First Phase: The Rising of The Ottoman Empire

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b. Based on each phase, write a summary of about 100 word. (Three summaries for three phases).

First phase: The rising of the Ottoman Empire Initially, the Ottomans were just a nomadic warrior tribe fighting across the plains of central Turkey in Asia. The Ottoman Empire rose with the collapse of Christian Byzantine and the conquest of Constantinople in 1453 by Sultan Mehmed II. Location and leadership structure played important roles in early Ottomans success. The Ottomans eventually controlled the Middles East, Northern Africa, South-Eastern Europe and Balkan. They were willing to tolerate with diversity of cultures, ethnic identities and family backgrounds. However, for the Ottomans, what matters was speaking Turkish and devotion to the empire. Grand vizier, the number two man after the sultan became powerful. Strong military recruited from Balkan Christians converters, namely janissaries were built. (110 words) Second phase: The expansion and glorious period of the Ottoman Empire Constantinople became the capital of the Ottoman Empire and the largest city in the Middle East or Europe. In 16th century, the Ottomans managed to conquer Mecca and Medina. Sultan became the official defender of the faith with Arab subjects. The Ottoman Empire reached its zenith under Suleiman the Magnificent. Its territories continually expanded to Bulgaria, eastern

Mediterranean, Egypt and Algeria. The Ottomans shifted their focus from conquering new land to governing what it had. Non-Muslims were allowed to keep their faith as long as they paid the jitza. The policies of toleration, openness and flexibility brought the empire to be glorious and strong. (104 words)

Third phase: The old sick man of Europe External challenges the powerful growth of new technologies, economics and military in Western Europe and internal crisis nationalism contributed to the decline of the Ottoman Empire. Between 1783 and 1913, with the new breakaway states, the empire was shrinking and approximately 5 to 7 million Muslims refugees began flooding into Constantinople and further south. The reform of education, military and industry were hugely expensive. The Ottomans encountered economy threats from western power and went bankruptcy soon. In 1914, the Ottoman Empire was known as the sick man of Europe due to its continuous loss of territories to Russia and Europeans. Mehmed VI, the last sultan of the Ottoman Empire was exiled in 1992. (110 words)

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