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第六课 马飞先生是中国人吗?
一、生字和生词 New zi and zi-groups
1. 先(xiān) in advance; first; earlier
2. 生(shēng) pupil; student; be born; give birth to
先生(xiānsheng) teacher; Mister; gentleman; sir
马先生 Mr. Ma
马飞先生 Mr. Ma Fei
3. 是(shì) be; yes
4. 中(zhōng) middle; center
5. 国(guó) country; nation; state
中国 China
中国人 Chinese(people)
6. 会(huì) know(how to do sth.); can; be able to; be good at

7. 说(shuō) speak; say; talk

会说 can speak
8. 汉(hàn) (Hàn) Chinese Han nationality
9. 语(yǔ) language; word; say; speak
Hanyu (the Han language; Chinese language)
10. 不(bù) no
不是 be not
是不是 yes or no
can not(do sth.); not know (how to do sth.)
也不会 also can not(do sth.)
会不会 whether know(how to do)
不好 be not good
好不好 be good or not
11. 英(yīng) petal; Ying(short for U.K.)
英语 English(language)
英国 Britain
英国人 the British
12. 小(xiǎo) be small; be little; be young
小儿子 younger or the youngest son
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Learn Chinese faster, speak Chinese better, and write Chinese characters easier!


二、补充生词 Supplementary zi-groups

1. 小人 a small man; mean person
2. 小说 novel; fiction
3. 国家 country
4. 本国 one’s own country
5. 两国 two countries
6. 八国 eight countries
7. 爸爸 father
8. 妈妈 mother

2 © SunnyChinese.Co., Ltd.

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