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CAD package for electromagnetic and thermal analysis using finite elements

2D and 3D Applications New features

Copyright July 2007

FLUX software CAOBIBS software

ACIS kernel


: Spatial Corp.

FLUX documentation : Copyright CEDRAT FLUXs Quality Assessment 2D Application : Electricit de France, registered number AQMIL002 3D Application : Electricit de France, registered number AQMIL013

This users guide was published on 17 July 2007 Ref.: K101-10-EN-07/07

CEDRAT 15 Chemin de Malacher - Inovalle 38246 MEYLAN Cedex France Phone: +33 (0) Fax: +33 (0) Email: Web:




1. Foreword ................................................................................................................................1 1.1. Version 10 and the 2D/3D unification project ...................................................................3 1.2. Software documentation...................................................................................................5
1.2.1. 1.2.2. 1.2.3. 1.2.4. 1.2.5. Software documentation: whatever is available so far .....................................................6 Users guide and the 2D/3D unification project ................................................................7 Users guide: versions (on paper and on line) ..................................................................8 Tutorials and technical papers for 2D applications...........................................................9 Tutorials and technical papers for 3D applications.........................................................10

2. Presentation of new features of Flux version 10 ..............................................................11 2.1. List of main new features ...............................................................................................13
2.1.1. 2.1.2. 2.1.3. 2.1.4. 2.1.5. 2.1.6. Installation, hardware configuration, memory management...........................................13 Environment new features ..............................................................................................15 News concerning the meshing........................................................................................17 Physical new features.....................................................................................................18 Solving process, results post-processing (new interface) ..............................................19 Miscellaneous .................................................................................................................20

2.2. Memory requirements management ..............................................................................21

2.2.1. Memory requirements management: definitions ............................................................21 2.2.2. Memory size management: allocated memory size .......................................................22 2.2.3. Memory size management: 32 bits / 64 bits / 3GB mode...............................................23

2.3. Formula editor ................................................................................................................25 2.4. Meshing regularization ...................................................................................................27 2.5. Volume, mass, DC resistance ........................................................................................31
2.5.1. Volume, mass, DC resistance: general case..................................................................31 2.5.2. Particular case of coils ...............................................................................................33

2.6. J(E, B, T) law: provided models for superconductors.....................................................35

2.6.1. Superconductor: standard model (power law)................................................................36 2.6.2. Superconductor: models with dependence on B ............................................................37 2.6.3. Superconductor: models with dependence on T ............................................................38

2.7. Finite element computation, approximation functions ................................................39

2.7.1. About approximation functions ...................................................................................40 2.7.2. Modifying the default choices .........................................................................................42 2.7.3. Some utilization advice ..............................................................................................44

2.8. Macros............................................................................................................................45
2.8.1. 2.8.2. 2.8.3. 2.8.4. Overview .........................................................................................................................46 Structure of a macro file..................................................................................................47 Management and execution of macros ..........................................................................48 Example: creation of points starting from a file...............................................................49





3. Energy balance / power balance ........................................................................................ 53 3.1. General presentation; physical reminders ..................................................................... 55
3.1.1. 3.1.2. 3.1.3. 3.1.4. 3.1.5. 3.1.6. 3.2.1. 3.2.2. 3.2.3. 3.2.4. 3.2.5. The energy balance in an electromechanical device......................................................56 Power and energy; definitions and reminders ................................................................57 Energy exchanges; sign conventions .............................................................................58 Energies and powers (magnetic system)........................................................................59 Energies and powers (electric system)...........................................................................60 Energies and powers (mechanical system) ....................................................................61 Systems and sub-systems ..............................................................................................64 Mechanical sub-systems and mechanical coupling........................................................66 Electrical sub-systems and circuit coupling ....................................................................68 Power balance in Transient Magnetic application ..........................................................70 Power balance in Steady state AC Magnetic application ...............................................72

3.2. The energy balance (in Flux) ......................................................................................... 63








This document describes the principal new features of Flux version 10. This new version: is part of the unification project of Flux 2D and Flux 3D software and comprises the design of a new, more modern graphical user interface This foreword places version 10 within the Flux project and presents the software-connected documentation associated to this version.


This chapter covers the following topics: Version 10 and the 2D/3D unification project Software documentation










Version 10 and the 2D/3D unification project


The Flux project comprises: on the one hand, the unification of the Flux 2D and Flux 3D software on the other hand, the design of a new, more modern interface To place version 10 within the Flux project, we present the main phases of this project in the table below: Phase Description Version 8 2D/3D unification of geometrical preprocessor Version 9 2D/3D unification of physical preprocessor Version 10 Carrying out of a modern interface for the 3D solver and the 3D postprocessor Version 11 General unification of the 2D and 3D applications

History and perspectives


Flux occurs in two main applications (2D application and 3D application), as can be seen from the table below. Flux 2D application Flux 3D application / Skewed Geometrical and physical preprocessor (Preflux)

Windows 2D/3D unified interface Windows interface specific to 2D

2D solver (SOLVER_2D) 2D postprocessor (POSTPRO_2D)

3D solver 3D postprocessor










Software documentation


The software documentation associated to version 10 is also included in the 2D/3D software unification project. This section covers the following topics: Software documentation: whatever is available so far Users guide and the 2D/3D unification project Users guide: versions (on paper and on line) Tutorials and technical papers for 2D applications Tutorials and technical papers for 3D applications






1.2.1. Software documentation: whatever is available so far

Whatever is available so far

The software documentation comprises: an installation guide a users guide (which is the document you are reading now) tutorials permitting an assisted initial implementation of the software for various physical applications (magnetostatics, electrostatics, thermal, motor, linear drive). technical papers which provide support in the modeling of more complex devices. The documents are available (in pdf format): on your working post in the installation folder C:\Cedrat\DocExamples\Documentation\

Where can the documents be found?





1.2.2. Users guide and the 2D/3D unification project


The users guide is included in the Flux project. It comprises: a unified description of the part which is common to both 2D and 3D applications a separate description of the parts which are specific to the 2D and 3D applications, respectively The general structure of the users guide is presented in the table below. Flux (2D and 3D applications) General tools (Flux environment) Geometry and mesh Physical description, Cinematic coupling, Circuit coupling The physical applications: Magnetic, Electric, Thermal, Flux: Specificity 2D Applications Solving and results postprocessing (Solver_2D / PostPro_2D) Flux: Specificity 3D Applications Solving and results postprocessing (Flux) Physical applications (complements for advanced users)

Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3

Volume 4

Volume 5

* Caution: Volume 5 is an old document (for advanced user), which is not updated any more (the information is not confirmed). However it comprises relevant information, which was not transferred into another document. It is available (in pdf format) on the CDROM of documentation.





