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CEP Lesson Plan Teacher/s: Lauren Drew (with Jorge Beltran) Level: I5 Date/Time: 10/2 /1!" #:!

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Goal: To enhance reading skills by developing the ability to guess meaning from context Ob ectives !"#$%T&: "tu'ents #ill $e %(le To) 1* +uess the meaning o, un-nown wor's in a te.t a(out /alloween ,rom conte.t clues Theme: 0hanges" Dreams an' 1re,erences 2.tensions: /ow 3mericans li-e to cele(rate /alloween 1* The (eginning o, the lesson consists o, a review o, the homewor- (writing moral 'ilemma or 4(ar 'ilemma5 6uestions) where stu'ents will write their 6uestions on the (oar' an' get ,ee'(ac- ,rom their ,ellow stu'ents an' ,rom the teacher i, necessar7* These 6uestions will act as a s&ring(oar' ,or teaching &olite wa7s to encourage an' 'iscourages i'eas (4That8s a great i'ea95/5I8m not so sure a(out that5 etc*)* 2* :ee Jorge8s lesson &lan ,or the ne.t stage o, the lesson" which ,ocuses on voca(ular7 an' listening s-ills* %im'"kill'(icroskill Activity 1: Guessing meaning from context with nonsense words %ctivity'Procedure'"tage )nteraction Time 15 min*

1.1 Pre-Stage: Open Powerpoint to .-S* S-S show discussion questions about reading. /pairs0 Have ss discuss in pairs. Set minute time !imit "!ass feedbac# $ e!icit examp!e responses. %rite student answers to what the& do when the& don't #now a word in (ng!ish on the board. )f it's not direct!& mentioned* e!icit guessing meaning from context. (!icit the definition of +context., Show ss examp!e sentence with +gianormous, to e!icit the process of guessing meaning from context. Show +!u!!ab&, to c!arif&. -s# the ss to wor# in pairs to guess the meaning. -s# wh& this is usefu!.

1. . 5uring Stage: Show s!ide with examp!e strip of paper which disp!a&s a sentence with a nonsense word. -s# ss if the& #now the word and e!icit the fact that it's a nonsense word. -s# ss if the& can figure out what the word means. Pass out strips of paper with nonsense words. -s# ss to wor# with their partners to tr& to guess the meaning of the word. Show the next s!ide with a definition and exp!ain that the students wi!! be circu!ating the c!assroom to find the correct definition for their nonsense word. .e!! ss who finish to he!p others. .angib!e Outcome 6 .. feedbac#7peer feedbac#: SS wi!! present their matches via .ransition to 1 : 2et's tr& the pro8ector and get feedbac# from their using this s#i!! with rea! peers. words. 3emember that we Outcome: students have shown evidence of had started to ta!# about guessing meaning from context b& correct!& Ha!!oween &esterda&4 matching nonsense words to definitions. Activity 2: .1 Pre-Stage: -s# ss to quic#!& read the text to see if the main idea is: a0 - histor& of Ha!!oween b0 How Ha!!oween is ce!ebrated around the wor!d toda& c0 9& view of how -mericans ce!ebrate Ha!!oween. Set 1 minute time !imit. . . 5uring Stage: -s# ss to wor# in pairs to tr& to guess the meaning of the words in bo!d using the context to he!p them. 9onitor and assist. .angib!e Outcome 6 .. feedbac#7peer feedbac#: Group feedbac# with picture7vocabu!ar& matching on the )%:. -s# ss to choose three words the& thin# are va!uab!e to !earn. %rap up b& as#ing students to discuss what the& wou!d prefer to do on Ha!!oween /)%: s!ide0 T$:" :$: (&airs) 15 min*

;aterials: 1ower&oint sli'es on smart (oar'< han'outs (&a&er stri&s an' te.t a(out /alloween) 3ntici&ate' 1ro(lems = :uggeste' :olutions: $:tu'ents ma7 ,in' it 'i,,icult to guess meaning ,rom conte.t* +ive lea'ing 6uestions an' clues to elicit the meaning slowl7* $:tu'ents ma7 not (e sure what to 'o with the matching activit7* ;o'el the tas- an' give the 'irections on the I>B $:ome stu'ents ma7 ,inish tas-s earlier than others* Be &re&are' to 'irect them to another mini$tas-* 0ontingenc7 1lans (what 7ou will 'o i, 7ou ,inish earl7" etc*): $I, we ,inish earl7" we will continue with in,ormation a(out the test on ;on'a7 $I, the technolog7 'oes not wor-" I will write on the (lac-(oar' instea' o, using the 1ower&oint an' as- m7 co$teacher to &lease ma-e co&ies o, the &ictures ,or me*

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