Classroom Rules

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Lampman's Classroom Rules

1. Come to class prepared a. Math Folder/Trapper Keeper b. Loose leaf paper c. Pencil w/eraser d. Papers that are due 2. Demonstrate respect for others a. Look for the good in each other b. Treat others as you would like to be treated c. Understand we all have different needs 3. Talk at appropriate times a. Everyone deserves a classroom environment conducive to learning b. Raise your hand to speak during whole class discussions c. Bring a book to read or do a puzzle when you are done early

Name on the board = Warning Name w/one = 1 minute after class Name w/two = 10 minutes in the classroom at the end of lunch Name w/three = Detention and phone call home Name w/four = Sent to the office to see Mrs. Poel

Grading Policies
All assignments are given a point value. Generally the following: o Quizzes/Tests 20 50 pts. o Daily Classwork 5 10 pts. o Homework 5 10 pts. Turning in work late is frowned upon. You will be marked down 10% if it is turned in one day late. After one day, it will be marked down 50%. Some assignments may be redone if you did poorly on them and need more practice for understanding. Ask Mrs. Lampman if you would like to redo an assignment. Do your best to be in school every day. If you miss a day, it is your responsibility to see Mrs. Lampman about missing instruction and assignments. You will have one day for each day you were absent in order to turn in work. Extra credit work is not normally given. If an opportunity for extra credit arises, it will be offered to everyone, but in general, do not count on it.

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