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Physics of Semiconductor Devices

p-n junction (depletion width)

1 NA = 2 1016 cm 3 . What are the depletion width in the n-region, the depletion width in the p-region, and the built-in potential at 300K ? Use the

A silicon p-n diode has a doping of

1 ND = 8 1015 cm 3


depletion approximation. For Si:

1 ni = 1.5 1010 cm 3, r

= 11.9.

Attention: The parameters are changing everytime. These results are calculated with the above mentioned values.

Useful physical constants:

Boltzmann constant: Elementary charge: Vacuum permittivity:

J kB = 1.38 1023 K e = 1.602 1019 As 12 As 0 = 8.854 10 Vm

Useful formulas:


Built-in voltage, contact potential:


Vbi =
Depletion width (no external bias):

kB T ND NA ln( ) e n2 i


W =
Depletion width in the p-region:

2 (ND + NA ) Vbi e ND NA ND W ND + NA NA W NA + ND


Wp =
Depletion width in the n-region:


Wn =



Note: To get the correct SI-units:

1 21 1 ND = 8 1015 cm 3 = 8.10 m3 1 22 1 NA = 2 1016 cm 3 = 2 10 m3

Built-in voltage, contact potential:

Vbi =

1.38 1023 300 8.1021 2 1022 kB T ND Na )= ln ( ) = 0.7052V ln( 2 e ni 1.602 1019 (1.5 1010 )2


Depletion width (no external bias):

W =

2 (ND + NA ) Vbi = e ND NA

2 11.9 8.854 1012 (8.1021 + 2 1022 ) 0.7052 = 4.029107 m 1.602 1019 8.1021 2 1022

Depletion width in the p-region:

Wp =

ND W 8.1021 4.029 107 = = 1.151 107 m ND + NA 8.1021 + 2 1022


Depletion width in the n-region:

Wn =

NA W 2 1022 4.029 107 = 2.8779 107 m = NA + ND 2 1022 + 8.1021



1. 2.

NA > ND = Wn > Wp W = Wn + Wp = 2.8779 107 + 1.151 107 = 4.0289 107 m

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