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Client Case Study

Yoosk Public Engagement Platform

April 2009 and London plays host to the G20 Summit. Prior to the summit the
FCO set up this site to act as a hub to bring together news and information about
the event: Two of the aims for the site were for it to
be, ‘A respected platform for discussion and debate,’ and for the site to be seen as ‘a best-in-class
example of digital engagement.’

FCO’s needs:
4. Obtain agreement from Govt Ministers to be
1. Generate interest and debate prior to the involved:
summit around the issues to be discussed at the
summit. David Miliband Lord Mandelson

2. Reach a wider audience than would normally Hazel Blears James Purnell
visit the FCO website.
5: Edit the content into 55 ‘bite-size’ clips and
3. Involve respected commentators from outside publish to YouTube:
the Government on the topics to be discussed at
the summit.

4. Provide a platform where Govt representatives

can communicate directly with the public.

5. Publish the resulting content in an easily-ac-

cessible format.
Solution: Results:

1.Set up a summit specific site cloned from 53,513 visits to the site. which FCO summit site can link to:
491 questions posted on the site.

53 answers from public figures.

4,416 views on YouTube.

2. Invite partnerships from other websites, for
example To watch a montage of answers from yoosk in-
terview subjects from the London Summit, click
the box below:

3. Approach various public figures from outside

government and elicit their agreement to be in-
Theo Paphitis Matthew Taylor
Entrepreneur CEO RSA

Barbara Stocking Brendan Barber

CEO Oxfam TUC Gen Secretary

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