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Three Errors made by Bible Readers

1. Error in READING 2. Error in UNDERSTANDING 3. Error in INTERPRETATION Error in READING has to do with lack of discipline, concentration, and application of mind. For eg: In the Tamil Bible, Acts 17:22 has a word DEVADA-BAKTHI (superstitious). I have heard it being read as DEVA-BAKTHI (religious) so many times. Gen 2:18 has the word MEET, but almost everybody reads it as MATE. etc, etc. Its a reading error because the person lacks discipline, concentration, and application of mind. (1 Tim 4:13) Error in UNDERSTANDING has to do with lack of knowledge of the language, grammar, history, etc. This is *not* a spiritual ability, but a trained, educated, and a developed skill. One evangelist visiting my church stood up and read 1 Cor 11:25. 'Jesus took the cup, when he had SUPPED...' This evangelist concluded that we have to participate in the cup of the Lord's supper by SIPPING, and not by pouring into our mouth. But SUP has nothing to do with SIP. In fact, SUP is the verb of SUPPER, just as DINE is the verb of DINNER. This is a matter of knowing the language. He read right, but he understood it wrong. (Neh 8:8, Acts 13:27) Error in INTERPRETATION has to do with spiritual insight. After READING right and UNDERSTANDING right, we have to interpret right. 1 Cor 2:14 says that the things of God are spiritually discerned. Interpretation is a divine enabling. Gen 40:8 Do not interpretations belong to God? God endows this ability only on those who labour with His Word and show diligence in searching out God's truth.

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