Nursing Abbreviations

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Instituto Superior de Ciencias Mdicas de La Habana

Facultad de Ciencias Mdicas Julio Trigo Lpez
____ __ ___ __________ ___ ____ _____
________ ____ _ __ __ _________ ______
____ __ _
Lic. Vivian Amparo Martnez Snchez1 y Lic. Beatriz Goenaga Conde2
Re Cubana !duc Med Super "##$%$&'$()*+,&&
S-ortening is considered a er. productie /ord,building process0 It is t-e
dropping o1 t-e latter part o1 a /ord so as to produce a ne/ and s-orter /ord o1 t-e
sa2e 2eaning0 T-e strain o1 2odern li1e is obiousl. one o1 t-e reasons 1or t-is
deelop2ent0 For e3a2ple4 al2ost all /ritten 2aterial in -ospital is /ritten to be
read at a glance because consultants read t-e2 be1ore t-e. do t-eir rounds4 and
ne/ nurses to ac5uaint /it- t-eir patients0 Si2ilarl.4 t-e dail. /ard repots are read
b. t-e o11going nurse in c-arge to t-e onco2ing sta110$
In !nglis-4 s-ortenings 2a. be present in /ritten and spo6en 1or2s0 !ac- o1 t-e2
-as its o/n pattern4 but as t-ere is a constant e3c-ange bet/een bot-4 it is so2eti2es
di11icult to tell /-et-er a gien s-ortening /as originated in one or in t-e ot-er0
S-ortening as a /ord building process -as beco2e er. productie in present
da. !nglis-0 7bbreiations in nursing -ae also 1ound a /a. 1or pro1essional
and 5uic6 co22unication0 T-e 2ain goals o1 t-is article4 based on actual
teac-ing,learning proble2s4 is to proide so2e practical actiities to gie t-e
learners opportunities to get ac5uainted /it- and practice abbreiations in an
e11ectie and co22unicatie /a.4 and to proide a glossar. o1 t-e 2ost
1re5uentl. used abbreiations b. nurses0
Su!ect heading"# 788R!9I7TI:;S% C:MM<;IC7TI:;% ;<RS!S= I;STR<CTI:;S
>?<8LIC7TI:; T@?!A
$ ?ro1esora 7u3iliar0
" ?ro1esora 7sistente0
7n abbreiation is a s-ortened 1or2 o1 a /ord or p-rase used 1or breit. especiall.
in /riting in place o1 t-e /-ole0 T/o possible t.pes o1 correlation s-ould be noted
bet/een t-e /ritten and spo6en 1or2s)
$0 I1 t-e abbreiation can be read as an ordinar. !nglis- /ord4 it /ill be read as one0
For e3a2ple4
<F: , <nidenti1ied :bBect
? , ?ol.2orp-onuclear leuc6oc.tes
MS< , Mid Strea2 <rine
"0 T-e ot-er group consists o1 initial abbreiations /it- alp-abetic reading retained0
For e3a2ple4
?0R , pupil reaction
80?0, blood pressure
?, pulse
T-e ter2 abbreiation 2a. also be used 1or a s-ortened 1or2 o1 a /ritten /ord
or p-rase used in a te3t in place o1 t-e /-ole 1or breit.0 For e3a2ple4
Cas0, casualt.
!li30, eli3ir
Caps0, capsule
;ot 2uc- -as been /ritten about abbreiations in !nglis- 1or Foreign Language
Teac-ing and less in !nglis- 1or Speci1ic ?urpose '!S?(4 een t-oug- in t-e
practice o1 nursing4 t-is /ord,building process -as 1ound a 1ield o1 deelop2ent0
Hig- 1re5uenc. use o1 abbreiations li6e) 7CL, 7ctiities o1 Cail. Liing
a0c0, 'Latin) ante cibu2( be1ore 2eals
b0i0d0, 'Latin) bis in die( t/ice a da.
-0s0, 'Latin) -ora so2ni( at bed ti2e
n0r0, 'Latin) non repitatur( do not repeat
p0c0, 'Latin) post cibu2( a1ter 2eals
p0r0n0, 'Latin) pro re nata( as needed
50 DDDD -0 E'Latin) 5ua5ue DDDDD -ora( eer. DDDD -ours
50o0d0 eer. ot-er da.
t0i0d0, 'Latin) ter in die( t-ree ti2es a da.
1or instance4 are not present in an. o1 t-e s.llabus used at present in !S? courses
in !nglis- subBect 1or nursing learners0",F
Cail. teac-ing -as de2onstrated t-at t-ere is a -andicap /it- t-e 2aster. o1
abbreiations0 T-ere is a lac6 o1 6no/ledge4 /-ic- constitutes a language barrier0
:ne o1 t-e proble2s 1or learners is t-at t-ere is no correspondence bet/een t-e
!nglis- and t-e Spanis- abbreiations as to initials0 T-ere1ore4 t-e learner cannot
2a6e a trans1er 1ro2 t-eir 2ot-er tongue to t-e target language0 7not-er proble2
is t-at teac-ers o1 !nglis- tend to concentrate t-eir teac-ing on oral practice4 /-ereas4
/riting -as turned to be a neglected s6ill0 T-ere1ore4 t-ere is no teac-ing4 and t-ere
is no practical actiit. to use abbreiations0 Moreoer4 abbreiations are not an
obBectie in t-e !S? s.llabuses in Sc-ools o1 Medical Sciences in Cuba4 een t-oug-
t-ere are around 1i1t. in t-e !S? te3tboo6s used at present0",F Conse5uentl.4 specialists
need to stud. b. t-e2seles t-e 2aBorit. o1 abbreiations4 in order to be able to use
t-e2 /-en /or6ing oerseas in !nglis- spea6ing co22unities4 because t-ere is no
enoug- bibliograp-. 1or teac-ers o1 !S? to deepen in t-eir use in t-e 1ield o1 nursing0
T-is article sets out to proide practical actiities in t-e teac-ing,learning process
o1 abbreiations 1or nursing learners0 T-ese practical actiities are tas6 1ocused0
T-e. can 1irst be done as a classroo2 actiit. and putting t-e2 into practice in
training,on,t-e,Bob actiities suc- as /ard rounds4 grand rounds4 and s-i1t,-andoer0&
______ __ _
a0 Find ten abbreiations
; ;
; C
I 9 J
< R
8 M
b0 J-at to t-e. stand 1orM
7bd , abdo2en C7T , diet as tolerated
HI , gastro,intestinal !R , e2ergenc. roo2
H , -our C:7 , dead on arrial
T I !