1.2.3. Users guide: versions (on paper and on line)


The users guide appears in two versions: one version corresponding to the document on paper (or pdf) one version corresponding to the online help The two versions of the users guide are not identical: The document on paper comprises the necessary information in order to understand well what can be carried out with Flux (pre-required knowledge) The online help includes the information mentioned above, to which the necessary information is added in order to make a good use of the software tools. For each important description stage of a finite elements project, the information has been therefore split into two: the theoretical aspects (or principles) the practical aspects (or implemented at the level of the software) The two aspects are described in different chapters, as presented in the table below. The chapters headed Geometry: principles Mesh: principles Physics: principles Geometry: software aspects Mesh: software aspects Physics: software aspects comprise information as follows general information, reminder on physics modeling principle (with Flux) software operation (its strengths and limits) advice in modeling: strategy, choice, general steps, flowcharts

Why two versions?

In order to identify information easily

structure of Flux objects handling of Flux objects description of commands for specific actions


The contents of the two versions of the users guide are presented in the table below. Document on paper The theoretical aspects: Chapters headed: : principles Online help The theoretical aspects: Chapters headed: : principles The practical aspects: Chapters headed: : software aspects





1.2.4. Tutorials and technical papers for 2D applications


A tutorial has the objective to show how to use the software by means of a simple example. This type of document is useful for self-formation as regards the software. All the commands are described. A technical paper has the objective to demonstrate the features of the software on a realistic technical example (emphasizing the interesting results which can thus be obtained). All the technical data are presented in the document, but the commands are not described in details.

Tutorials (2D)

The available tutorials for the 2D applications are listed in the table below. Tutorial: 2D application Generic tutorial of geometry and mesh Magnetostatics Electrostatics Steady state and transient thermal Translating motion Brushless permanent magnet motor Induction machine Induction heating Description Environment, geometry and mesh Basic applications Magnetic applications with kinematic coupling, circuit coupling Magneto-thermal application

Technical papers (2D)

The technical papers available for the 2D applications are listed in the table below. Technical paper: 2D application Synchronous motor Induction motor (Flux 2D version 7.60) Single phase and three-phase transformer (Flux 2D version 7.60) Drive motor with Simulink Flux to Simulink technology (Flux 2D version 7.60) Superconductors (Flux 2D version 7.60)





1.2.5. Tutorials and technical papers for 3D applications


The objective of a tutorial is to show how to utilize the software by means of a simple example. This type of document is useful for self-formation as regards the software. All the commands are described. A technical paper is meant to show the software features on a realistic technical example (emphasizing the interesting results which can thus be obtained). All the technical data are presented in the document, but the commands are not described in details.

Tutorials (3D)

The available tutorials for the 3D applications are listed in the table below. Tutorial: 3D application Generic tutorial of geometry and mesh Magnetostatics Translating motion Rotating motion Description Environment, geometry and mesh Basic application Magnetic application with kinematic coupling, circuit coupling Magnetic application with kinematic coupling, circuit coupling

Technical papers (3D)

The technical papers available for the 3D applications are listed in the table below. Technical paper: 3D application Rear-view mirror motor analysis with Flux 3D End winding characterization with Flux 3D Permanent magnet machine Magneto-thermal Nondestructive testing with Flux 3D



Presentation of new features of Flux version 10



Presentation of new features of Flux version 10


This chapter presents new features of Flux version 10. It lists the main new features and provides the references of the chapters in which the necessary information is given in detail for a good utilization of the new functions. It also presents the updates carried out as far as the documentation is concerned.


This chapter covers the following topics: List of main new features Memory requirements management Formula editor Meshing regularization Volume, mass, DC resistance J(E, B, T) law: provided models for superconductors Finite element computation, approximation functions Macros



Presentation of new features of Flux version 10




Presentation of new features of Flux version 10



List of main new features

2.1.1. Installation, hardware configuration, memory management

Installation / protection

The main information concerning the installation and the protection of the software is presented in the installation guide. In brief: a new protection system: the Flexnet (V11.4) system a new useful tool for the license configuration: the license manager accessible from the supervisor (Tools / License manager).

New technology and graphics card

To improve the display speed, Flux 10 makes use of a new technology for the graphics interface. This new technology allows for an improved display and acceleration of the graphic representation when moving the device in the graphic zone. This technology requires the use of a recent graphics card: graphics card compatible with OPENGL V2.0. For more complex devices, it is advisable to use a graphics card with 512 MB of memory (NVIDIA chipset is recommended). A summary of the conditions of use is presented in the table below. Conditions of use for the new graphical technology Installation of a graphics card compatible with OPENGL V2.0: NVIDIA GeForce 6200 and subsequent ones ATI Radeon X1300 and subsequent ones Installation of the latest version of the card driver Activation of the graphic acceleration: In the Displaying properties box choose the option Parameters and click on the Advance button In the Properties of Graphics_Card_Name box choose the option Service and in the Hardware acceleration zone move the cursor to the right in the Complete position.
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Presentation of new features of Flux version 10


Graphics: new technology / old technology

Upon installing the software, an automatic recognition of the graphics card is carried out by Flux. The new technology is activated if the conditions mentioned in the table above are met (except graphics acceleration). In the contrary case, the old technology will be utilized. To know about the used technology: if the old technology: there is an indicator in the graphic zone below the visualization aid coordinate system; this indicator is labeled Graphics mode is not optimized if the new technology: no indicator To implement the use of the old technology, follow the following instructions: in the Tools menu of the supervisor, click on Options in the Graphic zone, click on Old technology
Remark: the remote desktop cannot be used with the new technology.

Management of the memory requirements

A memory space is reserved upon the opening of one of the modules: Preflux 2D / Preflux3D / Solver 2D / PostPro2D / Flux 3D. The management of the memory requirements is modified for version 10. The values are defined by means of the memory space management accessible from the supervisor (Tools/Options). The data concerning the management of the memory space are presented in detail in 2.2 "Memory requirements management".

64 bits

From now on, Flux 10 benefits from functions of the 64-bit technology (totally compatible with 64 bits), and it remains available for the 32-bit processors.



Presentation of new features of Flux version 10


2.1.2. Environment new features

New graphics

To improve the displaying speed, especially during the tracing of isovalues and arrows, Flux 10 uses a new technology for the graphic display (see 2.1.1 "New technology and graphics card".) The main new features concerning the environment are the following: Transparency on the objects represented in the graphic zone (see image below):

Display, selection, transparency



Display filter is automatically reset upon clicking on one of the objects of the selection filter Python encoding of graphics
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Presentation of new features of Flux version 10


Formula editor

Throughout the construction of a Flux project, numerous information pieces can be entered as formulas: expression of a geometric parameter, value of the current in a coil, etc. To facilitate the users work, a new interactive tool to input the formulas is proposed with version 10 the formula editor. This tool is accessible by means of button. This tool is presented in detail in 2.3 "Formula editor".



