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Receive bills through Email only an Go Green an Save our environment!

Let us

"oin in BSNL #GO GREEN$ Initiative an earn %& Loyalty Re'ar (oints every month ))
Register your Email Id through SMS :
To update the Bill Media of customer to Email option and update his/her email id in CDR for receiving bills, through M !

Customer has to send SMS to 53334 in the following format : EMS <Billing_ !!ount_"um#er$ <Email_Id$ e%g% EMS &'''()*534 a#!+test%!om.

Register your Email Id through

"og on to elfcare!sdc!bsnl!co!in!

www%self!are%#snl%!o%in :

#o to ervice screen and Clic$ on % ubmit Re&uest for changes to 'our profile(! elect service )d E*!+,+-./.+,0/1, Customer )d-,+++00,2,3, Re&uest t'pe - Billing Related, Change T'pe 4Bill media t'pe and Change ub-T'pe Email, enter email address, description and Clic$ on submit button to submit the re&uest! Then 'our re&uest 5ill be processed!

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