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DPMO - defects per million opportunities 6 0.00034 5 0.023 4 0.62 3 6.

7 2 31

1. first goal of the Six Sigma Methodology is to discover all of the problems within an organization that may or may not be apparent through research and data collection 2. next step is to take appropriate action to reduce the number of errors and reworks which are known to cost time, opportunities, money and clients CF Gauss Normal curve Walter Shewhart 3 sigma 1920s The goal is to turn production into a process that uses statistics, solutions, and data to solve problems instead of using the trial and error method. Motorola has stated that it is a management system, a metric system, and a methodology PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control) DMADV (Define, Measure, Analyze, Design and Verify) The Green Belt has two primary tasks: first, to help successfully deploy Six Sigma techniques, and second, to lead small-scale improvement projects within their respective areas. The Six Sigma principle is such that an idealized and perfected product base with less standard deviations from perfect will increase the bottom line for the company overall.

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