Presentation of new features of Flux version 10


2.1.3. News concerning the meshing

Algorithm of volumes meshing

The meshing algorithm for volumes introduced with V9 (command "Mesh volume (beta))" becomes the standard meshing algorithm of V10 (command "Mesh volume"). This algorithm is better for the meshing of volumes associated with cylindrical or conical faces. Flux 9.3.2 Mesh volume Mesh volume (beta) Flux 10 Mesh volume (old algorithm) Mesh volume

Consequently, the meshes generated in V10 will be different from the meshes generated in V9.3.2. It can therefore happen that the mesh, which would be generated in 9.3.2, is not generated any longer in 10 (pyramid-shaped elements).

Regularization of surface meshing

To improve the mesh quality, there are various methods of regularization. A bubble packing method has been implemented in Flux V10 for the regularization of the surface meshing. This method is explained in 2.4 "Meshing regularization".

Stopping the mesh process

It is now possible to cancel the meshing operation while in progress.



Presentation of new features of Flux version 10


2.1.4. Physical new features

Materials: new models (1)

Within thermal applications or thermal couplings, new models are provided to describe the properties of materials, which depend on the temperature T. These are models of materials defined by a table of values in the software called "tabulated function of T". These models allow the definition of the properties of materials in the function of temperature T as a table of values (rather than as an analytical function). The provided models are presented in the table below. Property function of T Magnetic property Electric property B(H, T) J(E, T) k(T) CP(T) Name of models Linear isotropic, tabulated function of T Isotropic analytic saturation, tabulated function of T Isotropic resistivity, tabulated function of T Isotropic, tabulated function of T Tabulated function of T

Dielectric property Thermal conductivity Volumetric heat capacity

Materials: new models (2)

Within transient magnetic applications, new models are provided to describe the properties of superconducting materials. These models are presented in 2.6 J(E, B, T) law: provided models for superconductors.
Warning: Python statements are changed.

Mass, volume resistance

To correctly establish the characteristics of a device, it is generally interesting to be able to rapidly evaluate: the volume, the mass, the resistance, etc. of the various parts of the device. The software gives the options for the evaluation of the complementary quantities such as the volume, the mass, the (possible) total resistance on different parts of the device. These various possibilities are presented in 2.5 "Volume, mass, DC resistance". I/O parameter is a new name for the variation parameters. In V10, the variation parameters become I/O (input/output) parameters.

I/O parameter



Presentation of new features of Flux version 10


2.1.5. Solving process, results post-processing (new interface)

A modern interface

Flux version 10 is above all the implementation of a modern (Windows) interface for the 3D solver and the 3D postprocessor. The new features associated with this new interface (icons, menus position, etc.) are presented in the online help. The new concepts are presented in volume 4 (see details in following section).


The user will find information on principle by means of the online help or in volume 4. Solving process: principles Results post-processing: principles Time dependent study/parametric analysis: principles The user will find practical information in the online menu. Solving process: software aspects Results post-processing: software aspects Time dependent study/parametric analysis: software aspects

Some news

Without order, some important new features For parametric analyses, the concept of overlapping of pilots and a head pilot is replaced by the scenario concept The stopping of the solving process is not carried out any longer starting from the supervisor but directly in console mode There is a new name for the post-processing parameters (PARAMETRE_EXPL). In Flux version 10, the post-processing parameters become "spatial quantities". In V10 Flux dissociates the order of the approximation functions and the finite element order. Thus, the user can combine a 1st order finite element with approximation functions of the second order and the other way round How to choose the order (1st order / 2nd order) and the type (nodal / edge) of approximation functions is presented in 2.7.1 About approximation functions .

Approximation functions

Magnetic applications: the power balance

For the Transient Magnetic and Steady state AC Magnetic applications, a new computation is provided. It is the power balance. The power balance consists in the evaluation of different power components, included losses by Joule effect, at the level of the various components of the system (magnetic, electric, mechanical). The power balance is presented in 3 Energy balance / power balance.



Presentation of new features of Flux version 10


2.1.6. Miscellaneous

Macros enable the user to regroup the frequently used commands in an extension integrated into the software. You can build up a macro instead of manually executing a series of repetitive actions in Flux, which you will then be able to call regularly. A macro is interesting because it can encapsulate within a new command a series of repetitive operations and thus improve the quality and efficiency of the user-software interaction. The macros are presented in 2.7 Macros .

Flux Simulink coupling

A new manner to start Flux to Simulink: Matlab icon is integrated in the Flux supervisor. As far as the overlay libraries are concerned available with the 2D applications: from now the loading of the overlay libraries is carried out from the extension menu. a new overlay is provided: it is the DCM (Direct Current Machine) motors

Overlay library (2D)



Presentation of new features of Flux version 10



Memory requirements management

2.2.1. Memory requirements management: definitions

Memory requirements

From a point of view of computer science, Flux has two major components: one computation component (invisible part), in Fortran language one GUI component (visible part), in Java language, and one connection between these two components, in Java. A memory is allocated for each component. As far as the computation part is concerned, Flux employs a pseudodynamic* management system for the memory. This system manages a global memory volume comprising two Fortran components, one for the numerical memory and the other for the character memory. The size of each of these components is controlled by means of a Fortran parameter included in the main program.

Definitions: Dynamic allocation: the allocated memory size is set by the user (it is therefore modifiable). Pseudo-dynamic allocation: Flux uses numerical and character tables and dynamically allocated to emulate a dynamic memory.


Numerical memory: Numerical memory is the memory employed for the various modeling actions. 3D meshing and solving process (in 2D and in 3D) are the processes put a large demand on the memory size. The memory size to be allocated is a function of the application type (real/complex) and of the solving process matrix size.
Example: in 2D with the default solver (SuperLU), for a project comprising approximately 20,000 nodes, the allocated memory size must be of 200 MB. Character memory: Character memory is the memory used for storage of entity names (parameters/transformations/regions/) and of project names presented in the directory. GUI memory: GUI memory is the memory used for everything concerning the graphical user interface (graphic display, etc.)

In the graphic window, the flag located bottom left gives an image of the utilization of the graphic memory. When it is red, you can double-click on it to force the process to release the memory.



Presentation of new features of Flux version 10


2.2.2. Memory size management: allocated memory size

Allocated memory size

The allocated memory size is defined for each open module (Preflux 3D / Flux 3D) (Preflux2D / Solver 2D / PostPro2D). The values are defined by means of the memory size management, accessible from the supervisor (Tools / Options).

