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Study Guide Unit One Introduction to APES and Energy Vocabulary 1. hard path 2. soft path . 1st la!

of ther"odyna"ics #. 2nd la! of ther"odyna"ics $. cogeneration %. rene!able resources &. nonrene!able resources '. fossil fuels (. the scientific "ethod 1). inducti*e reasoning 11. deducti*e reasoning +uestions 1. ,hat is the current !orld population2. ,hat types of fuels are considered rene!able- ,hich types are nonrene!able. ,hat are the co""only used units of energy- Of po!er#. ,hat are the characteristics of hard path energy policies- ,hat about soft path$. ,hat is the 1st la! of ther"odyna"ics- ,hat is the 2nd la!%. ,hy is cogeneration i"portant for the future&. ,hy is coal used substantially in the .id!est and bac/ east0 but not here in the !est'. ,hat percentage of electricity in the U.S. is currently deri*ed fro" nuclear po!er(. ,hich air pollutant is responsible for o1one depletion1). ,hat acti*ity uses "ore energy in the U.S. than any other11. ,hat is the difference bet!een inducti*e and deducti*e reasoning12. ,hat !as the fuel of choice before the 1'')s- 2ro" the 1'')s until the 1(2)s- After the 1(2)s-

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