8 !
I L C K 8 :
J I ;
H M F 7 C T 8
7 S : T ! K ;
T H ? I C H ?
C K T :
: :G C T
8? , blood pressure dsg , dressing
cc , cubic centi2eter C3 , diagnosis
Hd , 1luid F , Fa-ren-eit
J<9 , Bugular ein distention I<8 , 6idne.4 ureter4 and bladder
______ __
a0 Find t-e abbreiation4 /-ic- stands 1or)
2orning care patient t-ree ti2es a da.
-ead inBuries casualt.
!lectrocardiogra2 eer. ot-er da.
bed bat- not-ing b. 2out- total nursing care
______ __ !
C-oose a or b according to t-e in1or2ation gien)
$0 T-e doctor said t-at t-e 1oetos /as in breec- presentation
a0 bp b0 8?
"0 ;urses 2a6e e2p-asis on a care1ul
a0 a020 care b0 7MC
*0 T-e nurse replied t-at t-e patient -ad to be sent to t-e
a0 CR0 b0 dr0
______ __ "
a0 So2e nursing notes are er. brie14 li6e t-e 1ollo/ing e3a2ple0 Can .ou transcribe
Mr0 J0 S2it- ;N? O s6ull R0T070 ad2itted ia cas0 $#) *# p020 <nconscious
since ad2ission0 Head o1 bed raised0 ?4 8?4 ?R reordered $N" -ourl.0
b0 So2e notes are not so brie10 Fill in t-e gaps in t-ese notes4 not using abbreiations0
Mr0 J0 S2it-=s diagnosis) 1ractured s6ull0 Inoled in a DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
T-e patient /as ad2itted ia DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD at DDDDDDDDDDD
7nd -as been unconscious since ad2ission0 T-e -ead o1 -is bed -as been
-ae ben recorded DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD since ad2ission0
;N? , ne/ patient R0T070 , road tra11ic accident
?t , patient ?0R0 , pupil reaction
Cas , casualt. O , 1ractured
______ __ #
a0 7bbreiate t-e underlined ter2s 'teac-er /rites on board()
$0 He /as broug-t in /it- head in!urie"0
"0 T-e doctor ordered an e$ectrocardiogram0
*0 S-e /as gien a "tomach %a"hout0
F0 He /as gien a ed ath0
&0 S-e /ill need tota$ nur"ing care.
P0 Je -ae to get a mid&"tream urine sa2ple 1ro2 Jo-n S2it- t-is 2orning0
HI4 !IH or !CH4 SJ4 884 T;C4 MS<0
______ __ $
a0 In t-e 1ollo/ing sentences so2e o1 t-e /ords are abbreiated0 Can .ou guess
/-at t-e. 2eanM
$0 T-e nurse too6 t-e patient=s T?R eer. 1our -ours0
"0 T-e doctor did a lu2bar puncture and t-e CSF /as clear0
*0 He /as e3a2ined ?R0
F0 T-e patient could not ?< and -ad to be cat-eterized0
&0 Con=t gie Mrs0 7zu6eli a drin6 E s-e=s ;?:0
P0 To be CNJ doctor Sc-2idt
T?R te2perature4 pulse and respiration
CSF cerebral spinal 1luid
?R pupil reaction
?< passed urine
;?: not-ing b. 2out-
CNJ discussed /it-
______ __ %
a0 Read t-e 1ollo/ing nursing notes and discuss /it- a partner /-at t-e. 2ean0
T-en /rite a 1ull ersion4 using co2plete sentences and no abbreiations0
T0;0C0 ;0?0<0 8? raised0 ?R une5ual Q p0200 Coctor G in1or2ed0 Seen b.
Coctor G Q)*# p0200 For burr,-oles $# p020
Total nursing care -as been gien0 T-e patient -as not passed urine since
ad2ission0 7t Q p020 -is blood pressure /as raised and t-e pupil reaction to lig-t
/as une5ual0 Coctor G /as in1or2ed0 T-e patient /as seen b. Coctor G at
Q0*# p020 and is to -ae a burr,-ole operation on -is s6ull at $#)## p020
____ ____ &
a0 @ou are t-e o11,going s-i1t nurse0 @ou are to present /ritten s-i1t -andoer report
'use abbreiations /-en needed(0 @ou -ae onl. got 1ie 2inutes to report on
t-ree cases0
b0 ?resent t-e s-i1t -andoer report to t-e ot-er nurse /-o is co2ing on0
_ ____
Co22onl. used abbreiations and 2eanings in nursing0
R4 S 7nd
a0 8e1ore
a0c0 be1ore 2eals
70M0 Morning
aa o1 eac-
7bd0 7bdo2en
abort0 7bortion
acco2d0 7cco22odation
7CTH adrenocorticotropic -or2one
ad lib0 as desired
ad0 up to
7CH0 7ntidiuretic -or2one
7CL0 actiities o1 dail. liing
alt0 dieb0 alternate da.s
72b a2bulator.
7ppro30 appro3i2atel.Nabout
7S7 aspirin
730 a3illar. 'i0e04 a3illar. te2p0(
b0i0d t/o ti2es a da. or t/ice a da.
baso0 basop-ile
8CH 'accine( basille Cal2etter Huerin
bili0 bilirrubin
bl0 cult0 blood culture
8M bo/el 2oe2ent
8MR basal 2etabolic rate
8? blood pressure
br0sounds breat- sounds
8R? bat-roo2 priileges
8S blood sugar
8S? bronsulp-alein
8<; blood urea nitrogen
C centrigade '*T U(
c0 /it-
CNo co2plained o1
CRS culture and sensitie
ca cancer
C70 carcino2a or cancer
cat0 cat-eter
C8C co2plete blood count
cc cubic centi2eter 'or c2=(
CC0 c-ie1 co2plaint
cep-0 1loc0 cep-alin 1locculation test
cl0 c-loride
cld.0 cloud.