By default

Standard values are assigned by default. These values are presented in the table below. 2D Memory Preflux 2D 32 bits Preflux 2D 64 bits Solver 2D PostPro 2D 3D / Skew Memory Flux 32 bits Flux 32 bits (3GB)* Flux 64 bits

Numerical 200 Mo 400 Mo 600 Mo 200 Mo Numerical 700 Mo 1700 Mo 4000 Mo

Character 10 Mo 10 Mo 10 Mo 10 Mo Character 10 Mo 10 Mo 20 Mo

GUI 200 Mo 400 Mo 50 Mo

GUI 300 Mo 300 Mo 500 Mo

Complementary information on memory size management for 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems and about the 3GB mode are presented in the following paragraph (see 2.2.3).



Presentation of new features of Flux version 10


2.2.3. Memory size management: 32 bits / 64 bits / 3GB mode

32-bit processor

With 32-bit processors, the program has maximum 2 GB distributed as follows: numerical memory => set at start character memory => set at start Java memory => set at start Executable memory => of the 250 MB order Cache memory (transfer Fortran / Java) => depends on the geometry, etc. This memory is difficult to quantify, it can generate errors during the recovery of data. On specific Windows 32-bit systems the 3GB mode can increase the available memory up to 3GB. The use of the 3GB mode is explained in the installation guide (see Installation guide 2.4 3GB mode (4GT RAM tuning mode of Windows) with Flux). Theoretically, the program has 264 Bytes of memory on the 64-bit processors, which is much less limiting (practically, the current OS are limited to 128 GB).

3GB mode

64-bit processor



Presentation of new features of Flux version 10




Presentation of new features of Flux version 10



Formula editor
Throughout the construction of a Flux project, numerous information items can be entered as formulas: expression of a geometric parameter, current value in one coil, etc. To facilitate the users work, a new interactive formula entering tool is provided with Flux version 10: the formula editor. This tool is accessible by means of button: .

Formula editor


Generally speaking, a formula is an expression consisting of data and operators or mathematical functions. The data are functions of the working context. They can be constants, geometric parameters, I/O parameters, spatial quantities, etc. as presented in the tables below. Geometric parameters


Physical parameters (I/O parameters)

Data concerning the kinematic coupling

Data concerning the circuit coupling

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Presentation of new features of Flux version 10


Operators or mathematical functions

Available operators are presented in the tables below.








Writing a formula

A formula is edited by simple click on data and operators or mathematical functions. The formula is displayed in PyFlux language in the Expression zone. A syntactical corrector corrects the syntax errors, as well as the data errors.
Correct formula Incorrect formula

New features

New data are available for the formula editor. They are the following constants: : mathematical constant (Pi) 0: permeability of vacuum; 0= 4 10-7 [H/m] 0: reluctivity of vacuum; 0 = 1/0 = 1/(4 10-7) [m/H] 0: permittivity of vacuum; 0 = 1/(3610-9) [F/m]
Caution: these constants are considered as functions and presented in form Pi(), Mu0(), Nu0(), Eps0() within the Python language.



Presentation of new features of Flux version 10



Meshing regularization


To create a mesh, the most widespread method used and the one employed in the Flux software, is the method of Delaunay, which allows carrying out the triangulation starting from an array of nodes. To improve the mesh quality, the user can (in version 9): manually improve the adjustment of the automatic mesh (by means of discretization points, discretization line) use the mapped mesh generator These solutions can be applied for simple geometries, but it has been demonstrated that they are not sufficient for more complex geometries.


The mapped mesh is usable with 4-side faces (if there are more than 4 sides, a restructuring of the face is required) In 3D, for a mixed meshing (mapped mesh generator / automatic mesh generator), Flux provides a reparation algorithm of the non-conformities between hexahedrons and tetrahedrons (or rectangular faces of prisms and tetrahedrons) by pyramid insertion. The pyramid insertion is not always possible, and there are a certain number of limitations to this nonconformity repairing algorithm.

Therefore, a new solution of automatic regularization has been implemented with Flux. It is presented in the following block.
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Presentation of new features of Flux version 10


Bubble packing method

To improve the meshing quality, there are various methods of regularization, out of which a bubble packing method has been implemented with Flux. With this method, the triangles or tetrahedrons tops are assimilated to certain charged particles, which are interacting by means of attraction and repulsion forces. The balance position of these particles therefore takes an optimal configuration for the meshing, as shown in principle in the image below.
Initial mesh Transformation of mesh into bubbles

Movement of bubbles

Insertion of bubbles into holes

Transformation of bubbles into mesh

Final mesh

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Presentation of new features of Flux version 10



Today the bubble packing method is applied only on faces. It is therefore applied to: 2D surface mesh 3D surface mesh

Advantages / shortcomings

The bubble packing method applied to the surface mesh (2D/3D) has the following advantages and shortcomings: advantages: automatic improvement of the mesh regularity on faces shortcomings: more mesh longer meshing time By default, the method is active in Flux V10. The user can make the method inactivate by means of the menu: Tools / Options Mesh Geometry.

In practice



Presentation of new features of Flux version 10




Presentation of new features of Flux version 10



Volume, mass, DC resistance

2.5.1. Volume, mass, DC resistance: general case


To correctly design a device, it is generally interesting to be able to rapidly evaluate: the volume, the mass, the DC resistance, etc. of the various parts of that device. For the different parts of the device, the software proposes the evaluation of the complementary quantities, such as the volume, the mass, the total (possible) DC resistance. The various possibilities are presented in the table below.
Material region (with material) Non-meshed coil Complementary quantities Volume / Mass / DC resistance (if region is electro conductive) Volume / Mass / DC resistance

The quantities

The complementary quantities are calculated as follows:

Quantity Volume: V Calculation V is calculated starting from the geometric data M is calculated starting from the relationship: M = M V V ,

Mass: M

where M V is the mass density, and V is the volume DC resistance: R R is calculated starting from the relationship: R = l S where: is the resistivity, l is the conductor length and S is the conductor cross-section

Mass density

The mass density is then a new data requirement necessary to evaluate the mass. A new tab mass density is added in the material dialog box (except for the particular case of non-meshed coils, see 2.5.2 Particular case of coils ).

Complementary quantities are the quantities whose computation is optional, and that is why this additional data (mass density) is optional too.
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Presentation of new features of Flux version 10



Resistivity is a necessary quantity to evaluate the resistance of the electroconductive regions. It is presented in the J(E) tab of the material dialog box (except for the particular case of non-meshed coils, see 2.5.2 Particular case of coils ).

