What We Do in Fashion Textiles

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Fashion & Textiles

Fashion Textiles
Pathways: ! Fashion 1 ! Fashion 2 ! Fashion 3 ! Textiles 1 ! Textiles 2

Pathway Studio

Fashion 1 2 & 3
! Drawing and making skills ! Sculptural form, texture and colour related to the body ! Thematic research ! We look outside fashion to inform fashion

Images from end of year show

80% of your time will be based around drawing

You will have an induction in to the Stitch workshop & be encouraged to experiment in 3D garment construction

Fashion can be very conceptual

You will also have inductions into the Print Workshop

All work has to be documented continuously through drawing and photography throughout the Fashion specialism

Fashion is a very competitive specialism, so you will be expected to produce a huge body of work, a large proportion of this will be self directed study

Pathway Studio

Textiles 1 & 2
! Drawing from observation ! Thematic exploration ! Experimental approach ! 2 dimensional image manipulation ! Print, Knit & Weave

As in the Fashion Pathway, inspiration can come from anywhere

In Textiles we encourage you to use a variety of different materials

Outcomes can also be 3 Dimensional installations!

BA Destinations include: ! ! ! ! ! Fashion Menswear Fashion Womenswear Fashion Knit Fashion Print Fashion Marketing

BA Destinations include: ! ! ! ! ! Textile Design (Interior, Industrial or Fashion) Surface Design Textiles for Fashion Fashion Print Fashion Knit


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