C;S Central ;erous S.ste2
C;S Centrl ;erous S.ste2
C:" Carbon dio3ide
cont0 continued
C?C Clinicopat-ological con1erence
CSF Cerebro spinal 1luid
C97 cerebroascular accident
C9? central enous pressure
c-ol0 c-olesterol
c-ol0 est0 c-olesterol esters
CSC dilation S curettage
CNJ discussed /it-
CRC dilation and curettage
C7T diet as tolerated
CC discontinue 'i0e04 CC Lasi30(
CC=d discontinued 'i0e04 Lasi3 CC=d0(
decr0 di2inis-ed or decreased
Cer2 Cer2atolog.
diag0 diagnosis
dil0 dilute
disc-0 disc-arge
CL danger list
C:7 dead on arrial
C?T dip-t-eria to3oid4 pertussis accine4 tetanus to3oid
dsg0 dressing
C30 diagnosis
!8L esti2ated blood loss
!CH electrocardiogra2 '!IH 2a. be pre1erred 1or
!CT electroconulsie
!CH: irus enteroc.ptopat-ogenic -u2an orp-an iruses
!CC esti2ated date o1 con1ine2ent
!!H electroencep-alogra2
eli30 eli3ir
!;T ears4 nose S t-roat or ear4 nose S t-roat
!:M e3traocular 2oe2ent
epit-0 epit-eliu2 or epit-elial
!R '!C( e2ergenc. roo2 'departa2ent(
!ST electros-oc6 t-erap.
e3pir0 e3piration or e3pirator.
e3t0 e3tract
O 1racture
F0 Fa-ren-eit '+Q0P F(
1a20doc0 1a2il. doctor 'no longer accepted(
1a2il. p-.s0
1a2il. p-.sician
re1erring doctor
F8S 1asting blood sugar
Fe iron
F!T7L ?:SITI:; ?R!S!;T7TI:;
LF7 'RF7( le1t 1rontoanterior 'rig-t(
LF? 'RF?( le1t 1rontoposterior 'rig-t(
LFT 'RFT( le1t 1rontotranserse 'rig-t(
LM7 'RM7( le1t 2entoanterior 'rig-t(
LM? 'RM?( le1t 2entoposterior 'rig-t(
LMT 'RMT( le1t 2etrotranserse 'rig-t(
L:7 le1t occiput anterior
L:? le1t occiput posterior
L:T le1t occiput transerse
LS7 'RS7( le1t sacru2 anterior 'rig-t(
LS? 'RS?( le1t sacru2 posterior 'rig-t(
LST 'RST( le1t sacru2 transerse 'rig-t(
R:7 rig-t occiput anterior
R:? rig-t occiput posterior
R:T rig-t occiput transerse
FH 1a2il. -istor.
Fld 1luid
1or0 bod. 1oreign bod.
1ract0 1racture
FSH 1ollicle sti2ulating -or2one
gal0 gallon
HI gastrointestinal
g2 or g gra2 '2easure2ent(
H2l gra2s per -undred 2illiliters o1 seru2 or blood as
gold0sol0 colloidal gold cure
H?R glo2erular 1iltration rate
gr0 grain '2easure2ent used in 2edicine(
Hra0I4 Hra0 pri2igraide4 secundigraida
II indicating a /o2an o1 so 2an. pregnancies0
Htt drop '2easure2ent used in 2edicine(
H< genitourinar.
H.n0 g.necolog.
H -our
HSH -e2oglobin S -e2atocrit
H0I0 -ead inBuries
-0s0 -our o1 sleep4 bed ti2e
H0S0 at bed ti2e
HN: -istor. o1
H77 -epatitis associated antigen
Hct0 -e2atocrit
Hgb -e2oglobin
Hi0 cal -ig- calor.
Hint0 Hinton
Hi it -ig- ita2in
H:8 -ead o1 bead
-p10 per -ig- po/ered 1ield 'used onl. in describing urine
-t -eig-t
I$*$ radioactie iodine
ISC incision and drainage 'included because o1 general
ISL inta6e and output 'IS:(
IM intra2uscular
incr0 increased or increasing
inspr0 Inspiration or inspirator.
I??8 inter2ittent positie pressure breat-ing
IL intelligence 5uotient
Irrig0 irrigation
I<C intrauterine deice
I9 intraenous
I9? intraenous p.elogra2
J9C Bugular ein distention
I potassiu2
Ig 6ilogra2
IJ 6nee Ber6
I<8 6idne.4 ureter4 and bladder
L or lt0 le1t 'so2eti2es it is lig-t4/-en describing colors(
I S J liing and /ell
Lab0 laborator.
lap0 laparoto2.
lat0 lateral
lb0 pound
L888 le1t bundle branc- bloc6
LCH lactic acid de-.dragenase
li50 Li5uid
L le1t
LM? last 2enstrual period
lot0 lotion
L? lu2bar puncture
LSC l.sergic diet-.la2ide
L<L le1t upper lobe 'lung(
L<L le1t upper 5uadrant
L<L le1t upper 5uadrant 'abdo2en(
l.2p-s l.2p-oc.tes
LLL le1t lo/er lobe 'lung(
LLL le1t lo/er 5uadrant
LLL le1t lo/er 5uadrant 'abdo2en(
20 2inun
M$ 2itral 1irst
MCH 2ean corpuscular -e2oglobin
MCHC 2ean corpuscular -e2oglobin concentration
MC9 2ean corpuscular olu2e
Mg0 2agnesiu2
2g0 V 2illigra2s per -undred 2illiliters o1 seru2 blood
Me5 'Me5N$( 2illie5uialents 'per liter(
M0 et ;0 2orning and nig-t
Mn0 2anganese
2ed0 2edicine
2i3t0 2i3ture
2g0 2illigra2
2id0 2iddle
2in0 2inute
2l0 2illiliter
220 2illi2eter
2od0 2oderate
2ono 2onoc.te
;a0 sodiu2
;7C not-ing abnor2al detected
;R9 nausea S o2iting
neg0 negatie
neuro0 ;eurolog. or neurological
no0 nu2ber
noc0 nig-t
noct0 nocturnal
non0 rep do not repeat
;?; nonprotein nitrogen
;?: not-ing b. 2out-
;S neurosurger.
