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Form 990-PF aslanar ane may Peano oe Foreal dat yoat 2007, or texyearDeginging Check al that ano tng rouen LT na eur amended tun Te Return of Private Foundation or Section 4947(a)(1) Nonexempt Charitable Trust ‘Treated as a Private Foundation Note: me foundation may be able to use a copy oft retum to satsty state reportng requrements and end 2007 Name chan a ve the as] N28 o!Tounaon [k Employer iteniation umber abe Otewise, [THE JOSEPH M. BRYAN FOUNDATION 56-1548051 Dit || hon anaen PO box hob tnal aoe te aes ‘axwane Jp Telephone number seit P20. BOX 14929 336) 378-5396 Se Scie oro, dat and 7 code Ie cewretenaseinapwana ocnes LI EENSBORO, NC_ 27415 IO 1. Foren organzatons cnecknere BL] H_Gheck ype of organzavon: LX] Section 501(0(3) exempt rate foundation ? Greets constatee® "bel ] Secton4947(a(1 nqnexematetartanetust_[__] ter able pret oundaton Sa 1 Farce ofa tender [J Aszning met: LE} casnL—Joeowal | unrsrson SOToATAN earner PEL {trom Parti co. (), tno 16) CJ otter (specty) IF ifthe foundation sm a 6-month termination, bs 133,520, 461 .\(Part | column lo) must be on cash 6358) Under sachon SDK NG) cece pe) ae aie tego | ST, | Mane | MMe | deme 1 Contnbutins is, qrans, et. recened 124,533, N/A =a 2 crac DeL_] aneartnnnasaes rane 9 3 Mecensenge ae tenooary 124,854. 124,854. \STATEMENT 1 4 Dividends and interest rom secunties [STATEMENT 2 5a Gross rents 8 TATEMENT 3. Dereainconeertes 106,354. TATEMENT 4 12] 88 neta dosnt stm feat to i 10 §| 0 Scewormear "17,010,573. 3) 7 Cottconmnooettan Pt 3 ©! Net short capt gan 8 Income modizatons io Seater 1 case cont rosso Gross prot oss) 41, Ofer income 14,455, 14,455, STATEMENT 5_ $2 Total As ms 1 ough 1 9,957,880.| 8,641,003. 12 Campmenon totes, dre ton 405,337. 20,700. _ [384 637. “4 Oe employer salaries and wages 36,745. 0 36,745. 18. Pension plans, enpioye benetts 36,316. o, 36,316. 8) 160 Leva as STMT 6 73,4141 14,683. 58,731. 8] » accountng fas STMT 7 52,225. 18,927. ane 33,298. 5c onecproessonates STMT 8 360,746.| 360,746. — on S17 inecest 616,922.) : | 59,875. Be toes STMT 9. 69,734, 69,734. oe SB) 10. ceprecaton and episton 771,769 . o> 4/2 ceiney 38,288. 0. 38,288. foo 221 Tel contences, and menos 27,090. 9. 27,090. SE fz2_ Pring and pubteatons Ses otter erponses STMT 10 50,683. o. 50,683. 'G)24 Tota operating and administrative GB _ expenses. aadines 13 trough 23 2,539, 269. 484,790. 725,663. 9125 conirbutions, ats, grants pad 3,959,169. 3,959,169. 26 Total expeses and disbursements z dd nes 24 and 25 6,498,438. __ 484,790. 4,684,832. [2 Subact tw 26 tom ie 12: 2 esc wan co pra nd bso 3,459,442, 1 Net investment income ress, sr -0) 156,213 €.Adsed net income on, ete NA coun, WHA For ivy Actane Papenwon Rasiton At Wot, ee the nase a 990-PF (2007) He . Ne “a9 ACHED Form 90°F (2007) THE JOSEPH M. BRYAN FOUNDATION 56~1548051 Page? [aE Jenance Shoots Seseeancacnceme | Sines ts 2 2 Cash nonsmtarest-bearng 2,713,599.1 3,014, 207| "3,014,207, 2. Savings and temporary cash vestments 6,736, 385.| 4,440,966.| 4,440,966. 3. Accounts recevable ge: Less: allowance for doubt accounts 1,987, 987. 987. 4 Pledges reconable Less: allowance for doubt accounts 5 Grants ecenable 8 Recavables due trom otces, drectors, ruses and other squad parsons 7 omer satan > Less: allowance for doubt accounts 8 invemtaces forsale o use 9. Prepad expenses and deterred chargos 10a lnvesiments- U.S. and state government cbigatons STMT 13 | 4,791,428.[4,939,644.| 5,114,254. » laveermens- corporate stock str 14 [_57,202,029.| 55,753, 566.| 70,711,873. ¢ lnvestments- corporate bonds srw 15 [— 3,523,180.["9,179,905.[ 9,363,282. 11 tmnt aap neonate es azn een > 12 lavestments- mortgage leans 12. vestments - other 8,492,372 75,578. +4 Land bulking, and equement basis azo cnn > 0,346.) 46. 15. Other assets (deserbe STATEMENT 17)|_ 28,895,394. 