Warning: The computation is carried out only with the following resistivity models Isotropic resistivity/Anisotropic resistivity (the other models models for the superconductors and models in function of the temperature are not authorized).
Evaluated information

The complementary quantities are evaluated just before the solving process, when the user has finished the physical description of his problem (the evaluation is carried out by means of the command Check the physics, automatically activated before the solving process). The complementary quantities are stored (in a new tab: Evaluated information) at the level of the material regions or of the non-meshed coils. In the presence of symmetries/periodicities, these quantities are calculated for the part of the device represented in the finite element domain.

To have access to the data before the solving process, follow the instructions below: In the Physics menu, point on Check the physics Edit the region or the coil and select the Evaluated information tab



Presentation of new features of Flux version 10


2.5.2. Particular case of coils

Various situations

It is necessary to distinguish among the various cases as follows: meshed coil (coil region of solid conductor type) / non-meshed (coil region of filiform type) coil with / without circuit coupling These different situations are presented in detail in blocks below.

Meshed/nonmeshed coil

Reminder :

There are two types of coils: meshed coils (region of solid conductor type) and non-meshed coils There is no material associated with the coil in the two cases.
Two operating modes: In order to carry out the computation of complementary quantities, such as the mass and the DC resistance, it is necessary to introduce supplementary data, such as the mass density, the resistivity and stacking factor.

The operating mode is a little different for the meshed coils and the nonmeshed coils, as this is presented in the table below.
Coil meshed (coil region of solid conductor type) non-meshed (non-meshed source) Material Supplementary data

Yes No

Stacking factor Resistivity Mass density Stacking factor

In the presence of symmetries/ periodicities:

In the presence of symmetries/periodicities, the computation of the mass and of the resistance is carried out for the part of the device represented in the finite element domain.
About the resistance

Coils are always associated with an electric component. The data concerning the DC resistance are therefore displayed (in the Evaluated information tab): on the one hand, in the dialog concerning the coil on the other hand, in the dialog concerning the component Some complementary remarks: In the presence of symmetries/ periodicities: The resistance evaluated at the level of the component takes into consideration the symmetries/ periodicities (meshed and non-meshed coil) If several coils are associated to the same component: The evaluated resistance takes into consideration these associations
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Presentation of new features of Flux version 10


In case of circuit coupling

Within a circuit coupling, the electric component associated with the coil(s) has a supplementary resistance (Rsup). This resistance is added to the resistance of the evaluated coil. There are then two main operation modes for the user:
Component resistance is managed by the user the user does not fill out optional fields (resistivity, stacking factor) the user enters the resistance value of the associated component During the edition, the information obtained is as follows: (Edit stranded conductor component / Properties tab)

Value input by the user Value evaluated by the software (= value input by the user)
Component resistance is evaluated by the software the user fills out optional fields (resistivity, stacking factor)) the user sets the resistance value of the associated component to zero During the edition, the information obtained is as follows: (Edit stranded conductor component / Properties tab)

Value input by the user Value evaluated by the software



Presentation of new features of Flux version 10



J(E, B, T) law: provided models for superconductors


This section deals with the models provided for superconducting materials. To take into account the superconducting behavior of materials, Flux offers only one model that consists of a set of sub-models. The standard model is a model of power law J(E). The sub-models take into account the magnetic and thermal dependence on the superconducting resistivity J(E, B), J(E, T) or J(E, B, T).



This section contains the following topics: Superconductor: standard model (power law) Superconductor: models with dependence on B Superconductor: models with dependence on T Complementary information on the modeling of superconducting materials in Flux is available in the following documents: Numerical modelling of high temperature superconducting tapes and cables - thesis n 2909 (2003) of Francesco GRILLI 2004 - Federal polytechnic school of Lausanne Nonlinear electromagnetic modeling of high temperature superconducting tapes - thesis n 2031 (1999) of Nadia NIBBIO 1999 - Federal polytechnic school of Lausanne Modelling of superconductors: from 2D to 3D Francesco GRILLI, ( Superconductor technical paper 2D technical paper




Presentation of new features of Flux version 10


2.6.1. Superconductor: standard model (power law)


To take into account the superconducting behavior of materials, Flux offers a specific model. Superconducting materials have a highly nonlinear current - voltage characteristic. The relationship between the electric field and the current can be described under the form of a power law:

Power law

E = Ec ( J Jc0 ) 0


The graphical form of such a law for different values of n is presented in the figure to the right.


Starting from relationship (1), we can write the resistivity for a superconductor by the following function:
(E ) = Ec Jc 0
1 n0


n 0 1 n0

+ 0


where: Ec is the critical electric field [V/m] Jc0 is the critical current density [A/mm2] n0 is an exponent 0 is an additional resistivity [.m]
Dependence on B, dependence on T

The critical current density Jc and the exponent n are the quantities that can strongly depend on the magnetic flux density B or the temperature T. Thus the sub-models are provided to take into account these dependences.



Presentation of new features of Flux version 10


2.6.2. Superconductor: models with dependence on B

Power law with dependences on B

The critical current density Jc and the exponent n are the quantities that depend on the magnetic flux density B. The general form of the previous function is thus the following one:
(E, B) =
n ( B )1 Ec E n ( B ) + 0 Jc(B) 1 n (B )


where: Ec is the critical electric field [V/m] Jc(B) is the dependence on B of the critical current density (see below) n(B) is the dependence on B of the exponent (see below) 0 is an additional resistivity [.m] The dependence on B of the quantities Jc and n can be expressed using different models as that is presented in the tables below.
Isotropic dependence, Kim-Anderson model n0 Jc 0 n (B) = Jc(B) = 1 + B Bn 1 + B B Jc

2 additional parameters: BJc and Bn

Anisotropic dependence, Kim-Anderson model Jc0 Jc(B) = n (B) = 2 2 1 + (Bx BxJc ) + (By ByJc ) 1+


Bxn ) + (B y B yn )


4 additional parameters: BxJc B yJc and Bxn B yn

Isotropic dependence, exponential function Jc0 n0 Jc(B) = n (B) = (1 + ) exp( B BJc ) (1 + ) exp( B Bn )

4 additional parameters: BJc and Bn

Anisotropic dependence, exponential function Jc0 Jc(B) = (1 + x + y ) x exp( Bx BxJc ) y exp By ByJc

n (B) =

n0 (1 + x + y ) x exp( Bx Bxn ) y exp By Byn

8 additional parameters: x y x y BxJc B yJc and Bxn B yn

Isotropic dependence, polynomial function
m m

Jc(B) = Jc 0 + k b k
k =1

n (B) = n 0 + k b k
k =1

2m additional parameters: k k



Presentation of new features of Flux version 10


2.6.3. Superconductor: models with dependence on T

Power law with dependences on T

The critical current density Jc and the exponent n are the quantities that depend on the temperature T. The general form of the previous function is thus the following one:
(E, B) =
n (T )1 Ec E n (T ) + 0 Jc(T ) 1 n (T )


where: Ec is the critical electric field [V/m] Jc(T) is the dependence on T of the critical current density (see below) n(T) eis the dependence on T of the exponent (see below) 0 is an additional resistivity [.m] The dependence on T of the quantities Jc and n can be expressed using different models as that is presented in the tables below.
Theoretical dependence