O4 ;o0 nu2ber
:" o3.gen
o0d0 rig-t e.e
o0s0 le1t e.e
:" o3.gen capacit.
:" sat o3.gen saturation
:8NH@; obstetrics S g.necolog.
obs0 :bstetrics or obstetrical
:cc0 t-0 occupational t-erap.
ol0 oil
:: rig-t e.e
op0 operation
:R0 operating roo2
ort- ort-opedic
:T old tuberculin
ou0 bot-
oz0 ounce
p a1ter
p pulse
? p-osp-orus
?" pul2onic second -eart sound
?*" radioactie p-osp-orus
?ara I4 ?ara II pri2ipara4 secundipara 'indicating a /o2an o1 so
2an. c-ildren(
paracent paracentesis
?8I protein boun iodine
p0c0 'Latin) post cibu2( a1ter 2eals
?! p-.sical e3a2ination
?eds0 ?ediatrics
?!L9IC M!7S<R!M!;TS)
ant0 anterior
?ost0 Sag0 C0 posterior sagital dia2eter
70?0C0 anteroposterior dia2eter
bisp0 bispinous or interspinous dia2eter
CC diagonal conBugate
IT intertuberous
:C obstetrical conBugate
Tans0 C0 transerse dia2eter
percuss0 S percussion and auscultation0 ? S
7<SC0 S 7 is disparaged(
p0r0 per rectu2
p0r0n0 'Latin) pro re nata( as o1ten as necessar.
pF -.drogen ion concentration
per t-roug- or b.
peri0 care perineal care
?!RRL7 pupils e5ual4 round reactie to lig-t and
?H ?ast Histor.
?-.s0 T-0 ?-.sicial T-erap.
?I present illness
p60 dissociation constant
?I< p-en.l6eronuria
?M a1ternoon4 eening 'a1ter $" noon(
?MI point o1 2a3i2al i2pulse
po 'Latin) per os( b. 2out-
pol.ps0 pol.2orp-onuclear leucoc.tes
?:MR patient oriented 2edical record
?op0 s2ear ?apanicolaus s2ear test
poplit0 popliteal
?ost op postoperatie
?re op preoperatie
prep0 prepare 1or
prn /-en necessar. 'total protein is pre1erred /-en
prot0 protein re1erring to a clinical deter2ination o1 t-e protein
o1 t-e blood0(
prot-r0 cont0 prot-ro2bin content
prot-r0 ti2e0 prot-ro2bin ti2e
?S? p-enosul1onp-t-allein
ps.c- ps.c-ological
?T p-.sical t-erap.
pt0 patient
pul0 po/der
?KI prota2ine zinc insulin
5 eer.
50s 5uantit. su11icient
50d0 eer. da.
50-0 eer. -our
50i0d eer. ot-er da.
50o0d0 eer. ot-er da.
5t0 5uart
5"-0 'Latin) 5ua5ue duo -ora( eer. t/o -ours
5*- 'Latin) 5ua5ue tres -oras( eer. t-ree -ours
5F- 'Latin) 5ua5ue 5uatuor -ora( eer. 1our -ours
50'F( i0d 'Latin) 5uatuor in die( 1our ti2es a da.
50n0 'Latin) 5ua5ue nocte( eer. nig-t
50n0s0 'Latin) 5uantu2e non statis( 5uantit. not su11icient
5uant0 5uantitatie or 5uantit.
RN rt0 rig-t
rNresp0 respiration
R8C red blood cell
rbc0 red blood cell
R- R-esus blood 1actor
RLL rig-t lo/er 5uadrant
RLL rig-t lo/er lobe 'lung(
RML rig-t 2iddle lobe 'lung(
RR! round4 regular and e5ual
R<L rig-t upper lobe 'lung(
R<L rig-t upper 5uadrant
R<L rig-t upper 5uadrant 'abdo2en(
R30 t-erap.
S0:0S 'Latin) si opus sit( 2a. be repeated once i1 urgentl.
s0s0 ene2a4 soapsuds ene2a
s /it-out
sang0 sanguineous
sat0 saturated
sed0 rate er.t-roc.te sedi2entation
SH:T seru2 gluta2ic p.rubic transa2inase
SH?T seru2 gluta2ic o3alacetic transa2inase
SH Social Histor.
sig0 Label or /rite on label
S:8 s-ort o1 breat-
Sol0 solution 's(
ss0 one -al1
sp0gr0 speci1ic grait.
S0R0 s.ste2 reie/
spec0 speci2en
SL 'SC( subcutaneous
ss one -al1
Stap- stap-ilococcus
stat 'Latin) stati2( i22ediatel. and once onl.
stillb stillborn or still birt-
strep0 streptococcus
STS serologic list 1or s.p-ilis
Subcut0 or subcutaneous
subling under t-e tongue4 sublingual
Surg4 or Surger. or surgical
SJ sto2ac- /as-out
S3 s.2pto2s
s.2pat0 s.2pat-etic
s.2pt0 S.2pto2
s.r0 s.rup
t0i0d t-ree ti2es a da.
tab0 tablet
tap0 teaspoon
tbc0 tuberculosis
tbsp0 tablespoon
tint0 or tr0 tincture
TLC tender loing care
T?R te2perature4 pulse S respiration
TSH t-.roid sti2ulating -or2one
T3 treat2ent
< unit
<N7 urine anal.sis
ung0 oint2ent
<RI upper respirator. in1ection 'included because o1
general use(
<rol0 or rural <rolog. or urological
<TI urinar. tract in1ection
ag0 aginal
9C or 9it ital capacit.
