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e nggcyclo pe dia.

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http://www.enggcyclo m/2012/01/calculatio n-nm3hr-sm3hr-gas-flo w/

Calculation of NM3/hr and SM3/hr gas flow

Sample Problem St at ement
What is the NM3/hr (normal cubic meter per hour) and SM3/hr (standard cubic meter per hour) f lowrate corresponding to 100m3/hr of nitrogen f lowing through a pipe? Operating temperature of nitrogen stream is 800C. Operating pressure at the point of f low measurement is 25 bar. Normal temperature and pressure conditions to be used are T = 250C and P = Atmospheric pressure Standard conditions def ined by NIST to be used.

Solut ion
T he calculation of normal and standard gas f lowrates (NM3/hr and SM3/hr calculation), f irst requires the normal and standard conditions to be f ixed. Normal temperature and pressure conditions are already def ined in the problem statement and standard temperature and pressure conditions def ined by NIST are to be used. Normal Temperature T N = 250C = 298.16 K Normal Pressure PN = 101.3 kPa (atmospheric pressure) From a list of standard temperature and pressure conditions def ined by various organizations, the standards conditions def ined by NIST are noted as, Standard Temperature T S = 00C = 273.16 K Standard Pressure PS = 101.325 kPa T he operating conditions are, Volumetric gas f low V = 100m3/hr Gas temperature T = 800C = 353.16 K Gas pressure P = 25 bar = 2500 kPa Gas volume is directly proportional to temperature and inversely proportional to pressure. Hence, gas f low at normal conditions is calculated as, NM3/hr = V(T N/T )(P/ PN) = 100(298.16/353.16)(2500/101.3) Gas f low = 2083.57 NM3/hr Gas f low at standard conditions is calculated as, SM3/hr = V(T S/T )(P/ PS) = 100(273.16/353.16)(2500/101.325) Gas f low = 1908.4 SM3/hr

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