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Getting Started with Office 2010 Quick Tip Sheet

File tab Save, Open, Close, Info, Recent, New, Print, Help, Options, Exit

Ribbon each tab has a different set of command buttons in groups

Double click on tab name to collapse ribbon double click again to bring back

Dialog Launcher button bottom right corner of some groups

Brings up familiar dialog with several options to select from

Mini-Toolbar floating palette of formatting commands that appears when you select text.
Move mouse over it to make it solid for use.

Quick Access Toolbar put your favorite commands on a toolbar that is always visible

Click on button at far right of QuickAccess toolbar to add some common commands from a list Click on More Commands to add additional commands or to change the order of commands You can choose to display the Quick Access Toolbar below the ribbon.

Right Mouse Click bring up context sensitive menu of common commands Help Button far right side of ribbon under the X button. Also under File tab. Keyboard Shortcuts these work the same as in Office 2003 and 2007

Common Keyboard Shortcuts for Word 2010

When Ctrl or Alt is part of the shortcut, press and hold that key first then press the next key cited. Several of these shortcuts work in other software packages such as Excel, PowerPoint, and web browsers.

Bold = Ctrl B Center a paragraph = Ctrl E Copy = Ctrl C Cut = Ctrl X Exit = Alt F4 Find = Ctrl F Go to a certain page = Ctrl G (or press F5) Go to beginning of line = Home Go to beginning of document = Ctrl Home Go to end of line = End Go to bottom of last page = Ctrl End Hanging Indent = Ctrl T Help = F1 Italicize = Ctrl I Open = Ctrl O Paste = Ctrl V Print = Ctrl P Print Preview = Ctrl F2 Replace = Ctrl H Right Align paragraph = Ctrl R Save = Ctrl S Save As = F12 Select word = double click on it Select paragraph = triple click in it Select All text in document = Ctrl A Spell Check = F7 Undo = Ctrl Z View Paragraph Formatting = Shift F1 Additional Keyboard Shortcuts for Excel Today's Date = Ctrl ; (semicolon) Current Time = Ctrl : (colon or shift semicolon) Copy contents from cell above = Ctrl ' (apostrophe to the left of enter key)

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