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Taking Charge of Change (TCC)

This program is designed to equip experienced managers at the heart of the business to meet the challenges of change in their groups, divisions, or functions. It addresses leadership and change concepts from an organization, team, and individual perspective. TCC strives to build a culture of continuous change in which leaders are encouraged to maximize their potential.

Who Should Attend

Division staff and Region/Corporate peers in leadership roles. Individuals being considered for these positions. Participant characteristics include being a change agent, risk taker, team player or leader, continuous learner, lean contributor, flexible, and innovative.

Program Focus
During the session, the following topics will be addressed: Leadership concepts to achieve strategies Change models, tools, and frameworks Influencing behaviors and networking skills Factors contributing to team effectiveness Empowerment and decision making Coaching for improvement and development Handling transitions and stress management

Prior to Attending
Participants are expected to become familiar with the program materials, complete self and multi-rater assessments, and establish learning objectives and post program deliverables with their current manager.

Enrollment Process
Participation in this program is through a nomination process. Candidates are identified during development discussions held in accordance with the Performance Assessment and Talent Review processes. Nominations are submitted by Group, Region, and Corporate Talent Managers.

Learning Objectives
Participants will be able to: Articulate and demonstrate leadership attributes Apply change concepts, models, and tools in business situations Demonstrate influencing behaviors and networking skills Give and receive behavioral feedback Practice effective team participation and leadership in faceto-face and virtual environments Apply coaching framework in realtime situations Construct an empowerment decision making matrix

This program is facilitated by WW Consulting and Parker Learning and Development Staff. Parker executives serve as clients for the program business project.

Investment: $5900 Prerequisites: None

Program Duration Two one-week sessions

Program Location/Dates TBD

Program Administration Corporate Learning and Organization Effectiveness Contact 216.896.2665

Rev.1 May 2009

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