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Title: Enrollment System

Proponents: Mylene Gonzales Pablo Jocelyn Lorona Magno Justine Ann Mendez Rodriguez Maricar Acosta Bautista

Degree: Computer Science in n!ormation "ec#nology $CS "%

Adviser: &aniel G' (rbanozo


"#is study aims to come up )it# an enrollment system !or a #ig# sc#ool )#ic# also includes in!ormation pertinent data suc# as name* year* section* miscellaneous !ees* etc' "#is system is design !or t#e use o! t#e sta!! to enable t#em to produce in!ormation re+uired by di!!erent people'

"#e system )ill ma,e t#e )or, o! !aculty and sta!! !aster* easier and more compre#ensi-e' "#e Enrollment System )ill also store t#e data o! t#e students suc# as name* section* sc#edule and !ees paid' "#e system )ill allo) t#e printing o! receipts easily'

Conceptual Frame or!

Title: mplementing Success!ul Enrollment System

Success!ul enrollment management depends on in!ormation base t#at is compre#ensi-e targeted and continuously updated to con!orm )it# enrollment policies and to monitor its e!!ecti-eness' nstitutions implementing enrollment programs need to establis# an initial in!ormation in!rastructure' "#is data )ill identi!y areas in need o! !urt#er analysis t#at may suggest policy re-ision' "#is approac# $.% establis#es a compre#ensi-e !rame)or, $/% encourages de-elopment o! enrollment target per!ormance* monitoring system and trac,ing !iles $0% identi!ies areas o! t#e student $1% integrates institutional researc# into enrollment management policy !ormation and $2% promotes continues impro-ement t#roug# t#e data analysis policy cycle'

Scope And "imitations

"#is study aims to de-elop an enrollment system !or t#e sc#ool* t#e study limits on t#e !ollo)ing and !unctions:

Store data o! t#e students $!irst name* last name* middle initial* section and tear le-el%'

Records !ees3 collected and uncollected'

$ nsurance* Red Cross* etc'%

(se o! t#e system is limited to principal and !aculty and sta!! designated to do t#e )or,'

Statement o# t$e Pro%lem

"#is aims to impro-e t#e e!!iciency o! enrollment o! Calaba 4ig# Sc#ool* Calaba* San sidro* 5ue-a Eci6a' Speci!ically* it aims to:

.' &esign a data !lo) diagram o! t#e e7isting system8 /' &e-elop an easy and ad-anced system in preparing !or t#e enrollment and gat#ering student in!ormation )it# speed and accuracy' 0' 9acilitate t#e )or, o! registrar in processing t#e enrollment and personal student in!ormation' 1' Sol-e problems encountered by t#e registrar o! t#e enrollment and personal student in!ormation using Microso!t :isual Basic ;'<'

Input Process Output Diagram Input


and payments'

in!ormation and o! students

E7isting enrollment Student in!ormation Stored

payments )ritten in paper' Proposed enrollment Student in!ormation Stored system' and payments stored o! in database' in!ormation and


payments printed in paper'

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