27,718,968.| 27,718,968. 19 Detered revenue 20 Lomstomotees recs, sos, ctr dente pans 21 Margaes and other noes payable }22. Other tabites (descnde De STATEMENT 18)/ 11,100,000. 10,500,000 2_Total labilties (26d tes 17 trough 22) 11,100,000.| 10,500,000. Not Assets or Fund Balances Lt rota uibities and ne asststun balances 113,154,072.] 114,820,961. ‘Analysis of Changes in Net Assets or Fund Balances Foundations that follow SFAS 117, check here > and complete lines 24 though 26 and ines 0 and 31 24 Unestnted | 101,818,897.| 104,320, 961.1 25 Temporariyrestrctee 235,175. 26 Permanently resincted Foundations that do not follow SFAS 117, check here C_} and complete lines 27 through 31 27 Capa stock, wust principal, o current nds 28. Paid-m or capital surplus, or and, big, and equipment tind 129 Retaned earrings, accurate nears, endowment, or other funds {30 Total net assets or fund balances 102,054,072. 104,320,961. 16_Total asets(1o be completes by al ers) 113,154,072.| 114,820,961.| 133,520,461. 17 Aecouns payable and accrued expenses 18 Grants payle ss “ota et sees or fund balances at Bepenng of yar - Par, column (a) ne 0 (cust gree wih end-of-year igure reported on pir year'sretum) 102,054,072. 3,459,442. 1 Enter amount trom Pat ine 278 2 a (ther moreases not cuded i ie 2 (tema) SEE STATEMENT 11 235,175. ‘Add ines 1,2, and 3 105,748,689. 4 Decreases not nuded mtn 2 (ere) De SEE STATEMENT 12 |s 1,427,728. ‘otal net asetso und balances at end of yor (ne menus tne 5) Part coum), ine 3 104,320,961. Foum 990-PF (2007) Form 990-9¢ 2007) S. FOUNDATION 56-1548051 Paes Part IV |, Capital Gains and Losses for Tax on Investment Income 7 (a) Lisl ang dserbe te kinds of ropry side, estate, TLR AGUAIET | Dat acauved | (6) soa _ story beck warnouse or ammon stock, 200s. MLC Co) Bapwrcnase | mowcasve) | (sey a » __SEE ATTACHED STATEMENTS ‘ [ rs (ey Gross sales pr (depression alowed (a) costar oe bass Gano os) rene (oratowabl) Bhis expense of ale (c}ots (mas (a) » | « e_17,010,573 12,196,413, 5,405,751. Copter assets howng an coun (i ad ed bya oundabon on 6168 (Ss an ms = aaa cf but ot lass ha. 0¢ (eat. eol 20u68 IyAoenesas yess eit a i b . I ri [ e I 5,405,751. 2 Captalganoeticome or oetcatalioes) _{{f0Balsnenix mea une 7 5,405,751. 2 Netsnorerm catalan ar (loss as dened secons 1222) nd (6 | iain, ao ener m Par ne 8, column (6) } (oss, ener -0-m Parte 8 3 N/A [Part V | Qualification Under Section 4940(@) for Reduced Tax on Net Investment ncome (Foc opioral use by domes prvaeoundatons svbpctoesecton 4240(a taxon neinvesinent neon) lsecbon 49402 apps, leave ths part bank ‘Was the foundation lable forthe section 4942 tax onthe dstbutable amount of any year m the base pend? Cores Cal no Yes" the foundation does not quality unde acton 4940), Donat comple ths pat {Erie he poroprate amount each clue foreach ear, te nsvuctons bear making ay eo. 3) ) © ere ao calendar EPO ES nnng ny | Adnsted quality dtrbutons | Netvaue of manchartble-use ase cou ne, eo 2006 6,863,740. 97,179,448. 070630 2008, 8,861,811. 92,794,130. 095500 2004 17,316,086. 94,990, 488. 182293 2003 8,921,976. 101,214,344. 088149 2002 8,006,371. 99,172,075. 080732 2 Totalatine 5, couna (@) 2 517304 4 Average dstibuton ao fr ha Sear base prod - dnd he alone 2by 8, ob he number o years the foundaton hasbeen exten ss than 8 years 4 103461 4 Enter the net va of nonctardable~use assets for 2007 rom Part X, ine § 103,796,364. 5 Mutiply ine 4 by ine 3 10,738,876. Erte 1% of net avestment income (1% of Part ine 270) 6 81,562. 7 Add ines 5 and 6 1 10,820,438. 8 Enter qualfyng distributions trom Pat XI, ne 4 8 4,684,832. une 8 equal to or grater than ine 7, check he Box:n Part Vine to, and complete ha part using a 1% txt Sethe Pat Vinstuctons. Fasavee-s0oe Ferm 990-PF (2007)

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