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Conversation Lesson 2 - Fine Dining: Situation: You are in a fine dining restaurant with your date.

A waiter comes to get your order... Waiter: May I take your order, sir?

You: Yes. The ady !ou d ike the house sa ad as an appetizer, salmon as the main course and a"" e "ie #or dessert. Waiter: You: Waiter: What a$out you, sir? What is the sou" o# the day? Today !e have to%ato sou", sir.

You: Then I !i have to%ato sou" as an a""eti&er, steak as the %ain 'ourse and 'ho'o ate 'ake #or dessert. Waiter: What !ou d you ike to drink, sir? Wou d you ike to ook at our !ine %enu? You: Waiter: (o, thanks. We !i $oth have s"ark ing !ater. Certain y, sir. I) $e $a'k short y !ith your a""eti&ers.

************************* (ote: +s in the e,a%" e a$ove, a gent e%an so%eti%es orders #or his ady 'o%"anion. I# $oth are adies, the !aiter !i address the% as %a)a% -"uan. or %iss -saudari.. /o'a$u ary: +""eti&er -dise$ut ae-"e-tai-&er. 0 %akanan "e%$uka se era Main 'ourse 0 %akanan uta%a Dessert -dise$ut dee-&ert. 0 "e%$asuh %u ut 1a %on -dise$ut sae-%en. 0 se2enis ikan

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