Intro To Self Essay

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Intro to Self Essay

Jessie Dillon September 14, 2013 Foundations of Education

Would you li e to !i"e bac #$at a sc$ool $as !i"en you% I #ould lo"e to !i"e bac to t$e sc$ools #$at t$ey !a"e me& I reali'ed at a fairly youn! a!e t$at I lo"ed #or in! #it$ ids specifically ids #it$ special needs& I("e al#ays t$ou!$t of it as a c$allen!e because you $a"e to find different #ays for t$ese ids to learn ot$er t$en t$e traditional #ays& In t$e fallo#in! para!rap$s I #ill !i"e some bac !round of myself, #$y I(m interested in becomin! a teac$er, #$ere I #ould li e to teac$, and $o# I see myself teac$in! in a multicultural teac$in! and learnin! en"ironment& I(m !oin! to start by tellin! you a little about myself& I("e been around c$ildren my #$ole life I #as t$e first !randc$ild born #it$ nineteen fallo#in! me& )$e summer of my ei!$t$ !rade year I started babysittin! for t$e *on! family& I continued to babysit for t$em for fi"e years and for one summer li"ed #it$ t$em to be t$e ids li"e in nanny& I also babysat t$ree c$ildren for t#o years for t$e +ieman(s& I("e al#ays en,oyed #or in! #it$ youn!er c$ildren I find t$em to be more interested in t$e t$in!s t$at !o on around t$em& )$ey as a lot of -uestions suc$ as .W$y%/, .W$at does t$is do%/, and .W$at #ill $appen if I do t$is%/ to me t$ese -uestions s$o# me t$at youn!er ids no# #$at(s !oin! on around t$em t$ey ,ust don(t understand t$e #$y -uite yet& )$e fact t$at t$ey are so innocent about life ,ust ma es it easier to $elp t$em !ro# and become ama'in! people& I belie"e t$at elementary is t$e most important and crucial time in a c$ild(s life because at t$is a!e t$ey are still learnin! t$e difference bet#een ri!$t and #ron! and t$ey don(t yet understand #$y t$ey can(t do certain t$in!s& )$is idea of mine #as only solidified #$en I #as t$e 0re1sc$ool student aid t$e ids #ould do t$in!s t$at I ne# #as #ron!, but t$ey didn(t understand #$y it #as #ron! and you $ad to e2plain it to t$em& 3ll of t$is really accumulates to #$y I #ant to be a teac$er in t$e first place&

I #ant a c$ance to $elp educate elementary students& In all t$irteen years of my sc$oolin! t$e most memorable teac$ers I $ad #as 4rs& 5ores and 4rs& 6ady t$ey bot$ #$ere "ery ener!etic and fun and t$eir lessons really stuc out to me& 4rs& 5ores s$e too us up to 5illette and #e #ent to t$e coal mine up t$ere and t$en #e #ent bo#lin! and ate pi''a it #as a lot of fun and 4rs& 6ady really didn(t li e usin! mat$ boo s s$e preferred to use real life e2amples of $o# t$is applied to real life& I belie"e t$at sc$ools need more teac$ers li e t$is #$o !i"e you $ands on and real life& Since I(d li e to be #or in! #it$ special education students I feel t$at t$ese t#o t$in!s are "ery important because special education isn(t ,ust do#n syndrome and autism, but it(s also e2panded to 3DD, dysle2ia, and many ot$ers #$ere $ands on really $elps alon! #it$ t$e real #orld application& We $ear -uite fre-uently older c$ildren as in! #$ere t$ey #ill use t$is and I feel t$at if #e address t$is at a youn!er a!e t$ey #ill really understand #$y it(s important and #$y t$ey need to learn t$ese t$in!s& 3t S$os$oni 7i!$ sc$ool t$ey $a"e a #onderful special education pro!ram and someday I #ould lo"e to !o bac to t$at sc$ool and !i"e bac to t$e sc$ool #$at it !a"e me& S$os$oni may be a small sc$ool, but I t$in t$at(s t$e c$arm of it I li e t$e small teac$er to student ratio and t$e en"ironment t$at t$e sc$ool !i"es off& I en,oy $o# you feel t$at you can tal to any teac$er about anyt$in!& S$os$oni ,ust !a"e me so muc$ support and $elp in ma in! my decision to be a teac$er and in #antin! my !rades to be $i!$ enou!$ to !et into colle!e& I #ant to !i"e bac #$at t$ey !a"e to me8 an education, friends$ip, understandin!, and a place t$at I ne# t$at someone #as al#ays t$ere to ans#er a -uestion or !i"e me $elp on a problem& I("e been in a lot of sc$ools #$ere after a certain time t$ey #eren(t really t$ere to $elp and I #ant to be in a !ood #or in! en"ironment& W$ic$ S$os$oni does $a"e, your co#or ers are al#ays ready to $elp you and if you can(t !et a sub for t$e day anot$er teac$er #ill ta e your ids and #atc$

