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Lawrence Bolokoski


Grade/Subject: Seven/Drama

Unit: Mime

Lesson Duration: 50 min ASSESSMENTS

(Observations, Key Questions, Products/Performances)

(2-3, clear, and measurable)

17. Usemovementto communicatenonverbally 19. Translatesounds, words,imagesand emotionsinto movement

Studentswill: Rehearse and Perform a short mime that demonstrates the use of stereotype to communicate.

Performance:Studentswill assesseachotherin rehearsal,and I will assess their performance.I am lookingfor their ability to use stereotypeto clearlytell a story Exit slip (SeeClosure)

Resource #1: Alberta Education Jr. High Drama, Teacher Resource Manual Resource #2:

Advanceorganizeron the whiteboard QOTDon the Whiteboard Slipsof Paperfor the exit-slip Write Exit slip questionson the whiteboard

Introduction- Focusing(10 min.): Attention Grabber: - Attendance/QOTD (What is something that you do everyday?) Assessment of rior !no"#edge: - $ave students reca## the mime s%i##s they have a#ready #earned - These shou#d inc#ude: &ontrast' &ontact' &onsistency' (e#ease' and )ocus (We have mentioned stereo ty*e before) +,*ectations for -earning and .ehavior: - /tudents are e,*ected to continue *racticing their focus' and ta%ing ris%s into trying ne" things0 - Try %ee*ing students engaged by driving the #esson at a## times Advance Organi1er/Agenda: - /tereoty*e - Atom - /tereoty*e 2ime Transition to .ody: have students create an audience at the b#ac% board Body- Exploration(30 min.): Learning Activity #1: Atom (10 min) 1) Have students review what a stereotype is: A standard conventional image, or a clich !) "#plain that we can have stereotypes $or o%&ects, characters, emotions and settings ') As( students to identi$y a stereotype $or each category )) *eview Atom rules +) "#plain that students will need to act out stereotypes as teacher calls them out ,) -ome ideas: -ad, Hero, .al(ing in water etc /) 0ry to use stereotypes $rom all the di$$erent possi%ilities

Lawrence Bolokoski


Assessments/Differentiation: Observe students ta%ing ris%s3 if students sim*#y "ait for someone e#se and then co*y their *erformance add a ru#e "here they can4t #oo% at each other "hi#e they "a#% around0 5t4s im*ortant that students begin to act s*ontaneous#y on their o"n0 2otivation: A game is a great "ay to have students #et go of inhibitions and to begin the e,*#oration *rocess0

Learning Activity #!: 1reate a -tereotype mime (10 min) 1) 2n the %oard write the re3uirements o$ the mime as you descri%e it !) -tudents need to create a mime that demonstrates three stereotypes: 1 o%&ect, 1 emotion, 1 character ') "#plain that students will have 10 minutes to create their mime )) -et the time on the %oard +) Have students recall previously learned s(ills (see a%ove) and remind them that they need to %e aware o$ them and not lose the wor( they have already done
Assessments/Differentiation: .e free to circu#ate the room and offer assistance to students0 Watch for students "ho may be rushing0 $e#* them to s#o" do"n and rea##y e,*#ore the stereoty*e0 2otivation: /tudents "i## have a chance to bui#d on their *revious %no"#edge and *erformance in mime by adding another #ayer of *erformance0

Learning Activity #': *ehearse and 4er$orm -tereotype 5ime (10 min) 1) 6n groups o$ ! or ' have students rehearse $or each other !) Have students give each other $eed%ac( $or adding clarity ') 7rea( the class into three groups o$ )8+ students )) Have one group per$orm at a time9 instruct students to pic( one person to watch and not to change who they are watching +) A$ter each per$ormance select a couple students to identi$y who they were watching and give them a star or a wish
Assessments/Differentiation: 5 am #oo%ing for gro"th from their #ast *erformance0 5 "ant to see the same s%i##s they have a#ready demonstrated' "ith the added c#arity that stereoty*es add to mime0 5 am a#so #oo%ing for gro"th in the area of energy and focus in *erformance0 2otivation: erformance for *eers' "hi#e on#y being direct#y vie"ed by a fe" of their *eers a##o"s for gro"th in ris% ta%ing' "hi#e sti## giving energy to im*roving s%i##s a#ready #earned0

Closure Reflection(10 min.): &onso#idation/Assessment of -earning: - +,it /#i*: - 60 What is a stereoty*e? - 70 -ist t"o "ays to use stereoty*e in mime - 80 Describe ho" you used stereoty*e in your *erformance today )eedbac% )rom /tudents: - Thumbs u* assessment: Do you thin% you are getting comfortab#e "ith mime: u* 9 &onfident' 5 remember the s%i##s every time' side"ays 9 5 %no" the s%i##s' but 5 sti## forget sometimes' do"n 9 5 don4t %no" the s%i##s )eedbac% To /tudents: - Ta#% to the students about the effort that they are giving and ho" they can give more effort in the future Transition To :e,t -esson: We "i## be ta#%ing about the )ina# 2ime *erformance' and beginning that *rocess0

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