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Depression in the Christian Church Ale a Ho!!"an Capstone Research Paper Co""unication Senior Se"inar 11 Dece"#er $%1&


Introduction According to #iologist and neurologist Ro#ert Sapols'( )$%%*+, depression is a -genetic.neuroche"ical disorder re/uiring a strong en0iron"ental trigger 1hose characteristic "ani!estation is an ina#ilit( to appreciate sunsets2 )p3 $4$+3 5hile he po'es !un at the su#6ect, he also touches on the seriousness o! the issue: a #iological hindrance that can pre0ent one !ro" en6o(ing li!e3 A person 1ith depression "a( atte"pt to co""it suicide7 the( "a( lose their 6o#s, alienate the"sel0es !ro" !a"il( "e"#ers, or distance the"sel0es !ro" other social connections #ecause the( cannot e0en get out o! #ed )Sapols'(, $%%*+3 The( also "a( ha0e a histor( o! hospitali8ations or re/uire long9ter" treat"ent in0ol0ing reha#ilitation and the need !or other support ):angar#er9Hic's, $%%*+3 People 1ith depression are o!ten 0ie1ed as la8(3 Sapols'( )$%%*+ "aintains that, ;an( o! us tend to thin' o! depressi0es as people 1ho get the sa"e e0er(da( #lahs as (ou and I, #ut that !or the" it 6ust spirals out o! control3 5e "a( also ha0e the sense, 1hispered out o! earshot, that these are people 1ho 6ust can<t handle nor"al ups and do1ns, 1ho are indulging the"sel0es3 )5h( can<t the( 6ust get the"sel0es together=+ A "a6or depression, ho1e0er, is as real a disease as dia#etes )p3 $4>+3 ?i'e other diseases, depression i"pacts 0arious areas o! li!e, such as dail( acti0ities, !unctioning in social settings, per!or"ance at 1or', and acti0ities outside o! 1or' ):angar#er9Hic's, $%%*+3 Esti"ated to #e the second leading cause o! "edical disa#ilit( in the 1orld #( $%$%, depression a!!ects people o! all di!!erent stages and paths o! li!e )Sapols'(, $%%*+3 The Christian co""unit( is not !ree !ro" #attles 1ith depression3 Ho1e0er, religion and spiritualit( are t(picall( associated 1ith less s("pto"s o! depression and a lo1er ris' o! suicide )Hall, $%%*+3 Those su!!ering !ro" se0ere "ental illnesses ha0e #een a#le to #egin the reco0er( process through -participation in "eaning!ul acti0ities, reintegration into societal roles, e"po1er"ent, spiritualit(, presence o! satis!(ing relationships, and !inancial sta#ilit(2 ):angar#er9Hic's, $%%*, p3 &$+3 E0en so, "ental illness "ani!ests itsel! in "an( people 1ithin the Christian church, and di!!erent church deno"inations approach the issue o! depression in 0arious 1a(s3 Pentecostal Christians 0ie1 an iet(, 1orr(, and depression as 1or's o! the de0il and as a re!lection o! one<s sin in his or her li!e3 De0oted 1orshipers should e perience 6o(, happiness, and peace3 Those 1ho are su!!ering or sic' are taught to rel( onl( on @od !or healing, con!essing their sins and re"aining !aith!ul3 ;edications to co"#at depression are 0ie1ed criticall(, as is outside help !ro" ps(chiatric pro!essionals3 Pentecostals< a0ersion to see'ing help accounts !or higher rates o! A9"onth and li!eti"e rates o! depression and an iet( disorders in Ba#( Boo"ers than in Protestants o! the sa"e age )Trice C B6orc', $%%A+3 A stud( e a"ining Pentecostal opinions on the causes and cures o! depression led to the disco0er( that spiritual !ailure 1as not seen as the "ain cause o! depression, #ut still a cause nonetheless3 De"onic oppression or possession 1as seen as a "ore li'el( cause3 The( considered Bi#le reading and !aith practices )li'e con!essing one<s sins, !asting, pra(er, and Scripture "e"ori8ation+ as the "ost e!!ecti0e 1a(s to treat depression3 Their responses sho1ed that the( 1ere not sure 1hether or not ps(chotherap( and antidepressant "edication 1ere e!!ecti0e "ethods o! treat"ent )Trice C B6orc', $%%A+3 5ithin the Protestant Christian co""unit(, due to a percei0ed lac' o! "utual 0alues #et1een clerg( and "ental health pro!essionals, the t1o do not trust one another3 Pastors "a( !eel that ps(chologists do not ha0e the "oral center necessar( to deal 1ith a "ental illness such as depression, and #elie0e that the( do not gi0e enough credit to the positi0e role o! religious



