CentralHeightsHS To Scotland Brochure

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How can you help?

As you can imagine, Central Heights

Send Central
High School drama students are
heavily involved in fund-raising heights H.S.
activities to finance their two-week Theatre to
adventure to Scotland and England.
Contributions and donations are Scotland!
welcome and more information is
available from Melissa McMillian-
Cunningham, Central Heights High
School Drama Director.





M e l i s s a M c M i l l i a n - Cu n n i g h a m
Central Heights High School
Make checks payable to Theatre Department
C e n t r a l H e i g h t s H i g h S c h o o l
10317 HWY 259 N T h e a t r e D e p a r t m e n t
Central Heights Thespians N a c o g do c h e s , T x 7 5 9 6 5
Phone: 936-552-3420
Fax: 936-560-2016
E - m a i l: m s . c @ c e n t ra lh t s . o r g
Scotland!?! What is the AHSTF?
About Us
Yes! The Central Heights High School
Theatre Department been selected to
perform in the world's largest and most
prestigious arts festival as part of the
American High School Theatre Festival
(AHSTF). Each August, Edinburgh,
Scotland becomes the most magical and
The American High School Theatre
exciting place on
earth as performing
Festival (AHSTF) was developed to
artists from all over help the development of High School
the world come to and College drama professionals. The
Scotland to take festival is designed to complement
The Central Heights Theatre Department is under
part in the high school drama programs and
the direction of Melissa McMillian-Cunningham
Edinburgh Fringe
who has been directing at Central Heights for a allow our nation’s drama students to
Festival. The Fringe
Festival includes total of twenty-one years. The Theatre showcase their skill internationally.
over 1,800 different Department has qualified for U.I.L. Area fifteen
performances of music, theatre, dance, times, Regional eight times, and State twice.
and comedy during the three-week run.
Central Heights High School's Where the spirit
performance will be showcased at the does not work with
AHSTF venue in Edinburgh.
the hand there is
no art.
-Leonardo da Vinci

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