1 (T Tc ) T n (T) = n (T0 ) 0 Jc(T) = Jc(T0 ) 1 (T T ) T 0 c 5 additional parameters: T0 Tc

Practical dependence

Jc(T) = Jc(T0 ) + k (T T0 )
k =1

n (T) = n (T0 ) + k (T T0 )
k =1

2m+1 additional parameters: T0 and k k



Presentation of new features of Flux version 10



Finite element computation, approximation functions


This paragraph deals with news concerning the proposed choices in Flux V10 for the approximation functions in finite element computation in magnetic applications. This paragraph deals with the: order of the approximation functions: first order / second order (Reminder of V9.30 and V10 new features) type of the approximation functions: nodal / edge (Reminder of V9.30 and V10 new features) and with the utilization conditions of these news items


This section covers the following topics: About approximation functions Modifying the default choices Some utilization advice



Presentation of new features of Flux version 10


2.7.1. About approximation functions

Order of elements and approximation functions (V9.30)

In V9.30 Flux provides to the user: different types of finite elements: 1st order elements or 2nd order elements different types of approximation functions: linear functions (first order) or quadratic functions (second order) The order of the approximation functions in Flux V9.30 is connected with the finite element order, as presented in the table below.
Finite element Position of nodes Approximation function Linear (polynomial of first order) Quadratic (polynomial of second order)

1st order 2nd order

Vertexes Vertexes + middle of edges

New feature in V10

In V10 Flux dissociates the order of the approximation functions and the finite element order. Thus, the user can combine a 1st order finite element with approximation functions of the second order and the other way round *.

In the case when the user chooses approximation functions of the second order with a 1st order finite element, the software automatically imposes a 2nd order finite element (necessary for a computation with approximation functions of the second order).

Nodal or edge approximation function (V9.30)

In V9.30 Flux provides to the user: the nodal approximation functions (computation on the nodes of the finite element) the edge approximation functions (computation on the edges of finite element and storage of information in the middle node of edges) The edge functions are provided only for the electric vector potential T. The approximation functions for the scalar magnetic potential are of the nodal type. Therefore, the use of the edge functions is applied to the regions of the solid conductor type (Transient Magnetic and Steady state AC Magnetic applications).
Continued on next page



Presentation of new features of Flux version 10



The edge formulations are compulsory (otherwise the results are false) under the following conditions: solid conductors presence of induced currents tangent to the device edges. These edges are the edges of the inside corners of the device. These conditions are illustrated in the opposite figure. j

Example: computation of the eddy currents in a solid conductor of the thin plate type in the presence of cracks.

New feature in V10

In Flux V9.30 the approximation functions for the electric vector potential are nodal functions by default. The user must change the option in order to switch to the edge function mode. In V10 the approximation functions for the electric vector potential are the edge functions by default.



Presentation of new features of Flux version 10


2.7.2. Modifying the default choices


The user does not have to modify the order or the type of the approximation functions. The default choices are adapted to the most situations. However, these choices can be brought to a change under certain particular conditions (see Some utilization advice ) This is why the two operation modes are described in the following sections: automatic mode: default choice manual mode: users choice

Automatic mode

In automatic mode, the order of the nodal approximation functions follows the order of the finite element: if the finite element is of the 1st order, the nodal approximation functions are of the first order if the finite element is of the 2nd order, the nodal approximation functions are of the second order If there are regions of the solid conductor type (formulation in electric vector potential), the approximation functions are the edge functions that require a 2nd order finite element. The generation of 2nd order finite element is then automatically carried out. The computation is therefore carried out under the following conditions: Magnetic scalar potential: nodal approximation functions (2nd order finite element) Electric vector potential: edge approximation functions
Continued on next page



Presentation of new features of Flux version 10


In manual mode

In manual mode, the user can modify the order (1st order / 2nd order) and the type of approximation functions (nodal type/edge type for the electric vector potential). These modifications are carried out in the dialog box of the application definition as presented in the figure below.
Electric vector potential Type of interpolation function: nodal edge

Magnetic scalar potential Order of the approximation functions first order 2 second order Electric vector potential Order of the approximation functions first order 3 second order
Note: The choice proposed in frame 3 is applied only if the user has chosen Nodal finite element in frame 1.



Presentation of new features of Flux version 10


2.7.3. Some utilization advice


How to choose the type or the approximation functions order? Automatic choices are the choices adapted to the most cases. It could be useful to change from automatic mode to manual mode in particular context. Two cases are presented below.

1st case

To save memory in 3D Transient Magnetic and Steady state AC Magnetic, it could be useful to carry out the choices presented in the table below. These choices are reasonable in order to save memory as we work only with solid conductors in the previously described conditions (i.e. presence of induced currents tangent to the edges of the device, and these edges are the edges of the inside corners of the device).
Potential Approximation function Advantage

Electric vector potential Magnetic scalar potential

Edge function Nodal function / first order

Accurate results More economical in memory requirements

2nd case

To save memory in 3D Transient Magnetic and Steady state AC Magnetic, it could be useful to carry out the choices presented in the table below. These choices are not correct (false results) if we work with solid conductors in the previously described conditions (i.e. presence of induced currents tangent to the edges of the device and these edges are the edges of the inside corners of the device).
Potential Approximation function Nodal function / first order Nodal function / first order Advantage

Electric vector potential Magnetic scalar potential

More economical More accurate results



Presentation of new features of Flux version 10





The macros enable the user to regroup the frequently used commands in an extension integrated into the software. You can build up a macro instead of manually executing a series of repetitive actions in Flux, which you will then be able to call regularly. A macro is interesting because it can encapsulate within a new command a series of repetitive operations and thus improve the quality and efficiency of the user-software interaction.


This section contains the following topics: Overview Structure of a macro file Management and execution of macros Example: creation of points starting from a file



Presentation of new features of Flux version 10


2.8.1. Overview

A macro is a high-level command, added to the Flux application, which regroups several commands in a given order. It receives (upon entry) one or more parameters and executes (upon exit) a series of predefined actions. A macro file (*.py) is a text file, which defines the macro-function in the PyFlux language.


