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Training Session on Energy Equipment

Presentation from the

Energy Efficiency Guide for Industry in Asia

1 UNEP 2006

Training Agenda: Cogeneration

Introduction Types of cogeneration systems Assessment of cogeneration systems Energy efficiency opportunities

2 UNEP 2006

Introduction Whats a Cogeneration/CHP System?

Generation of multiple forms of energy in one system: heat and power Defined by its prime movers
Reciprocating engines Combustion or gas turbines, Steam turbines Microturbines Fuel cells
3 UNEP 2006

Introduction Efficiency Advantage of CHP

Conventional Generation (58% Overall Efficiency)

36 Units (Losses)

Combined Heat & Power (85% Overall Efficiency)

60 100

= 40%

24 Uni ts

34 Uni ts


= 85%

6 Units (Losses)

10 Units (Losses)

(UNESCAP, 2004)

4 UNEP 2006

Introduction Benefits of Cogeneration / CHP)

Increased efficiency of energy conversion and use
Lower emissions, especially CO2

Ability to use waste materials

Large cost savings Opportunity to decentralize the electricity generation Promoting liberalization in energy markets
5 UNEP 2006

Training Agenda: Cogeneration

Introduction Types of cogeneration systems Assessment of cogeneration systems Energy efficiency opportunities

6 UNEP 2006

Type of Cogeneration Systems

Steam turbine

Gas turbine
Reciprocating engine Other classifications:
- Topping cycle - Bottoming cycle

7 UNEP 2006

Type of Cogeneration Systems Steam Turbine Cogeneration System

Widely used in CHP applications
Oldest prime mover technology Capacities: 50 kW to hundreds of MWs

Thermodynamic cycle is the Rankin cycle that uses a boiler

Most common types Back pressure steam turbine Extraction condensing steam turbine
8 UNEP 2006

Type of Cogeneration Systems

Back Pressure Steam Turbine
Steam exits the turbine at a higher pressure that the atmospheric
HP Steam



Advantages: -Simple configuration -Low capital cost -Low need of cooling water -High total efficiency Disadvantages: -Larger steam turbine -Electrical load and output can not be matched
9 UNEP 2006


Condensate Process

LP Steam

Figure: Back pressure steam turbine

Type of Cogeneration Systems

Extraction Condensing Steam Turbine
HP Steam

Steam obtained by extraction from an intermediate stage Remaining steam is exhausted

Boiler Fuel


LP Steam Condensate Process

Relatively high capital cost, lower total efficiency

Control of electrical power independent of thermal load


Figure: Extraction condensing steam turbine

10 UNEP 2006

Type of Cogeneration Systems Gas Turbine Cogeneration System

Operate on thermodynamic Brayton cycle atmospheric air compressed, heated, expanded excess power used to produce power Natural gas is most common fuel
1MW to 100 MW range Rapid developments in recent years Two types: open and closed cycle
11 UNEP 2006

Type of Cogeneration Systems

Open Cycle Gas Turbine
Open Brayton cycle: atmospheric air at increased pressure to combustor
Exhaust Gases Condensate from Process HRSG Steam to Process Combustor Fuel

Old/small units: 15:1 New/large units: 30:1

Exhaust gas at 450600 oC

G Generator Compressor Air Turbine

High pressure steam produced: can drive steam turbine

Figure: Open cycle gas turbine cogeneration

12 UNEP 2006

Type of Cogeneration Systems

Closed Cycle Gas Turbine
Heat Source

Working fluid circulates in a closed circuit and does not cause corrosion or erosion Any fuel, nuclear or solar energy can be used

Heat Exchanger

G Generator Compressor Turbine

Condensate from Process

Steam to Process

Figure: Closed Cycle Gas Turbine Cogeneration System


UNEP 2006

Type of Cogeneration Systems

Reciprocating Engine Cogeneration Systems
Used as direct mechanical drives
Many advantages: operation, efficiency, fuel costs Used as direct mechanical drives Four sources of usable waste heat
Figure: Reciprocating engine cogeneration system 14 (UNESCAP, 2000)
UNEP 2006

Type of Cogeneration Systems Topping Cycle

Supplied fuel first produces power followed by thermal energy Thermal energy is a by product used for process heat or other Most popular method of cogeneration

15 UNEP 2006

Type of Cogeneration Systems Bottoming Cycle

Primary fuel produces high temperature thermal energy
Rejected heat is used to generate power Suitable for manufacturing processes

16 UNEP 2006

Training Agenda: Cogeneration

Introduction Types of cogeneration systems Assessment of cogeneration systems Energy efficiency opportunities

17 UNEP 2006

Assessment of Cogeneration Systems Performance Terms & Definitions

Overall Plant Heat Rate (kCal/kWh):
Ms x (hs hw) Power Output (kW )
Ms = Mass Flow Rate of Steam (kg/hr) hs = Enthalpy of Steam (kCal/kg) hw = Enthalpy of Feed Water (kCal/kg)

Overall Plant Fuel Rate (kg/kWh)

Fuel Consumption * ( kg / hr ) Power Output (kW )

18 UNEP 2006

Assessment of Cogeneration Systems

Steam Turbine Performance
Steam turbine efficiency (%):
Actual Enthalpy Drop across the Turbine (kCal / kg) x 100 Isentropic Enthalpy drop across the Turbine (kCal / kg)

Gas Turbine Performance

Overall gas turbine efficiency (%) (turbine compressor):
Power Output (kW ) x 860 x 100 Fuel Input for Gas Turbine (kg / hr ) x GCV of Fuel (kCal / kg)
19 UNEP 2006

Assessment of Cogeneration Systems

Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) Performance
Heat recovery steam generator efficiency (%):
M s x ( hs hw ) [ M f x Cp (t in t out )] [ M aux x GCV of Fuel (kCal / kg)]
Ms = Steam Generated (kg/hr) hs = Enthalpy of Steam (kCal/kg) hw = Enthalpy of Feed Water (kCal/kg) Mf = Mass flow of Flue Gas (kg/hr) t-in = Inlet Temperature of Flue Gas (0C) t-out = Outlet Temperature of Flue Gas (0C) Maux = Auxiliary Fuel Consumption (kg/hr)

x 100

20 UNEP 2006

Training Agenda: Cogeneration

Introduction Types of cogeneration systems Assessment of cogeneration systems Energy efficiency opportunities

21 UNEP 2006

Energy Efficiency Opportunities

Steam Turbine Cogeneration System Steam turbine:
Keep condenser vacuum at optimum value Keep steam temperature and pressure at optimum value Avoid part load operation and starting & stopping

Boiler & steam see other chapters

22 UNEP 2006

Energy Efficiency Opportunities

Gas Turbine Cogeneration System
Gas turbine manage the following parameters:
Gas temperature and pressure Part load operation and starting & stopping Temperature of hot gas and exhaust gas Mass flow through gas turbine Air pressure

Air compressors see compressors chapter Heat recovery system generator see waste heat recovery chapter
23 UNEP 2006

Training Session on Energy Equipment



Disclaimer and References

This PowerPoint training session was prepared as part of the project Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction from Industry in Asia and the Pacific (GERIAP). While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the contents of this publication are factually correct and properly referenced, UNEP does not accept responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the contents, and shall not be liable for any loss or damage that may be occasioned directly or indirectly through the use of, or reliance on, the contents of this publication. UNEP, 2006. The GERIAP project was funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) Full references are included in the textbook chapter that is available on

UNEP 2006

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