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In this unit I did the design of the perfum, also I made the shape of the perfum. I think that I cab make a better job with my Works but like all time a left the work at last time.

What I do in this unit?

8 -B


December 3, 2013

First thing that I made

First cosme and I investigated about the stereotypes of Mexico, an we looked that were bad the stereotpes and we want to change that creating a perfum with the container. Then we checked differents aromas to do the liquid adn also we made three differents shapes to do the container.

Design Briefs of Containers

With the three shapes to do the container we had to ask 10 differents persons to evaluated our design brief, then the design tha had more votes is the design that I made. That its like a shot of tequila. Then with the final design we had to draw: Front View, Side View, Back View and Air View.

Container in 3D
Then I had to make the container and the box in 3D, I made with fomi, the top was maded also with fomi and it was designed like 1/4 of lemon. The box I wanted to be circular and I cut the top of a bottle of water, then I covered with fomi and made the top with fomi and that is how I made the container.

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