifuge, etc. 5 years on the installation

Yes, our standard warranty is:


Are you looking for distributors?

Yes, we are looking for distributors of our products. AlgaeLink, N.V. is setting up a world-wide distributors network and is looking for qualied distributors. If you are interested, please send us a short description of your company, URL of your home page and company details.


Where can I buy equipment to convert Algae oil into biodiesel?

A very good biodiesel equipment manufacturer is BioKing in The Netherlands. Their website is


2 day Introduction to Algae course

Micro Algae is set to become the solution to the rising oil prices associated with the Biodiesel Industry. Algae, the natural phenomenon, has an incredibly short life cycle and grows all year round. This course covers the following areas:

What is Algae Advantages of Algae The multiple functions of Algae both in Bio-fuels and alternative Industries

Algae species
There are up to 30,000 species of Micro algae. This course looks at a number of species and their benets. What species suit your requirements and what species thrive in your climatic conditions. This course covers the following areas

Climatic Conditions Fresh and Salt water Species Sensitivity Functions of Algae


How to grow Algae

In this subject we look at what is required to grow algae in a protected environment. We look at the advantages of Photo bioreactor and what exactly is required to grow algae within this system. What are the optimal conditions? How to control your nutrients and CO2 and how to reduce the cost of production. We also cover areas such as:

Introducing photosynthesis Reducing contamination risks Environmental Control Controlling your yield

Other Components of the course include:

Visit a test facility See Algae being harvested See Algae being dried See Algae oil extraction Learn to make Biodiesel from Algae

We will also discuss the alternative methods in each area.

What does this include:

Tanaj sgninok Course Material for 2 days Lunch for 2 days Transport to test facilities
Excludes cost of accommodation and travel.


How to become an AlgaeLink distributor

You should rst inquire as to whether or not a distributorship is available in your area. To nd out, please send an email to with your company details, country and geographic area.

Without sounding pessimistic, we are fully aware that everyone who makes an inquiry to become a distributor has a desire to succeed, but few have the work ethic to produce success. We are not a franchise organization and certainly do not want to mislead anyone into believing we are. We are very simply a manufacturer of High-Tec algae growing systems with as specialty photo-bioreactors for algae. We do not offer distributorships to individuals or companies who are simply looking for a better price to buy a photo-bioreactor. Being a distributor is a full time job. Listed below is a brief description of what may be expected from our distributors:

Maintain an ofce/warehouse/training facility suitable for your needs. A higher prole retail facility is over kill but you will need enough space to install your photo-bioreactor as well as enough space to properly receive 10 to 20 serious prospects each month.

As the production of algae with our photo-bioreactors is a total new production process it is required that distributors attend our advanced training facility in The Netherlands. Tag team advertising and marketing. Send out emails, make internet contact, advertise locally etc., whatever it takes to get people interested in making money in the algae/oil industry. Provide unsurpassed customer and technical assistance. First and foremost this is a service industry. Yes, as a distributor you will sell the photo-bioreactors, centrifuges, algae dryers, wet scrubbers, supply materials, but service and after sales is the key to business.

Who Qualies
AlgaeLink N.V. requires that all Distributors have ample experience and application time working the products of a similar type. Although Distributors are not franchises, AlgaeLink N.V. requires that Distributors are exclusive to our product line and do not supply, represent, use or recommend other competitive or alternative products. If you have questions concerning whether a product will be detrimental to a distributorship, please feel free to call and speak with a Technical Engineer. It is not our intent to police this issue but Distributors are given much assistance and lead generation designed to promote and sell our product line as well as technical assistance and more.


What AlgaeLink N.V. Offers: 1 2 There is no franchise fee whatsoever. Also, we dont charge for administration costs.

Who Qualies

Technical Assistance: This is the key since customers will continue to have questions and will obviously need the right answers. As the industry leader and supplier, we have a combined experience and knowledge that is unsurpassed.

Leads, leads, leads. We have an extremely extensive internal advertising program, spending on average $1,500 every 9 to 12 hours on on-line advertise alone. That of course does not include an additional $500K on various publication advertising. Another $350K on trade shows as well as other effective forms of advertising. The average Authorized Distributor received between 2 to 3 qualied leads per day in 2006 because we pass 100% of all inquires on to our Authorized Distributors.

Marketing Assistance: As a Distributor you will receive any leads from inquiring persons within your geographical area. These leads may be the result of; our web sites, various magazine advertisement such as Biodiesel magazine and internet advertising, exhibition shows and more.

Marketing & Advertising Tools. In addition to simply marketing, we can provide several different brochures, exhibit booths, banners, photos, interactive information CDs to be played in any PC, blank form head containing the AlgaeLink logo for duplicating professional marketing & technical documents and more. We also have an agreement arranged with a national business forms company so Authorized Distributors can order invoices, envelopes, estimate forms, door hangers, business cards and more, all containing the Al gaeLink logo but with your personalized company information. Inquire for details.

Training Assistance: Under most circumstances we can send one of our Technical Engineers to assist with your pre-scheduled training seminars. This service is available provided that sufcient notication has been made, our schedule allows for the dates, a worthwhile amount of persons are scheduled to attend and other distributor expectations are met.

Drop Shipping: This service is provided so distributors are not initially required to carry more than one demo photo-bioreactor as inventory. Drop shipping also decreases expenses since shipping to the customer is not charged twice.

Fact is, authorized distributorships are not only protable but they are very rewarding as well. We wont lead Tanaj sgninok you to believe it is a simple daily task; we have many authorized distributors who are very successful. How ever, they are also very dedicated to their job and to their customers. Give us a call to possibly schedule a meeting in our ofces in The Netherlands and we can discuss the specic prot margins and other pertinent details and further specic information.


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