9C enereal disease
9CRL 'test( enereal disease reaearc- laborator. test
9ia b. /a. o1
9it0 9ita2in /-en 1ollo/ed b. speci1ic letter4 i0e0
9it0 C
o erbal order
/0a0 /-ile a/a6e
Jass Jasser22an
J8C /-ite blood count
Jbc /-ite blood cell
JC or J; /ell deeloped4 /ell nouris-ed
Jt /eig-t
;otes) /N and /No are /it- and /it-out in eer.da. !nglis-0 Co22on
people /ould not recognize c4 s0
__________ _ ____________
$0 !d/ards ?J0 T-e register o1 Hospital !nglis-0 Int ;urs Re0 $+TF%"$)*T0
"0 8er2an H0 ?ractical 2edicine0 La Habana)!ditorial CientW1ico,Tcnica4 $+QQ)$#Q '!dicin
*0 DDDDD0 ?ractical surger.0 La Habana) !ditorial CientW1ico,Tcnica4 $+QQ)$#"0 '!dicin Reolucionaria(0
F0 Corrales Fuentes J0 7n internationalist nurse0 La Habana)!ditorial ?ueblo . !ducacin4 $++#)Q"0
&0 Mc Lean J0 !nglis- 1or nurses0 !3ercises ta6en 1ro2 postgraduate course 1or teac-ers o1 !S? at Centro
;acional de ?er1ecciona2iento Mdico 'C!;7?!M(4 La Habana4 $++Q0
Recibido) "$ de 2arzo del "##$0 7probado) $F de 2a.o del "##$0
Lic0 Vivian Amparo Martnez Snchez0 Instituto Superior de Ciencias Mdicas de La Habana0 Facultad de
Ciencias Mdicas Julio Trigo Lpez0
!l uso de abreiaturas co2o proceso de construccin de palabras se -a uelto 2u.
productio en el Ingls actual0 Las abreiaciones ta2bin -an encontrado un ca2ino
para la co2unicacin pro1esional . rXpida0 Los principales obBetios de este artWculo4
son proporcionar algunas oportunidades prXcticas para brindar a los 5ue aprenden
oportunidades de 1a2iliarizarse . practicar abreiaturas de una 1or2a e1icaz .
co2unicatia4 . proporcionar un glosario de las abreiaturas utilizadas 2Xs
1recuente2ente por las en1er2eras0
'eCS# 78R!9I7T<R7S% C:M<;IC7CI:;% I;STR<CCI:; ?7R7 !;F!RM!R7S
>TI?: C! ?<8LIC7CI:;A
Who needs medical English?
doctors working in hospitals
medical students
nurses working in hospitals
nursing students
ambulance drivers
lab technicians
!amil doctors
practice assistants
hospital social workers
"#ra technicians
Wh do the need medical English?
to communicate with English#speaking patients and their !amilies
to communicate with patients !rom other backgrounds $ English as
lingua !ranca
to attend con!erences $ to present papers or posters% to understand
to read pro!essional literature% books and &ournals
to do research in the internet
to publish results o! their research
to stud or work in an English#speaking environment
What do the need to learn?
# patient vocabular !or anatom% bod !unctions and smptoms
# specialised vocabular !or diseases% smptoms% e'aminations%
# communication skills $ taking a medical histor% patient assessment%
treatment alternatives% dealing with bad news% o!!ering com!ort
# abilit to read e!!ectivel # strategies !or academic reading
# sentence structure and grammar( especiall !or asking )uestions%
options *+!#sentences,
# language !unctions( presenting% de!ending% challenging% summari-ing%
# human relationship skills( introductions% supporting% apologi-ing%
asking permission
# pronunciation and intonation( international English
What skills do teachers need?
abilit to deal with mi'ed#level groups
interest in health care% access to current in!ormation
solid /E012 training including e'perience teaching advanced students
abilit to work with groups and one#to#one
pro!essional stance $ convincing demeanor
3vonne 4ord% 0eptember 55% 5667
ESP S y l l a b u s
Medical English for upper intermediate (general medicine)
in academic year 2007/2008 - winter semester
Week: Unit/Topic - Tas6s '9ocabular.NHra22ar(
10 Education
getting ac5uinted /it- Medical Facult.4 opinion e3c-ange4 classroo2 discussion
'Hra22ar reision4 9ocabular. enric-2ent(
2. The Human Body
description o1 t-e -u2an bod.4 /or6 /it- idio2s4 rep-rasing
'Locatie adBecties4 erbs4 aderbs and4 prepositions4 /ord 1or2ation(
3. Body Systems
description o1 t-e 8od. S.ste2s4 o1 1unctions and organs
'For2ing adBecties 1ro2 nouns(
4. The Cell
guessing t-e trueN1alse state2ents4 scanning t-e te3t4 guided note,ta6ing4 as6ing
su22ar. /riting
'Irregular plural4 Jord 1or2ation(
5. Body Fluids
co2parision o1 idio2s4 guided note,ta6ing4 pair /or64 rep-rasing4 discussion
'7dBecties4 Co2pound adBecties4 7derbs(
6. The Cardiovascular System
labelling t-e diagra2 o1 t-e -eart4 guessing t-e trueN1alse state2ents4 c-oosing t-e correct
'9erbs o1 description4 <se o1 t-e erbs pa"" and ($o%) Relatie clauses4 Modi1iers(
7. 1st TEST
8. The Nervous System
soling t-e puzzle4 scanning t-e table4 discussion4 2a6ing predictions4 s6i22ing t-e te3t4
as6ing 5uestions
';egatie pre1i3es(
9. Sleep
guessing trueN1alse state2ents4 2a6ing de1initions