A macro improves the quality and efficiency of the user-software interaction due to: the regrouping of the repetitive commands its dialog box especially designed for the entrance of the parameters The operation mode of the most general type is presented in the table below.
Stage 1 Description Creation of the macro definition file Creation of the image-formatted file for the associated icon (optional) Loading of the macro into the Flux project Execution of the macro Context Text editor

General operation

Image editor Flux Flux

2 3
Some rules

Within the storage on the disk, a macro corresponds to a directory which includes: a file of the macro a file of the associated icon (optional) The directory, the file of macro and the icon must be named after the macrofunction. Example: Name of the function: Polypoint3D Name of the directory of macro: Polypoint3D.PFM Name of the file of macro: Name of the file of the associated icon: Polypoint3D.gif


The macros can be stored in any directory chosen by the user. The macros provided by Flux are stored within the specific directory extensions.



Presentation of new features of Flux version 10


2.8.2. Structure of a macro file


The structure of a file defining the macro (*.py) is presented in the example below.

Part 1 2 3
(1) Program header

Description Header of an executable Flux program Description of input parameters of the macro Definition of a parameterized function in the PyFlux language

The Flux program header is compulsory. It specifies which Flux program (2D and/or 3D) will execute the macro and its version*.
* The indicated version can correspond to the current software version or be of a previous version.

(2) Description of parameters

This second part deals with the description of the input parameters of the macro. For each parameter it is necessary to define: a parameter name a PyFlux type minimal and maximal cardinalities (numbers of minimal and maximal values corresponding to the data structure) a default value or a keyword None a label associated to the parameter (this label appears in the dialogue box for the running macro, see 2.8.3) This second part deals with the description of the parameterized function. For this function it is necessary to define: a function name (= name of the macro) input parameters of the de function a body of the function (PyFlux instructions)

(3) Parameterized function



Presentation of new features of Flux version 10


2.8.3. Management and execution of macros

Management of macros

The user can load or unload macros within the project. The macro can be reloaded into the project, if the file of the macro loaded into the project has been modified for example. The Flux commands for the management of macros are located in the Extensions menu.
Flux command Load Unload Update Function loading a new macro into the project unloading the macro from the project updating the macro

Integration within Flux

All the macros loaded into the Flux project appear: in the Extensions/ Macros node of the data tree in the toolbar (icons) The loaded macros are saved with the project.

Run a macro

The user can run a macro by using the Run command from the macro contextual menu or by clicking on the corresponding icon. The dialog box associated to the types of parameters is then displayed.



Presentation of new features of Flux version 10


2.8.4. Example: creation of points starting from a file


The objective is to show on a simple example how to write and use a macro. This macro makes the repetitive tasks to enter the coordinates during the creation of points easier. The Polypoint3D macro is designed to automatically create 3D points starting from a series of coordinates previously saved in a text file. The file name and the coordinate system for definition of the points are selected by the user during the execution of the macro. The process includes the following stages:
Stage Description Writing the definition of the macro into the *.py file using the PyFlux language Writing the coordinates of points into the text file Loading the macro into the Flux project Running the macro Context

Example description


1* 2 3 4

Text editor Text editor Flux Flux

* The definition of macro requires good knowledge of the Flux database structure and concepts of programming.

Stage 1

To define the macro in the PyFlux language:

Step 1 2 3 Action Type a header of executable Flux program Describe input parameters of the macro Define the Polypoint3D parameterized function in the PyFlux language Save the file of the macro under the name in the Polypoint3D.PFM directory.
Continued on next page



Presentation of new features of Flux version 10


Stage 1: file explanation

The file of the macro is presented as follows:

#! Preflu3D 9.33 @param filename coordSys File CoordSys 1 1 points.txt None

Function indication on the executable program parameter statement using the keyword @param parameter names: filename, coordSys

PyFlux types: File, CoordSys minimal and maximal cardinalities default value points.txt keyword None labels of parameters

File of points coordinates Coordinate system for definition def Polypoint3D(filename,coordSys) : definition of the Polypoint3D function with 2

(parameters to define the file name and the coordinate system)
f = file(filename) for line in f : coords = line.split() PointCoordinates (color=Color['White'], visibility=Visibility['VISIBLE'], coordSys=coordSys, uvw=coords, nature=Nature['STANDARD'])

creation of a variable f which takes for values the data of the filename file realization of a for loop to reiterate on the file lines creation of a variable coords which takes for values the list of strings for each file line creation of the points with the following characteristics: color = white visibility = visible coordinates = (0, 0, 0); (3, 0, 0); (3, 2, 0); (2, 2, 0); (2, 1, 0); (1, 1, 0); (1, 2, 0); (0, 2, 0) nature = standard
Continued on next page



Presentation of new features of Flux version 10


Stage 2

To save the coordinates of points in the text file: type data in the form of table save the file under the name point.txt The point.txt file is presented as follows:

Stage 2: file

Stage 3

To load the macro: click on the Load command in the Extensions/ Macro menu or in the contextual menu of the macro To run the macro: click on the Run command in the contextual menu of the macro fill out the fields in the dialog box Polypoint3D

Stage 4

Stage 4: final result

After running the Polypoint3D macro, the user has the following 8 points in his Flux project: (0, 0, 0), (3, 0, 0), (3, 2, 0), (2, 2, 0), (2, 1, 0), (1, 1, 0), (1, 2, 0), (0, 2, 0).



Presentation of new features of Flux version 10




Energy balance / power balance



Energy balance / power balance


This chapter deals with the energy balance / power balance in Flux. This chapter contains the following topics: General presentation; physical reminders The energy balance (in Flux) Particular case of the asynchronous machine (with slip) (not documented at the present time)




Energy balance / power balance




Energy balance / power balance



General presentation; physical reminders


This section presents several physical reminders and definitions necessary for the general comprehension of the next section, The energy balance in Flux. This section contains the following topics: The energy balance in an electromechanical device Power and energy; definitions and reminders Energy exchanges; sign conventions Energies and powers (magnetic system) Energies and powers (electric system) Energies and powers (mechanical system)




Energy balance / power balance


3.1.1. The energy balance in an electromechanical device


This section approaches the energy balance/power balance in an electromechanical device. Let us consider a device which, supplied by an electric energy source, generates a force or a torque. It is an electromechanical conversion system that transforms the electrical energy into mechanical energy. In order to compute the efficiency of this device, an energy balance can be carried out on the basis of the conservation of energy principle (nothing is lost, nothing is yielded). The energy balance can be written as follows:
Electrical energy provided by = supply source Stored magnetic energy + Dissipated thermal Delivered + energy (thermal mechanical energy losses)

Example: electromechanical conversion

The electrical energy provided by the source is not integrally transformed into useful mechanical energy that is delivered to the driven system. Part of this energy is stored as magnetic energy in the volume of magnetic circuits and part is transformed into thermal energy (heat). The heat can be accumulated inside the device and/or transferred to the cooling system. To determine the useful mechanical energy, it is therefore necessary to compute: on the one hand the stored magnetic energy on the other hand the dissipated thermal energy (thermal losses)

