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1700 Modern Mines Slavery

I live in Delaware and my name is Michel and I had a sister and mom but they died and only have my dad. My dad and I work in the mines its incredibly torture and hot in the hot days! We get little to eat and drink but we have a little energy to last us the day. We had other slaves with us working as well, our master is Mr. Paul and he has one of his friend well someone to make sure that no slaves are esca!ing, talking, and making eye contact. "ll we do is work and work sometimes I #ust feel like giving u! but I #ust think of what mom told me $o be strong %ee! your head u! even though you&re going through a rough time. When my mom !assed away she gave me a locket that had my mom, dad, and sister's !icture in it that my mom had made back in our house where we lived ha!!y until the white men had came and destroyed our ha!!iness and everyone elses. It was night time but we would go to slee! at ( and all slaves would slee! in a coal cave with a little bit of blankets. My dad and I would say our !rayers and I would then slee! with the locket in my hands. I would have dreams of my mom and sister when we were reunited and were filled with #oy. Mr. Paul came in and started whi!!ing the wall to get us scared to wake u!. My dad would wake u! though I was telling him, D"D,D"D,D"D Wake )!!!! *y then I knew he was dead. I was crying because I was alone with no one. I had no more strength to go on everyday I would feel weaker and weaker. +ne day I was falling aslee! and Mr.Pauls friend saw me and snatched me and chained me to a log sitting down with my arms around it and my legs as well. ,e would whi! me re!eatedly, he then sto!!ed me and left he there over night. I then met this guy that became my friend after my dad !assed away. ,e saw me chained u! and well some of the food that he got he would give me some at night. ,e would do that for a week and yes, I was chained u! for a week. I didn&t work but I did suffer from a lot of !ain. $he ne-t morning they let me go, not free, but back to work. "s long as I have my locket with me I still have faith but honestly I #ust want to die. "ll this rudeness and disres!ect I don&t think its that worth it but I would still like to live but I want to be with my family. I was making eye contact and whis!ering to my secret friend ne-t to me. Mr.Pauls friend heard me and from a distance he had a gun and shot me but I didn&t know it would cost his life as well. I felt really, really bad but we had a friend connection and I felt that he was ok because he was as well wanted to be with his family. I still felt bad but I was glad to see my family and him as well with god.

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