esta#lish"ents in o0erco"ing "ental health issues3 5ithin the church co""unit(, the( ha0e de0eloped a sort o! #i#lical counseling "odel 1ith a spiritual #asis to co"#at "ental disorders )Stan!ord C Philpott, $%11+3 In a stud( o! clerg( in Baptist congregations, ;atthe1 Stan!ord and Da0id Philpott )$%11+ !ound that 1hile "ost o! the respondents had a high le0el o! education, their 'no1ledge o! "ental illness 1as onl( "oderate3 Also, i! the( could not pro0ide satis!actor( help 1ithin their church, the( 1ere "uch "ore li'el( to re!er congregants 1ith "ental illnesses to pro!essionals 1ho 1ere Christians3 These pastors 0ie1ed spiritual characteristics such as de"onic oppression, sin, and lac' o! !aith as the "ain causes !or "ental disorders3 Ps(chosocial cases li'e social pressure and inconsistent parenting !ollo1ed, and #iological causes such as genes or che"ical i"#alances in the #rain 1ere the s"allest !actors in predicting a "ental disorder3 ?ucille ;arr )$%11+ per!or"ed a stud( on the Brethren in Christ Church<s reaction to the suicide o! a pro"inent 1o"an in the church co""unit(3 ?ucille ?ad( had a long !a"il( histor( o! in0ol0e"ent in the church, and she stood #( her hus#and 1ho held responsi#ilities as a pastor, a college pro!essor and president, an e0angelist, a #ishop and a "issionar(, helping hi" in each o! those capacities3 A!ter struggling 1ith depression !or !i!teen (ears and see'ing the help o! "edical pro!essionals, ?ad( co""itted suicide3 It 1as a di!!icult situation !or those in her li!e due to the pre0iousl( accepted understanding that co""itting suicide re/uired #rea'ing one o! the Ten Co""and"ents3 The Brethren in Christ deno"inational ne1sletters distri#uted throughout the countr( had not tal'ed "uch at all a#out "ental illness or depression prior to ?ad(<s death3 Dollo1ing, ho1e0er, there 1ere articles pu#lished discussing the s("pto"s, 1hat should #e done #( church leaders to help those 1ho are su!!ering, and 1hat those in the church could do to o!!er support );arr, $%11+3 One challenge to the congregation addressed the issue in this 1a(: 5here in the Bi#le does it sa( that people #orn o! the Spirit ha0e total i""unit(= Are people challenged 1ith -spiritual #attles,2 anger, "enopausal hor"ones, resent"entsE necessaril( in a 1rong relationship 1ith @od= EThe #attle ground o! inner struggle is one place 1here 1e can learn o! @od<s grace and po1er );arr, $%11, p3 1$F+3 The goal o! distri#uting these literar( pieces to church "e"#ers 1as to re"ind the" that Gesus taught and used #ro'en people, and can still do the sa"e toda( );arr, $%11+3 Since there is no singular interpretation o! ho1 Christians 0ie1 "ental illness, 1hat does this "ean !or Christians 1ho struggle 1ith depression= It is possi#le that religious teachings 1ill identi!( one solution, #ut one<s e perience "a( tell a di!!erent stor(3 Through personal inter0ie1s 1ith Christians 1ho ha0e depression, I desired to co"e to understand ho1 Christians 1ith depression "a'e sense o! their condition, and ho1 do the( do so speci!icall( 1ithin the #ounds o! Christianit(3 Method Si Christian 1o"en 1ere recruited to participate in this /ualitati0e stud(3 The s"all nu"#er o! participants allo1ed !or each case to stand indi0iduall(, #ut also represent the group as a 1hole )Cole"an, $%%H+3 Participants< ages ranged !ro" $1 to 443 Recruited inter0ie1ees reside in 0arious parts o! the state o! Penns(l0ania3 Di0e o! the si participants 1ere Caucasian7 the re"aining participant identi!ied hersel! as other3 T1o o! the 1o"en associated 1ith the Brethren in Christ deno"ination, one 1ith Bi#le Dello1ship Church, and three did not associate 1ith an( deno"ination3 The inter0ie1s 1ere conducted either 0ia telephone or e"ail3 Correspondence !or the stud( too' place #et1een No0e"#er and Dece"#er $%1&3 In these structured inter0ie1s, each


