The Quit India Movement: Keertik Bacon Junior Division Website

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The Quit India Movement

Keertik Bacon Junior Division Website

I chose this topic because of my heritage. I am Indian, and I wanted to learn more about the history of my country. I knew India had been under British rule, and that Gandhi helped India gain its independence. After I did some research, I narrowed the topic down to the Quit India Movement because I learned that this event played a great role in the independence of India. I found a bunch of sources from searching on Google. Although Google provided many links, only a few were related to my topic. I got only one article on World Book

Online. Then I searched on EBSCOhost. I found many good sources there. I also found an old New York Times article related to my topic on ProQuest. In the beginning, I knew that I wanted to present my project on a computer. I am not good at making poster boards or doing performances. So, I decided to make a website. I used the website creator Weebly and I created my site. I included things like maps, documents, and even an interactive timeline. My project hugely relates to the NHD theme, Rights and Responsibilities. When the British took over India, citizens had their rights taken away. They had to protest to get their rights back. Even though people have the right of life, it was taken away from them because they were shot and even bombed. Indians only got their rights back after millions of people were killed fighting for them.

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