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Lesson Title: Grade Level: Subject:

Treasure of knowledge 7 Science Description of Learning Goals, Standards, Objectives


S7L2: Students will describe the structure and function of each organelle in the cell. b. Relate cell structures (cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm, Chloroplasts, mitochondria) to basic cell functions

National Technology Standards:

Creativity and innovation: Students will demonstrate critical thinking and their knowledge of cells by using technology. (Standard) Using several websites to explore the complex structure and functions of the cell. Students will also be answering several questions that would test their knowledge of material learned. (Indicator). Communication and Collaboration: Students will be contributing towards the learning of their peers and using technology to demonstrate their level of understanding. Research and Information Fluency: Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. Locate, organize, analayze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a varirty of sources and media.

Long-Term Learning Goal or Outcome:

Students will learn and identify the purpose of the cells present in the human body. Students will also identify the purpose of organ systems present in the human body. Students are given an internet-based treasure hunt and are given questions to answer on their own paper over cell parts' structure and functioning. They will show their knowledge and accuracy of the material by answering correctly 7 out the 10 questions.

ABCD Objectives or Outcomes:

Description of Assessment Assessment Plan: The students will be given a multiple-choice assessment to identify if the students have grasped the concepts. Another assessment will be given with short answer questions that will ask students to explain the purpose of each organelle. Description of Activities with Technology and Materials Pre-Requisite Skills: Students should know how to access and use the internet for educational information. They should know how to browse through a website to find a specific piece of information. An overall view and differences between the topics of cells and human organ systems. Plan to create curricula that includes diverse and multiple perspectives.

Activity Design:

Class starter and lesson connection: Students will take the assignment as a game and that would keep them interested. Pictures are a great way to get students attention. There are also several pictures of each website. The pictures would not only keep the student motivated also make them grasp the material quickly. Teacher and student activities:

Students would have already had a lecture by the time this assignment is assigned. This activity would reinforce their learning process. After the activity each student will describe their findings and share them with the class. This would give all the students a chance to identify if there are any misunderstandings. The strategies that will be used would be motivation and guidance. While the students are presenting their finding, I will be guiding them through and motivating towards the

right path of understanding. I will be providing direct instruction by correcting each student when they have a misunderstood concept. So that can be cleared up right away. Technology Connection: The students will be working independently because they will have to answer the questions themselves. Children with exceptionalities could be given more attention and help if necessary. The technology that was used to create this treasure hunt was Prezi. Also several websites will be provided for students that would be used to answer all the questions. List any handouts, books, equipment, media, etc. that you will use to support your lesson. Materials and Resources: The students will have their textbook, their own scratch paper for the answers, and the websites to guide them through finding the answers. Reflection on Lesson Design Future Actions : The ABCD method was used in constructing the lesson plan. Make the next lesson plan more detailed Or, if you had more time/resources, etc., how would you change the lesson and/or technology artifact? I would again add more detail and research into the lesson plan. Students are given questions that would require them to think and find the answer to each question. How does the technology in your lesson align to the content you are trying to teach in

your lesson? The technology grabs students attention and the pictures as well as examples keep the students from being distracted.

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