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NASA Mars Program

National Aeronautics and Space Administration For the benefit of all.

NASA Headquarters 300 E Street SW Washington DC 20024-3210 United States of Ameri a !E"S We##ington $nternationa# S hoo# %& '&( 3)4*+ Du,ai United Ara, Emirates -anuar. 2014 Dear /ear 01 Congratu#ations on ma2ing it through to the "ission Statement3 A## of the hard 4or2 that has ,een started ,a 2 in the United States of Ameri a 4i## no4 ,e ontinued ,. .ou3 We ho5e that .ou 4i## a#so assist us ,. sending .our findings at the end of the 5ro6e t3 No4 4e an re7ea# to .ou the ontents of the ,o8 in front of .ou3 %hotogra5hs ta2en ,. the 9o7ers1 :anders and &r,iters Cards 4ith the Histor. of E85#oration on "ars sin e the 1+00;s Sma## sam5#es of ro 2 and dust from the %#anet "ars Ne4s5a5er #i55ings a,out e85#oration to "ars $nformation a,out <o# ani a ti7it.

$n .our teams and at .our stations1 .ou 4i## #oo2 at the e7iden e that has ,een o##e ted from our e85#oration 4or2 on "ars3 $t is .our 6o, to onsider the im5ortan e of this information in de iding 4hether humans an onsider #i7ing on this 5#anet3 /our o,6e ti7e is to= Find, select and use information from secondary sources to gather information about Mars. /ou 4i## 2no4 if .ou ha7e ,een su essfu# if .ou ha7e=

onsidered the strongest e7iden e for #ife on "ars onsidered the 4ea2est e7iden e for #ife on "ars gi7en reasons as to 4h. one 5ie e of e7iden e is more usefu# than another ,egun to ma2e statements and on #usions a,out the information .ou ha7e re ei7ed 4ritten a qui 2 note ,a 2 to our team 4ith .our first findings

We 4i## #ater require .ou to 4rite a fu## re5ort sho4ing .our findings3 We than2 .ou for .our oo5eration in this matter and ho5e that .ou en6o. #oo2ing through the e7iden e3 Tom Sachs "ars %rogram "ission :eader

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