'!3pressing certaint.4 uncertaint.4 possibilit.Nprobabilit.(
10. Medical Examination
discussion4 pair /or64 scanning t-e te3t4 1ul1illing t-e c-art4 co2pleting t-e sentences
'Causatie use o1 -ae(
11. Communication between Doctor and Patient
as6ing about co2plaints4 ta6ing a past -istor.4 ta6ing a 1a2il. -istor.4 as6ing about
'9ocabular. enric-2ent4 9arious conersational p-rases(
12.-13. Hospitalization
ans/ering 5uestions4 s6i22ing t-e te3t4 discoer. actiities
'Structures) to e u"ed to) to get u"ed to*
14. 2nd TEST
Literatra a studijn strnky
?olXY6oX4 H04 JureY6oX4 704 CZuganoX4 80) Te3tboo6 o1 Medical !nglis-0 8ratislaa0
"##P 's6riptX(0
Hlendinning4 !04 Hol2str[24 80) !nglis- in Medicine0 7 Course in Co22unication
Ca2bridge0 <ni0?ress $++"0 $&* s0
Ja2es4 C090) Medicine0 !nglis- 1or 7cade2ic ?urpouses Series0 London0 ?rentice Hall
$&# s0
ESP S y l l a b u s
Medical English for upper intermediate (General medicine)
in academic year 2007/2008 - summer semester
Week: Unit/Topic - Tas6s 'FunctionsN 9ocabular.N Hra22ar(
1. Risk Factors
discuss dangers t-reatening our -ealt-4 scan t-e te3t to 1ind ne/ in1o 1or .ou4 2a6e list
classi1ication o1 RF4 1ill in table according to t-e recording
'Cause and !11ect \ erb 1or2s) 000causes0004 000is caused b.0004 000is due to0004 000result 's(
2. Nutrition
scan t-e te3t to ans/er t-e 5uestions4 co2plete t-e sentences NpredictionN4 co2plete t-e
sentences according to t-e recording4 2a6e up a dialogue
'9ocabular. enlarge2ent) nutrition4 nutritional4 nutritious4 nutrient4 nouris-(
3.-4. Infections
scan t-e te3t and underline all diseases 2entioned4 co2plete t-e table Naccording to t-e
ta6e notes 1ro2 t-e te3t Nc-aracteristicsN4 /rite a brie1 su22ar. N2a6e use o1 .our notes4
c-art4 tableN4 co2plete t-e table according to t-e recording
'?rocess description) present tense E actieNpassie% participles) cells coered b. inading
bacteria% ?ronunciationN Stress) pat-ogenicit.4 pat-ogen4 tuberculosis4 2eningitis4
5. Cancer
s6i2 t-e te3t to e3plain t-e title o1 t-e article4 to co2plete t-e sentences4 parap-rase t-e
sentences4 /rite t-e -eadline 1or t-e picture4 listen to t-e te3t and 2a6e notes
'Cause and !11ect) using signal /ordsN/-en4 i14 unless4 because4 as4 due to t-e 1act t-at4
since000N in cause and e11ect(
6.-7. AIDS
listen to t-e te3t and ta6e detailed notes4 s6i2 t-e te3t to /rite out 6e. /ords4 to ans/er
5uestions4 scan t-e te3t to 1ind a 6e. in1or2ation o1 eac- paragrap-4 2a6e up a dialogue4
/rite a s-ort su22ar.
'?assie 9oice E use% Ho/ to use correctl.) accine4 accination4 to
8. 3rd TEST
9. Surgeries
get in1o 1ro2 .our neig-bour on gien 5s04 su22arize in1o 1ro2 all class in t-e table4
1ro2 t-e titles o1 t-e articles4 guess t-e 2eanings o1 un6no/n /ords4 1ind and underline
in1o in eac- paragrap-4 note do/n 2ain issues NlisteningN
'!aluation o1 preious e3perience4 pluses and 2inuses recorded so 1ar4 present per1ect
E use Reco22endationsN!3pectationsN:bligations
10. Patients Bill of Rights
brainstor2ing4 s6i22ingNscanning4 in1o0 classi1ication
'Luali1iersN7dB0N?-rases) current in1o4 in1o concerning4 in1o as to]% ?repositions) prior
11. The terminally ill patient
deeloping t-e te3t title4 listening 1or speci1ic in1o4 1illing in -orizon c-art4 predicting
'gra22ar rein1orce2ent(
12. Death & Dying
deeloping sentences4 erb categorizing 'st.le(4 using dictionar.4 listening
ta6ing notes4 /riting su22ar.
'erb) using , ing 1or2s% gra22ar reision(
13. Presentations
14. Presentations
Literatra a studijn strnky
?olXY6oX4 H04 JureY6oX4 704 CZuganoX4 80) Te3tboo6 o1 Medical !nglis-0 8ratislaa0
"##P 's6riptX(0
Hlendinning4 !04 Hol2str[24 80) !nglis- in Medicine0 7 Course in Co22unication
Ca2bridge0 <ni0?ress $++"0 $&* s0
Ja2es4 C090) Medicine0 !nglis- 1or 7cade2ic ?urpouses Series0 London0 ?rentice Hall
$&# s0
T-e stud. and teac-ing o1 second language /riting -as
gained status as a sub,discipline o1 bot- applied linguistics
and co2position studies oer t-e past decade >$A0 It is
e3tre2el. i2portant to train 2edical students to be co2petent
/riters as t-e. /ill /rite case reports4 researc- articles
and co22unicate /it- international scienti1ic audiences in
t-eir 1uture career0
Re1or2s in 2edical education in Serbia -ae -ad an i2pact
on !nglis- 1or Medical 7cade2ic ?urposes instruction0 In
its "#,.ear -istor. and until recentl.4 t-e 2edical !nglis-
course /as a co2pulsor. t/o,.ear course ta6en during t-e
1irst t/o .ears o1 undergraduate 2edical education b. nonnatie4
Serbian 2edical students0 7 ne/ 2edical curriculu2
/as approed in "##F and t-e 2edical !nglis- instruction
/as e3tended to a 1ie,.ear course 't/o co2pulsor.
