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When/What and Why does it happen?


Spring Joys

Unit 1:

Happy Easter!

1. Communication skills ~ Knowledge of the world conversation: he four seasons of the year! spring summer autumn winter didactic game: "hen does it happen# in which season does it happen$! e%. "hen do flowers &loom$! "hen do lea'es fall$! "hen do we cele&rate Christmas$! ~ (e'eloping )oca&ulary Poem: Easter e'erywhere *a&&its soft and cuddly+ ,a&y chickens+ too+ Easter eggs for &askets *ed and pink and &lue. Easter cards of greeting+ -usic in the air+ .ilies /ust to tell 0t1s Easter e'erywhere! Grammar: Ha'e to#don1t ha'e to! didactic game: "hat do we ha'e to do &efore Easter day$! do the laundry iron the laundry fold the laundry mow the lawn#cut the grass water the grass
Unit 1 Cotoarba Gina Liliana 1

When/What and Why does it happen? 6


Spring Joys

work in the garden take out the trash rake the lea'es do the dishes sweep the floor 'acuum mop the floor wash the windows clean up the closet#dust walk#wash#feed the dog e%. "hat do you ha'e to do &efore Easter day$! 0 ha'e to2 (o you ha'e to water the grass$! 3es+ 0 ha'e to water the grass# 4o+ 0 don1t ha'e to2 Fun movement/musical game: Spring is here! 5pring+ spring+ spring is coming soon 6rass is green and flowers &loom+ ,irds returning from the south+ ,ees are &u77ing all a&out. .ea'es are &udding e'erywhere+ 5pring+ spring+ spring is finally here! 8. hinking skills Practicing orientation skills fun game: .et1s find the eggs!! .eft#right 9n#under 4e%t to#far away from :. 5ocial skills ~ Education for society onversation: Happy Easter!! .et1s write an Easter card!
Unit 1 Cotoarba Gina Liliana 2

When/What and Why does it happen? 6


Spring Joys

Unit 1 Cotoarba Gina Liliana 3

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