t$em for you& I also en,oyed t$e multicultural en"ironment t$at #e $ad it #asn(t "ery bi! but t$ere #as one& W$ic$ also ma es me reali'e t$at as a special education teac$er I #ill be in"ol"ed #it$ teac$in! t$ese students as #ell& I belie"e t$at #or in! in a multicultural en"ironment #ill be fun, yet pose a c$allen!e& I spea a little spanis$, but not$in! fancy& )$is s$o#s t$at it #on(t be easy, but as lon! as I #or $ard and learn I can do better& )$at(s #$at I #ill lo"e about teac$in! in t$is ne# en"ironment I can !o to sc$ool and learn somet$in! ne# e"eryday ,ust li e t$e students& For e2ample many particular cultural !roups ac-uire uni-ue be$a"ior, lan!ua!e, and learnin! patterns 9)ra#ic 1 Smit$, J& 91::;<& Early c$ild$ood de"elopment& 9p& 13<& =e# Jersey8 0rentice17all,Inc&< #$ic$ I find "ery interestin! t$at e"en t$ou!$ #e are all "ery similar #e de"elop differently in e"ery culture& 4ore of our sc$ool systems are startin! to become more multicultural t$en sc$ools in t$e past suc$ as in 1:40 t$e forei!n1born population increased by 40> 96$is$olm, I& 4& 91::4<& 0reparin! teac$ers for muliticultural classrooms and in 1:?? o"er 1@> of t$e population in sc$ools #$ere 3frican13merican 9Aol& 14, pp& 431@?<& +etrie"ed from $ttp8BB###&edtec$policy&or!B3rc$i"edWebsitesBc$is$olm&$tm< and t$ey $a"e increased since t$en t$e population of forei!n1born students is 2?&:> 96enter for Immi!rationStudies, 92012<& Immi!rants in t$e united states8 3 profile of americaCs forei!n1born population& +etrie"ed from #ebsite8 $ttp8BB###&cis&or!BnodeB3?;;<& So as one can see #e are li"in! in a #orld #$ere no matter #$ere one teac$es it #ill be a multicultural en"ironment& I stron!ly belie"e t$at can ma e it in t$is #orld as a teac$er for e"ery reason I $a"e !i"en in t$is paper& We no# t$at I $a"e plenty of e2perience #it$ ids because I !re# up #it$ nineteen youn!er ids in my family, I("e been a lon! term babysitter for t#o different families, and I #as a pre1sc$ool student aid& I #ant to be able to #or #it$ students #$o #ill eep me on my toes

and #$o #ill $elp me to reali'e ,ust $o# muc$ I $a"e to eep learnin!& I #ant to $elp special needs ids by applyin! #$at t$ey learn to t$e real #orld as #ell as !i"e t$em $ands on acti"ities so t$at t$ey are $a"in! fun #$ile t$ey are learnin!& I #ant to #or in my old sc$ool because of t$e student to teac$er ratio and for t$e en"ironment& I also belie"e t$at #or in! in a multicultural en"ironment #ill brin! re#ards as #ell as c$allen!es& I no# t$at as an elementary special education teac$er I #ill al#ays continue to learn because none of t$e ids I #ill be teac$in! #ill learn t$e same #ay and for t$ose reasons I belie"e t$at I #ould ma e a "ery professional and fun teac$er to add to t$e sc$ool district&

96enter for Immi!rationStudies, 92012<& Immi!rants in t$e united states8 3 profile of americaCs forei!n1born population& +etrie"ed from #ebsite8 $ttp8BB###&cis&or!BnodeB3?;;<&

96$is$olm, I& 4& 91::4<& 0reparin! teac$ers for muliticultural classrooms and in 1:?? o"er 1@> of t$e population in sc$ools #$ere 3frican13merican 9Aol& 14, pp& 431@?<& +etrie"ed from $ttp8BB###&edtec$policy&or!B3rc$i"edWebsitesBc$is$olm&$tm<

9)ra#ic 1Smit$, J& 91::;<& Early c$ild$ood de"elopment& 9p& 13<& =e# Jersey8 0rentice1 7all,Inc&<

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