and t-ree electie courses(0 T-e reason 1or t-is is t-at t-ere
-as been an a/areness o1 t-e eer increasing i2portance o1
scienti1ic !nglis- and t-e need 1or non,natie 2edical
undergraduates to beco2e pro1icient pro1essionals0
T-e ne/ t/o,.ear course runs in parallel /it- t-e subBect
course and relates to it4 adapts to it as t-e learners^ e3perience
or needs c-ange4 and generall. re2ains 1le3ible0 It
prepares t-e2 1or oral and /ritten co22unication in t-eir
1uture pro1essional /orld0 It includes pro1essional,to,pro1essional
discourse rat-er t-an pro1essional to la. discourse
and aut-entic 2edical literature rat-er t-an si2pli1ied
te3t0 Topic selection is in ter2s o1 2edical 2atters
rat-er t-an language ite2s0 Course 2aterials and 2et-ods
re1lect t-e particular needs as enco2passed in t-e ne/ te3tboo6
+ng$i"h (or Medica$ Academic ,urpo"e" b. t-e
aut-or o1 t-is article0 T-ere is 2ore actie cooperation /it-
2e2bers o1 sta11 o1 t-e specialist disciplines0 T-e old4
gra22ar,translation4 approac- to language teac-ing -as
been abandoned0 T-e ne/ approac- is conte3t,based4 in
/-ic- learning is conte3tual4 -olistic and s.nt-etic rat-er t-an
anal.tic0 It is student, rat-er t-an subBect,centred4 en5uir.based
and interactie4 inoling cooperatie learning0
!lectie courses /ill start in autu2n "##T and /ill be
o11ered to t-e t-ird4 1ourt- and 1i1t- .ear 2edical undergraduates0
7s t-ese are t-e courses 1or senior 2edical students4
target actiities /ill be practised) case /or64 /riting
up researc- and so on0 T-e. /ill include proble2,based4
genre,based /or6 on t.pical collocations4 as /ell as s6ills
deelop2ent0 T-e planned ti2e sc-edule is $ -our *# 2inutes
a /ee6 '*# classes in total(4 and t-e approac- /e are
ta6ing /ill be an integrated s6ills 2odel0 :ne signi1icant
part o1 instruction /ill be deoted to /riting4 ot-ers
include listening4 reading and spea6ing0 Stud. s6ills
enco2pass a /ide range o1 actiities) listening and noteta6ing4
reading s6ills 'suc- as s6i22ing4 scanning4 guessing
2eanings 1ro2 conte3t and using t-e dictionar.(4 se2inar
discussion4 oral presentation4 essa.Nt-esisNlaborator.
report /riting4 using t-e librar.4 using co2puters in t-eir
arious applications '/ord,processing4 t-e Internet etc0(0
Ceeloping students^ stud. s6ills co2petence is 2ore
i2portant t-an teac-ing t-e speci1ic indiidual s6ills0
In t-e co2pulsor. course4 /riting is practised as a basic
s6ill inoling gap,1illing4 note,ta6ing and paragrap-
're(construction0 7t t-is later stage4 it /ill inole case
report and researc- articles0
8roduct or process?
S-ould teac-ers ai2 to deelop generalised acade2ic /riting
s6ills in t-eir students4 -oping t-at t-ese s6ills and
strategies /ill trans1er to subse5uent /riting tas6s across
t-e curriculu2M :r s-ould t-e. 1ocus instead on teac-ing
students -o/ to and i2itate t-e nor2s o1 t-e speci1ic
discourse co22unities to /-ic- students -ope to gain
ad2issionM T-ese are 5uestions relating to /-et-er /e are
ta6ing a product or process approac- to /riting0
T-e product approac- to /riting 2eans setting up a conte3t
'e3ploring t-e situations t-at re5uire a particular register4
genre4 audience4 purpose4 topic(4 2odelling 'b. reading
te3ts o1 t-e appropriate genre(4 noticing 'setting tas6s t-at
dra/ students^ attention to t.pical 1eatures and gra22atical
1eatures(4 e3plicit genre anal.sis '/-en students4
pro2pted b. t-e teac-er4 /or6 out t-e 2aBor 1eatures o1 t-e
te3tEt-e 1unction4 st.les4 sc-e2atic stages and linguistic
1eatures o1 t-e genre(4 and te3t co2parison0 T-is can be
1ollo/ed b. controlled production4 e0g0 te3t co2pletion4
te3t reconstruction and te3t reordering% and 1inall. independent
production o1 dra1ts4 /-en students indiiduall. or
in groups c-oose a topic /it-in t-e target genre4 do t-e
ocabular. researc- and /rite t-e te3t0 Feedbac6 2ig-t
include a degree o1 indiidual and group con1erencing
be1ore publis-ing t-e 1inal dra1t0
T-e proce"" approac- consists o1 t-e t-in6ing stage in
/-ic- students identi1. t-e r-etorical proble24 plan a solution
or series o1 solutions to t-e proble2 and 1inall. reac-
an appropriate conclusion% and t-e process stage inoling
translating t-e plan into paragrap-s and sentences4 reie/ing
/eaching medical writing
in an integrated skills
approach in 9elgrade
The 1ournal of the European Medical Writers Association $#
T-eWrite 0tu!! 9ol0 $P4 ;o0 $4 "##T
y So(i!a Micic
The 1ournal of the European Medical Writers Association
T-eWrite 0tu!! 9ol0 $P4 ;o0 $4 "##T
Teaching medical writing in an integrated skills approach in Belgrade >>>
t-e 1irst dra1t and t-en reising t-e te3t to produce a nu2ber
o1 subse5uent dra1ts0 In t-e actual teac-ing4 t-e s6ills o1
