Diary Entry

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What is a diary entry??

It is a kind of personal document.

It records an individuals account of a

day of his/her life.

How to write a diary entry??


Dear Diary,



June 12, 2013

8:15 pm
Dear Diary,
Today, I had the most wonderful time. I went to meet my friend,
Anita. We hadnt met in a long time so we decided to catch up with
each other over a cup of coffee. It was raining very heavily and as
we walked towards the caf huddled under an umbrella, a strong
gust of wind blew it away! We both were soaked to the bone in a
matter of seconds!

However, we didnt let this stop us from enjoying ourselves. We

sipped on hot coffee while we were drenched, and chatted for over
an hour. It was a lot of fun! I wont ever forget this day.

Write a diary entry for your first

day in the secondary section.

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