participant 1as as'ed the sa"e /uestions, and the sa"e !ollo1 up /uestions 1ere used !or clari!ication )Berger, $%1*+3 The /uestions co"prising the inter0ie1 !ocused on each participant<s e perience 1ith depression, and her e perience 1ith depression in the conte t o! the Christian church3 Each inter0ie1 1as coded to e a"ine co""on the"es a"ong respondents )Berger, $%1*7 Cole"an, $%%H+3 The participants< na"es ha0e #een e cluded !or reasons o! pri0ac(, and each 1ill #e re!erred to #( a di!!erent na"e throughout the re"ainder o! the stud( )Cole"an, $%%H+3 Results The results o! this stud( are deri0ed !ro" the responses o! the participating 1o"en3 Each 1o"an<s stor( adds to the understanding o! ho1 the Christian Church operates in regards to con0ersations a#out depression and "ental illness3 Participants Interpretation of Depression 5hen as'ed ho1 she 1ould descri#e depression, each participant understood depression di!!erentl(, though all e plained it as a hindrance on e0er( da( li!e3 T1o the"es stood out in the responses3 Either the 1o"en !elt that depression 'ept the" !ro" #eing at peace, or it le!t the" 1ith a lac' o! caring or e"otion3 Beth descri#ed depression as, No di!!erent than so"eone needing to 1ear glasses or a hearing aid3 A literal 1eight around "( nec'7 a !og that I couldn<t see" to #rea' through7 a hea0( 1ool #lan'et that 1as 1rapped too snugl( around "e7 a perspecti0e that 'ept "e !ro" -#eing2 in the "o"entE A to ic "old o! "( soul3 She sa1 depression as so"ething that restricted her3 Ganelle also !ound that depression 'ept her !ro" !ocusing and #eing at peace due to the acco"pan(ing an iet(3 Nicole descri#ed her e perience 1ith depression as, -the !eeling o! not reall( caring and not ha0ing the energ( to care3 ;ore o! a lac' o! !eeling32 Si"ilarl(, Gulia descri#es depression as, -1hen (ou lose (our energ( and dri0e to do 1hat (ou nor"all( do, and it o!ten in0ol0es isolating (oursel! #ecause (ou !eel despair and are a!raid to share that 1ith so"eone else32 5hat Gulia descri#es is consistent 1ith a characteristic o! depression 'no1n as anhedonia, or the ina#ilit( to e perience pleasure3 This can then lead to guilt and despair !or not #eing a#le to en6o( li!e<s e periences )Sapols'(, $%%*+3 This is apparent in the e periences o! Beth, Gulia, @loria, and Nicole3 Participants Experience in the Church The participants 1ere as'ed to descri#e ho1 depression had #een addressed or spo'en a#out in their e periences at church3 Di0e o! the si said that it 1as not tal'ed a#out at all3 In Gulia<s e perience, 1hat she learned a#out depression in church 1as that, i! she 1ould pra( "ore, she 1ould get #etter and 1ould not need to rel( on antidepressant "edications3 5hen as'ed ho1 other Christians as a 1hole ha0e responded to learning a#out the participants< depression, the resounding the"e o! the responses 1as that people either as'ed to pra( !or the" or told the" the( needed to pra( a#out it "ore3 Elise e perienced the Christian Church<s disappro0al in this 1a(: Dro" a Christian perspecti0e, depression is "ore o! a spiritual #attleE so"e Christians ha0e approached "e dealing 1ith depression in a lo0ing 1a( and others ha0e approached it in a -the( need to !i "e2 1a( as i! I 1as sic' and not 1al'ing in the ?ord3 Beth 1as told si"ilar things #( Christian !a"il( "e"#ers 1ho said it 1as all in her head and that she needed to de0elop a stronger !aith and reliance on @od3 So"e o! the 1o"en e pressed !rustration3 ;e"#ers o! Ganelle<s church told her that she should not use "edication to co"#at her depression, and needed to rel( !ull( on @od3 The( all



