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Real Application Cluster Architecture OCR and Voting Disk

Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR)

If you create more than one database on the cluster, they all share the same Oracle cluster registry. If you are
upgrading from Oracle9i Release 2, then you can continue using the raw device that you used for the SRVM
configuration repository instead of creating this new logical volume.

Voting Disk

Voting Disk File is a file on the shared cluster system or a shared raw device file. Voting disk is akin to the
quorum disk, which helps to avoid the split-brain syndrome.

ORACLE_HOME Files (Oracle Binaries)

Typically, every instance in the RAC database system will have its own ORACLE HOME and a set of
exclusive binaries. However, the Oracle Binaries are located either on a local file system or on a clustered file
system. Locating the Oracle Home (Binaries) on a clustered file system provides easier management by
keeping a single copy of Oracle Home supporting all the instances.

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