Referens: P I in Rmati N - M D L in Ludin TH Chil Pu M LD ND - Irrho Is Its In: Hauser

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Bonis PAL, Chopra S. Patient information


Up to date.

In: Rose BD, Wellesley

A, editors. !""#.

Christen ell $. Pro%nostic models incl&din% the child'p&%h, $LD and ayo ris( scores ' )here are )e and )here sho&ld )e %o ? * +epatol. !""#,#-: .##'/". Ch&n% R0, Podols(y D1. Cirrhosis and its complications. In: " 1asper, AS 2a&ci, D Lo&%o, $ Bra&n)ald, SL +a&ser, L *ameson, editors. +arri on principles of internal medicine. -3th edition. 4e) 5or(: e 6ra '+ill, !""#. p. -7/7'8. 2riedman SL. Alcoholic li9er disease, cirrhosis and its ma:or se;& . In: 6oldman, editor. Cecil te<t=oo( of medicine. WB Sa&nder
Company, !""". p. 7".'#-/. 2riedman LS. Cirrhosis. In: L 0ierney, 7- cPhee, A Papada(is, edi tors. C&rrent medical dia%nosis & treatment. edition. Lan%e edi cal Booo(s> cfira) +ill, !""#. p. 3#"'/-. 6old=erd $, Chopra S. ?9er9ie) of the complications, pro%nosis and @ a%ernent of cirrhosis. In: Rose BD, Wellesley A, editors. @""#. 6old=erd $, Chopra S. Dia%nostic approach to the patient )ith cirrh i . In: Rose BD, Wellesley A, editors. !""#. Podols(y 1, Issel=acher 1*. Penya(it hati yan% =er(aitan ........... dan Sirosis. In: A+ Asdie, editor. +arrison prinsip'prinsip A dalam. $disi -.. -88/. p. -33/'B7. Sherloc( S, Dooley *. +epatic cirrhosis. In: . Diseases of the li9er and =iliary . 8th Blac()ell Scientific P&= @

S&laiman A. +arapan

lndones. !"".,./ .A. ....

0ari%an P. Sirosis Rachman, LA tors. B&(& PAPDI, -

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