!ound it di!!icult to share their struggles 1ith other Christians !or !ear o! #eing 6udged3 Participants Desire for Change All si 1o"en 1ished that the( could help others to understand depression, co"#atting the ignorance a#out "ental illness in our societ(3 @loria e plained that she 1ished other Christians understood that depression is -a ph(sical "alad(, onl( a!!ecting a di!!erent area o! our #eingE Depression is to the "ind 1hat other illnesses are to the #od(32 Gulia e pressed that she 1ants other Christians to co"e to understand that, Depression is caused #( so "an( !actors, and one o! those 'e( !actors is the #iolog( o! our #odies3 Part o! 1h( I struggled so "uch 1as that "( serotonin le0els had dropped too lo1, and no a"ount o! tr(ing to sha'e "(sel! out o! it 1ould get rid o! the depression3 @etting through depression ta'es a "i ture o! ne1 choices and thin'ing ha#its as 1ell as changing so"e #od( che"istr( through "edication3 ;( depression isn<t a re!lection on ho1 -Christian2 I a"3 Beth<s e perience 1as 0er( si"ilar, and she 1ishes other Christians could see that, It is not a -cold2 that 1ill go a1a( 1ith ti"e or #( -1ishing it so32 It is not caused #( -lac' o! !aithE2 The( cannot !i it !or (ou3 It can #e an ongoing struggle3 I! the( 1ant to help, then listen I do not o!!er ad0ice unless it is as'ed !or3 All participants !eel 6udged or less i"portant #( the 1a( the Christian church tal's a#out depression and desire so"e sort o! change3 This the"e o! change 1as suggested through a desire #( all participating 1o"en that the church 1ould si"pl( tal' "ore a#out depression3 Gulia<s "oti0ation !or discussing it "ore is to do a1a( 1ith the stig"a that co"es 1ith "ental illness3 Stig"a has pla(ed a role in intensi!(ing the pain e perienced #( North A"ericans 1ho struggle 1ith depression and other "ental illnesses );arr, $%11+3 Nicole 1ished that the church 1ould, Allo1 there to #e open dialogue a#out JdepressionK3 5ith it #eing hidden, it !eels li'e it is this terri#le thing that 1e should #e asha"ed o! and that adds to the depression itsel!3 So"e people I ha0e encountered de"oni8e depression and sa( that (ou are #eing controlled #( the de0il, 1hen that is not the case at all3 Again, this desire !or change is spar'ed #( the ignorance and lac' o! understanding #( those 1ho ha0e not e perienced depression either !irst or second hand3 Ganelle desire !or the Christian church is !or #elie0ers, To reali8e that these issues are real3 To reali8e that there can #e a che"ical co"ponent3 To reali8e that people co"e !ro" all di!!erent 1al's o! li!e, di!!erent e periences, genetics that predispose the" to certain 1a(s o! reacting or thin'ing3 Gudg"ent is not the ans1er, #ut 1al'ing 1ith the person and encouraging the" 1ith @od<s truth3 Elise 1ishes that the church had #een 1illing to reach out to her 1hen she 1as struggling, #ecause it 1as 0er( di!!icult !or her to see' help on her o1n3 @loria also had a re/uest o! the Christian church: Although there "ost certainl( is a need !or pro!essionall( trained indi0iduals in the healing arts, I #elie0e the -Church2 in general has !ailed to address Scriptural principles that i! practiced 1ould contri#ute greatl( to health( #odies and "inds3 O0erall, the( are not getting the desired support !ro" the Christian co""unit(3 Participants Internal Struggle with Depression The !inal inter0ie1 /uestion read, -Ha0e (ou at an( point struggled to "a'e sense o! li0ing 1ith depression 1ithin the conte t o! (our relationship 1ith @od=2 5hile these 1o"en all struggled 1ith ho1 those around the" percei0ed depression, this also caused a struggle 1ithin


each o! the" 1hen tr(ing to "anage their depression3 Beth responded #( sa(ing, I! ha0ing suicidal thoughts and !eeling una#le to e0er #rea' through to nor"alc( counts, then (es I ha0e struggled3 At each o! these points, I /uestioned ho1 @od could ha0e gi0en "e this #urden and sha"e to carr( and not ta'e it !ro" "e3 Toda(, she has #een a#le to "o0e past the sha"e, and reali8es that 1ithout these struggles, she 1ould not #e a#le to help others 1ho are also struggling 1ith depression3 Ganelle<s e perience directed her to respond in this 1a(: De!initel(3 In "( "ind, "( depression and an iet( is directl( related to sin and !ear o! 1hat I need to do in order to #e -o'a(2 again3 This is 1hen I need to reali8e @od<s grace3 To reali8e that there is nothing that I can do to ;ALE "(sel! right 1ith @od3 I still struggle so"eti"es, #ut not to the degree that I once had3 She !inds it i"portant to ha0e rele0ant Scriptures "e"ori8ed to turn to 1hen she is struggling to "a'e sense o! @od gi0ing her this #urden3 All these 1o"en ha0e !ound their !aith e tre"el( help!ul in co"ing to ter"s 1ith depression, 1hile at !irst it did not "a'e sense 1h( @od 1ould allo1 the" to su!!er in these 1a(s3 Discussion These stories e plain 0arious 1a(s that Christians 1ith depression ha0e learned to understand their situations3 5hile these !indings are 0er( i"portant, respondents in this stud( 1ere e clusi0el( !e"ale3 In the !uture it 1ill #e necessar( to hear e periences !ro" #oth "en and 1o"en to see i! their e periences are generall( the sa"e or di!!erent3 It also "a( #e i"portant to per!or" this stud( again 1ith "ore separation #et1een and co"parison o! the responses !ro" "en and 1o"en in di!!erent age groups3 The age range o! participants in this stud( 1as /uite #road, and #( seg"enting it, co"parisons can #e "ade #ased on generational di!!erences3 This stud( has sho1n that 1hile it is co""onl( understood in the scienti!ic !ield that depression has clinical undertones )Sapols'(, $%%*+, the su#6ect is a0oided or co0ered up in the Christian Church3 Discussion on depression has changed !or the #etter o0er ti"e );arr, $%11+, ho1e0er, the Church still needs to i"pro0e in this area3 The 1o"en inter0ie1ed all !elt that the Church could ha0e #een doing "ore !or the" to allo1 !or understanding o! each other<s e periences3 The church could #ene!it !ro" hearing these stories and atte"pting to support rather than 6udge those 1ho are struggling 1ith depression3 One churchgoer ad"itted his !ailure to do so: I! I 'no1 so"eone 1ho !eels depressed, I o!ten do little !or the"3 Intellectuall(, I 'no1 "ental health is 6ust as i"portant as ph(sical health7 that "ental illness o!ten leads to ph(sical ills that are genuine, not 6ust i"agined3 The hurt o! "ental illness "a( #e 6ust as pro!ound as the pain o! a ph(sical in6ur(, and un!ortunatel(, the duration "a( #e "uch longer3 I 'no1 these !acts in "( "ind I #ut so o!ten I !ail to react concretel( to the" )pp3 1$491$F+3 Through the e periences descri#ed in this stud(, this "an<s 'no1ledge o! 1hat depression is li'e is !arther ad0anced than those o! "an( others in the church3 The !irst step to1ard di"inishing the stig"a o! depression is atte"pting to understand3 B( o0erco"ing ignorance, change can occur in ho1 the church tal's a#out depression3 Re!erences Berger, A3 )$%1*+3 Inter0ie1s3 Media and communication research methods: An introduction to

DEPRESSION IN THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH qualitative and quantitative research methods3 )&rd ed3, pp3 1>4914A+3 Thousand Oa's, CA: SA@E Pu#lications, Inc3 Cole"an, L3 )$%%H+3 Personal and Co""unal Reactions to Cancer: An Interpretati0e

Pheno"enological Anal(sis o! the Belie!s held #( Charedi Ge1ish Breast Cancer Patients3 At The Interface / Probing The Boundaries, )55+ 4>9H43 Hall, T3 )$%%*+3 Christian spiritualit( and "ental health: A relational spiritualit( paradig" !or e"pirical research3 Journal of Psychology and hristianity, $&)1+, AA9F13 ;arr, ?3 )$%11+3 Brea'ing the Silence on Suicide and ;ental Illness: The Brethren in Christ, 1HAF91HFH3 Journal !f Mennonite "tudies, )$H+ 1$191&13 Sapols'(, R3 )$%%*+3 Stress and depression3 #hy $ebras don%t get ulcers )&rd ed3, pp3 $419&%F+3 Ne1 :or', N:: St3 ;artin<s Press3 Stan!ord, ;3, C Philpott, D3 )$%11+3 Baptist senior pastorsM 'no1ledge and perceptions o! "ental illness3 Mental &ealth' (eligion ) ulture, *+)&+, $F19$H%3 doi:1%31%F%.1&A4*A4%H%&>111&> Trice, P3, C B6orc', G3 )$%%A+3 Pentecostal perspecti0es on causes and cures o! depression3 Professional Psychology: (esearch and Practice, &4)&+, $F&9$H*3 :angar#er9Hic's, N3 )$%%*+3 Reco0er( "odel: A Christian appraisal3 Journal of Psychology and hristianity, $&)1+, &19&H3

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