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Tasks: 1. Create your letter of presentation.

In this section you need to include: - Names - Your picture - Information about your class and language you are learning. - Write a paragraph about what the topics and things you will learn in your class (from textbook). - Write a paragraph about how and why you would like to use Spanish now and in the future.

My Spanish Level
Beginner Escuchar Basic 1 Basic 2 Intermediate 1 Intermediate 2


Conversar Spoken Escribir

Interaction Writing


Spoken production
2. Create your learning record.

I CAN 1 Count and use big numbers Ask questions to my teacher in class Talk about my daily activities Ask for explanations if I do not understand Say how I feel Spell words that are familiar to me Describe myself and people I know Answer to questions about my preferences


3. Create your Spanish Album.

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