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The word success is one thing that mattered to me .

Succeeded is anything that can boast of ourselves and those closest to me . Starting from a very big dream and I want to reach after I graduated in my CMS . Inspired by the people closest to me and my family Kudan parents who already have a great experience and I would want to emulate . I want to be a successful career woman who wants to boast the people around me , especially my parents , which is already membahagiakanku to date . The first one after I graduated from SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta I want to continue sewing and then after I finished sewing course I want to open a boutique in a strategic place that has many employees and I want to be a good boss . After opening a boutique that had many people visit a lot and were able to meet the needs of buyers and customers , I also want to open a branch butikku at a place that does not exist boutique shops . Once I 've reached my dream big do not forget I kept saying gratitude to God that my prayer has been granted . A few of my biggest dreams was I hope I can make it happen .

Nama No Kelas

: Suningsih : 25 : XII B

I think the key to success is the success of a person in performing or doing something that can run perfectly in accordance with the wishes of a person and can cause pleasure for people who can realize that dream. Starting from a very big dreams and I hope my wish will come true one day after I graduated from SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta . The first is the desire that I want to graduate from this school with satisfactory grades so my parents proud of me . After I graduated from vocational school I wanted to work in Supermarket in accordance with the programming skills that I choose when I go to school here , then after that I want to have its own supermarket and so that my family could help the economy and not just one place that I want to build a supermarket I want to have several branches in the city and outside the city . I need to do now is I have to study hard so that I can get good grades and that I could do the exam later , do not forget I also continue to pray that my wishes can come true .

When I graduated I wanted to apply for a job at the nearest supermarket so that I have more experience of marketing and as did after my dreams come true I want to have repeat customers . I will keep trying and always pray that my dream can be achieved sometime in the future .

Nama No Kelas

: Sofia Anis : 22 : XIIB

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