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Qualitive Marketing Research (Individual assignment) Aniket Pradhan 2012PGP039


1. Research problem
To examine Challenges faced by Amazon after launching in Indian marketplace at and to ensure a successful functioning in the near future

2. Technique to be used
The appropriate qualitative technique to be used for obtaining date are: In-depth interview, focussed group discussion, getting shopping observations online through cookies in browsers and offline shopping trips.

3. Rationale for using technique

Collecting information about the online surfing of potential customers could provide tentative information of buyers interest. This could provide with the preferences of online buyers. The rationale for using these techniques is that different individuals have different experiences, beliefs, abilities and needs. Such differences lead to unique interpretations of existing functional capabilities, possible transformations to develop new selections and for applications in new product areas. In-depth interview and other techniques mentioned above could be used as a tool for gathering the information

4. Detailed profiling of the respondents for the study

Respondents consists of basically all the potential customers. Most of the people just browse through the website may be looking for a lower price. Some compare features available in various other websites. Many potential customers are sensitive to delivery issues and at times the accuracy and ease of reverse logistics is also important for certain customers

5. Data collection and questionnaire

In-depth interviews are most often conducted by telephone during a prearranged for time, but can also be conducted: Face-to-face, either at an individuals home or office or in a central location, such as a mall, community centre, or other publicly accessible space As people exit a physical space (e.g., an office, a plant, a public building, retail or service establishment, or a health or human service provider) In captive audience situations, such as during conferences, classes, workshops, or meetings The point of in-depth interviews is to allow for a semi-structured discussion in which the respondents are treated with great respect as experts in whatever field or situation they happen to represent. In-depth interviews are often used in place of focus groups when having a group of people with similar characteristics together for the purpose of stimulating a conversation on a specific topic is unnecessary. In-depth interviews can range in length (but are usually between 10 and 30 minutes), and can be conducted with an almost unlimited number of identified individuals,


although typically the number of respondents interviewed is under 100, and usually are in the 25-75 respondent range.

Following are the questionnaire

1. Was our website able to meet your needs? a. Not at all b. No c. Somewhat d. Yes e. Very much so 2. What could we have done to better meet your needs?

3. On a scale of 1 - 5, with 5 being the best, how would you rate our online product selection? a.1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5 4. Would you like us to add anything to our online product inventory?

5. On a scale of 1 - 5, with 5 being the best, how would you rate the quality of our merchandise? a.1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5 6. How do you feel about our prices? a. They're the best in town b. They're just about right c. They're too high 7. How satisfied were you with the following aspects of our website? Very satisfied Ease of navigation Look/feel of website




Very dissatisfied

Ease of checkout Self-help information 8. How satisfied were you with the following aspects of shipping and delivery? Very satisfied Timeliness of delivery Accuracy/completeness of shipment Quality of packaging Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied

9. What can we do to improve our website?

10. How did you learn about our website? a. Online search engine b. Friend/colleague c. Newspaper/magazine article d. Surfing the web e. Other 11. How likely are you to visit our website again? a. Not at all b. Probably not c. Neutral d. Probably e. Very likely 12. Would you recommend our website to a friend? a. yes b. no Tell us about you: 13. Age group? a. under 18 b. 19 - 24 c. 25 - 34 d. 35 - 44 e. 45 - 54 f. 55 - 65

g. over 65 14. Gender? a. male b. female 15. If you could change 1 thing about our website, what would it be?

6. Plan for carrying out analysis of data

1. The focus group moderator nurtures disclosure in an open and spontaneous format. The moderators goal is to generate a maximum number of different ideas and opinions from as many different people in the time allotted. 2. The ideal amount of time to set aside for a focus group is anywhere from 45 to 90 minutes. Beyond that most groups are not productive and it becomes an imposition on participant time. 3. The ideal amount of time to set aside for a focus group is anywhere from 45 to 90 minutes. Beyond that most groups are not 4. It takes more than one focus group on any one topic to produce valid results usually three or four. 5. Focus group participants wont have a chance to see the questions they are being asked. So, to make sure they understand and can fully respond to the questions posed. 6. Homogeneity is key to maximizing disclosure among focus group participants 7. Once a group of viable recruits has been established, call each one to confirm interest and availability. Give them times and locations of the focus groups and secure verbal confirmation. 8. Offer monetary incentive to the participants who turn up 9. Tell participants that the focus group will take about one and half to two hours. Give them a starting time that is 15 minutes prior to the actual start of the focus group to allow for filling out necessary paperwork, having a bite to eat, and settling in to the group. 10. Arrange for a comfortable room in a convenient location 11. Preferably have both a moderator and an assistant moderator

7. Expectations from the study

This study will provide with the information as to how to potential customers actually intend to use for purchasing or they have a intention of purchasing from the website. The study would thereby enhance the chances of functioning in a smooth and successful manner for the years to come.


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