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Diagnostic Training: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine In colla oration !ith the "reat #a$es FASD %egional Training &enter 'resents a (ands-on Training Fe ruary )*+ ,-). at &hildren/s (ospital 0a$land %esearch Institute #earning o 1ectives:
#earn a out prenatal effects and developmental implications Differentiate diagnostic criteria for FASD/s and differential diagnosis2 Develop capacity to diagnose patients across the spectrum

For Whom: 'hysicians+ &linical 'sychologists and 3europsychologists Where: 45-- Martin #uther 6ing 7r2 Way 0a$land+ &A 8.9-8 &ost: This is a free training funded y the &D&2
FASD is a comple:+ neurodevelopmental disa ility that often goes unrecogni;ed2 Many physicians and psychologists !or$ !ith people affected y prenatal alcohol e:posure+ ut they lac$ the training to effectively diagnose and+ thus+ develop appropriate treatment plans for affected individuals and their families2 Fe! agencies or communities offer local FASD training to address these important issues2 This one-day+ hands-on training !ill include !or$ !ith patients2 It addressses the critical need to develop diagnostic capacity for FASD in 3orthern &alifornia2 The trainers+ David Wargo!$si+ M2D2+ and "eorgiana Wilton+ 'h2D2+ are national e:perts in FASD2 Dr2 Wargo!s$i is a medical geneticist and pediatrician in the Dept2 of Family Medicine and 'u lic (ealth at the UW School of Medicine2 (e is the director of the "reat #a$es+ FASD %egional Training &enter2 Dr2 Wilton is a senior research scientist in the Dept2 of Family Medicine and 'u lic (ealth at the UW School of Medicine2 To find out more a out these trainers go to !!!2fasdeducation2org2

&<Us and AMA='%A &ategory ) credits (osted y: FASD 3or&al availa le &ontact: Dr2 6athryn 'age at 5-5-889-5*.9 or $athryn2page>s cglo al2net to sign up or o tain information

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