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Verb Future Tense Bila menceritakan perbuatan yang akan berlaku, bubuh 'will' atau 'shall' di depan kata

a kerja atau verb. Contoh: I shall bake the cake later. She will sing a song for us soon. They will repair the bicycle for you. Bila mesti kita gunakan will dan bila pula kita gunakan shall? Jawapannya: I shall You will He She It will !e shall will They will Peringatan: verb selepas will shall tidak boleh mempunyai "e# (past tense atau "ing (continuous tense

Practice: Verb Future Tense !. "ill in the blanks with shall will to show the "uture #ense. $ ! %%%%%%%% go soon. & 'ou %%%%%%%%% come, won't you( ) #hey %%%%%%%%%%%% try to help you. * +ena %%%%%%%%%%%%% certainly go. , -y boss %%%%%%%%%% return .rom Bangkok on -onday. / 0e %%%%%%%%%% go to Japan this year. 1 ! %%%%%%%%% lea2e in a .ew days' time. 3 0e %%%%%%%%%%%% know tonight. 4 5e hopes he %%%%%%%%% catch some .ish soon.


#hey %%%%%%%%% .ly home tomorrow.

!!. Put the 2erb in bracket into the .uture tense. $. -y guests %%%%%%%%%% (arri2e soon. &. 'ou %%%%%%%%%%% (help mother in the kitchen later. ). ! %%%%%%%%%%%% (see an old .riend in the a.ternoon. *. #he ship %%%%%%%% (sail in a .ew hours' time. ,. 0e %%%%%%%% (take care o. the baby while you are gone.

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