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Unit #2

I learned that we have to accept and combine our Pie de imagen o grfico. ideas because if we do so, we can get high results. We have to copperate and help in the process of all the Project as equal.

In this unit, our Project was a perfume, it was fun for me and my pair, but we also had a lot of difficulties, fights because of the design and some fails in the models.

I also learned how to create an essence of a perfume, how to be creative, and learn about mexican culture.


Samantha Montero Rodriguez

I learned what other countries, people think about our culture, according to what I investigated we are disrimminated, catalogized and

My Perfume Theme Our theme was Mexican cultura but principally the capital city of our country, which is modern.

I also learned how to create an essence of a perfume, how to be creative, and learn about mexican culture. What people knows the best from us, what represents us in other places.

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