editing and reie/ are taug-t t-roug- peer reie/ and group
/or64 and t-e /-ole e2p-asis is on 2oing students on 1ro2
oer,concern /it- sentence,leel accurac. >"A0
8ot- approac-es -ae adantages and /ea6nesses4 so /e
adocate a co2bination o1 t-e t/o0 T-e stages to be 1ollo/ed
_ Ceelop rhetorica$ a%arene"" b. loo6ing at 2odel te3ts
_ ?ractise speci1ic genre 1eatures4 especiall. 2oes and
/riter stance
_ Carr. out /riting tas6s s-o/ing a/areness o1 t-e
need" o( individua$ reader" and the di"cour"e community
and t-e purpo"e o( %riting
_ !aluate t-e /riting 't-roug- peer revie% or re1or2ulation(0
8ut4 aboe all4 t-e teac-er o1 /riting needs to see6 a balance
bet/een tal6ing about /riting and setting up tas6s
/-ere students actuall. /rite4 singl.4 or in pairs or groups4
/-ile in class0
:aking use o! case reports
T-e teac-er can prepare notes 1ro2 t-e `proble2^ part o1 a
case report4 and gie t-ese to t-e students to reconstruct in a
/ritten report0 T-en t-e. can read t-e original and proceed
to discussion0 T-e language o1 di11erential diagnosis can be
taug-t and a 1ocused gap,1illing e3ercise can be done0
:aking use o! research articles
Reconstructie /riting starts 1ro2 1ractured sentences4 or
notes4 or gapped te3t0 For e3a2ple)
_ Introduction) /it- erb tense c-oices
_ Met-od) c-anging actie erbs bac6 to original passie
_ Results) 1illing gapped te3t /it- re1erence to tables and
_ Ciscussion) gapped te3t /it- 2ost co22on 5uestions4
1ocusing on probabilit. and argu2ent0
;ative language *2<, and !oreign language
*25, literac
:ur students are non,natie learners o1 !nglis- and4 naturall.4
one -as to ta6e into account t-eir natie language
co2petenc.0 L$ and L" literac. studies indicate t-at s6illed
/riters generall. tend to de2onstrate 2ore e11icient reading
s6ills t-an /ea6er /riters0 8ut4 literac. does not auto2aticall.
trans1er 1ro2 L$ to L"0 Moreoer4 t-e deelop2ent
o1 L" /riting s6ills 2a. depend on a constellation o1
independent 1actors suc- as L" pro1icienc.4 L$ and L"
reading abilit.4 L$ and L" /riting pro1icienc.4 and e3posure
to particular genres o1 /riting >*A0 T-ese 1indings
s-o/ t-e interactie nature o1 /riting co2petence0
Te3ts t-at 1uture doctors /ill produce s-ould be readable
and understandable and -ae to 1ollo/ certain rules /-ic-
i2pl. t-at t-e. s-ould -ae)
_ s-ort4 si2ple /ords
_ s-ort sentences
_ parallelis2
_ concrete language
_ te3t 2ar6ers
_ repetitions as rein1orce2ent
_ ertical lists
_ alp-abetical lists
_ logical place2ent o1 t-e erb
_ si2ple erb tenses
_ actie oice >FA0
For non,natie spea6ers deeloping t-eir /riting s6ills on
t-e /a. to/ard beco2ing independent /riters4 input 1ro2
bot- a language pro1essional and an e3perienced 2edical
e3pert is i2portant >&A0 T-is is our instruction goal 1or t-e
1uture and /e s-all strie to introduce graduate 2edical
!nglis- courses /-ere t-is collaboration /ill be crucial0
I1 2edical /riters4 especiall. non,natie4 pa. attention to
t-e aboe rules4 t-e. /ill signi1icantl. i2proe t-eir /riting
s6ills and reac- t-e goal o1 producing e3cellent te3ts0
In our courses /it- an integrated s6ills approac-4 /riting
can proide input 1or ot-er language /or64 i0e0 reading4
spea6ing and4 2ost i2portantl.4 integrated s6ills tas6s4 suc-
as proBects0 Je -ope t-at our electie courses /ill signi1icantl.
i2proe our students^ 2edical !nglis- co2petenc.0
Sofija Micic
A""i"tant ,ro(e""or o( +ng$i"h
Schoo$ o( Medicine) -niver"ity o( Be$grade)
Be$grade) Seria
$0 Sila T4 Le6i4 I4 Carson J0 8roadening t-e perspectie o1 2ainstrea2 co2position
studies) So2e t-oug-ts 1ro2 t-e disciplinar. 2argins4 /ritten communication4
$++T% $F) *+Q,F"Q0
"0 Flo/erde/ J4 ?eacoc6 M0 T-e !7? curriculu2) Issues4 2et-ods4 and c-allenges4
in J0 Flo/erde/ and ?eacoc6 M0 '!ds( 0e"earch ,er"pective" on
+ng$i"h (or Academic ,urpo"e"4 Ca2bridge) Ca2bridge <niersit. ?ress4
"##$4 $TT,+F0
*0 Ferris C4 Hedgcoc6 J0 S0 Teac-ing !SL Co2position0 ?urpose4 ?rocess and
?ractice0 $++Q% Ma-/a-4 ;J) La/rence !rlbau2 7ssociates0
F0 7lbin 90 Translating and For2atting Te3ts 1or ?atients /it- Lo/ Literac.
S6ills4 in H0 Fisc-bac- '!d( 1ran"$ation and Medicine. American 1ran"$ator"
A""ociation Scho$ar$y Monograph Serie"4 9ol0 G $++Q4
72sterda2N?-iladelp-ia) Jo-n 8enBa2ins ?ublis-ing Co2pan.4 $$T,"+0
&0 8en1ield J0 R04 Fea6 C0 80 Ho/ 7ut-ors Can Cope Jit- t-e 8urden o1 !nglis-
as an International Language0 Che"t "##P% $"+) $T"Q,*#0
>n!orgivable spelling errors
8eliee it or not4 t-e t-ree 2ost co22on spelling errors
I see 1ro2 natie and non,natie spea6ers o1 !nglis- are)
_ sepErate
_ occuRed
_ occuRing
J-ateer -appened to spellc-ec6ersM
Alistair Reeves

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