In a more general manner, in order to carry out the energy balance of a complex system, it is necessary to take into consideration: the stored potential energies (electrical/magnetic/mechanical) the dissipated energies (losses) (electrical/magnetic/mechanical) This is presented in the figure below.
Electrical system Stored (potential) energy Dissipated thermal energy Electrical energy () Electric losses (Joule effect, ) Magnetic system Magnetic energy () Magnetic losses (hysteresis, eddy currents) Mechanical system Mechcanical energy ( ) Mechanical losses (friction, )



Energy balance / power balance


3.1.2. Power and energy; definitions and reminders

Power / Energy

In physics, power is the quantity of energy per unit of time supplied by the studied system to another system; therefore, the power corresponds to the time variation of energy. Two systems of different power can deliver the same energy, but the more powerful system will deliver this energy faster, in a smaller time interval. Power is always equal to the product of an effort quantity (force, torque, pressure, tension, etc.) by a flux quantity (linear velocity, angular velocity, flow, current intensity, etc).

Instantaneous power/ mean power

The mean power Pm characterizing a process is the ratio between the supplied energy or delivered energy W during the process duration T and this duration, respectively: Pm = W T
The instantaneous power P(t) is the derivative of time variation of the supplied or delivered energy W(t) with respect to time, respectively: P( t ) = dW ( t ) dt



Energy balance / power balance


3.1.3. Energy exchanges; sign conventions


In order to carry out an energy balance, it is necessary to establish the sign conventions for the energy exchanges between the studied system and the exterior. The convention utilized in thermodynamics for energy exchanges (mechanical work, heat, electrical energy, mechanical energy, etc.)* between a system and the exterior is given in the table below.
Energies received by the system are considered > 0 Energies released by the system are considered < 0

Thermodynamic convention

Q>0 System W>0


Q<0 System W<0

We have the same convention for power. The power consumed by the system is considered positive if it corresponds to an entry of energy into the system over the considered period. The power delivered by the system is considered negative if this corresponds to an output of energy from the system over the considered period.
Electric convention (dipoles)

For an electric system with two terminals (dipoles), there are two sign conventions: the receiver convention and the generator convention. These two conventions are detailed in the table below.
Receiver convention: Generator convention:

If the power UI is > 0, the system receives energy with respect to the two terminals If the power UI is < 0, the system delivers energy with respect to the two terminals

If the power UI is > 0, the system delivers energy with respect to the two terminals If the power UI is < 0, the system receives energy with respect to the two terminals



If the system is limited to one electric component, we note that the receiver convention is compatible with the thermodynamic convention, therefore; it is the one which is adopted. This convention is adopted in Flux for all the components including passive components such as: resistors, inductors or capacitors; power or voltage sources and components associated with regions of the finite element domain (of stranded conductor type or solid conductor type).



Energy balance / power balance


3.1.4. Energies and powers (magnetic system)


This section discusses the stored energy and the power dissipated in a magnetic system. The electromagnetic energy is the energy associated with the presence of an electromagnetic field.
Note: In a linear medium the electromagnetic energy is given by the volume r r r r 1 integral W = E D + H B dV , 2 V where E, D, H and B are the four vector quantities determining the electromagnetic field.

Electromagnetic energy: definition (IEC)

Starting from the Poynting vector

It is convenient to define the electromagnetic energy by means of the Poynting r r r vector: = E H (according to ) The vector analysis associated with the Maxwell equations then gives:

r r B W = H t t

r r + EJ

r r D + E t

The first term describes the energy stored as magnetic energy The second term describes the energy dissipated by the Joule effect The third term describes the energy stored as electric energy
Stored magnetic energy

To create a magnetic field in a region we must supply some energy, which will be stored as magnetic energy. The volume density of the stored magnetic energy can be expressed by means of the vector quantities B and H in the relationship: r Br r dW = H dB

which in a linear homogeneous isotropic region can be equally written as: 1 B2 1r r 1 dW = H.B = H 2 = 2 2 2
Dissipated power / Power losses by Joule effect

The volume density of the dissipated power (or the volume density of power losses by Joule effect) is expressed by means of E and J in the relationship: r r dP = E . J In a linear homogeneous isotropic region the corresponding equality is: dP = J 2 = E 2



Energy balance / power balance


3.1.5. Energies and powers (electric system)


This section deals with the stored energy and the power dissipated in an electric system. The instantaneous power consumed by a system with respect to two terminals (dipole) is equal to the product of the instantaneous values of the current I which passes through it and the voltage U at its terminals, respectively: P =U .I

Power: definition (reminder)

Stored energy

The components that allow the storage of energy are the coils and the capacitors. The energy storage can be a temporary given that the stored energy can be then transferred via a current to the circuit that contains the component.
Component A coil of inductance L stores energy as magnetic energy. A capacitor of capacitance C stores energy as electric energy. Stored energy 1 E coil = L (I I init ) 2 2 1 E capa = C ( U U init ) 2 2

Dissipated power / Power losses by Joule effect

The components that dissipate energy are the resistive electric components (resistor / brush-segment / switch / diode). P = U.I = R I2



Energy balance / power balance


3.1.6. Energies and powers (mechanical system)


This section deals with the stored energy and the power dissipated in a mechanical system in motion. The instantaneous power developed by a force F (a torque ) is equal to the product of the values of the force (of the torque) and the instantaneous velocity. r r r r P = (rotating motion) P = F . v (translating motion ) Among the forces which are exerted upon the mechanical system, one can distinguish: the conservative forces, which derive from a potential energy (see the following section) the non conservative forces, which can be: - the forces of system interaction with an external operator, which can produce an increase or a decrease of the mechanical energy - the forces caused by constraints (i.e. the forces of contact with another system, for example forces of friction if the object is moving in a fluid medium), which, by opposing the motion, yields decrease (loss) of mechanical energy The potential mechanical energy of a mechanical system is the energy that the system possesses by: its position (potential energy of the gravity) its shape (elastic potential energy*)

Power: definition (reminder)

Regarding exerted forces

Elastic potential energy: definition

By compressing a spring and then releasing it a rapid reversal to the original shape occurs, making it possible to propel an object. During the compression of the spring work is carried out over it, therefore; it accumulates elastic potential energy which can then be released as another form.

Example: Let us consider a system consisting of a mass m subjected to the action of gravity and suspended from a spring of elastic constant k. In this case, the system potential energy is equal to the sum: of a potential energy of gravity: mgx of a potential elastic energy: kx2/2 1 E p = mgx + k x 2 2
Stored energy

In the cases we are interested in the mechanical energy stored as the potential elastic energy. This is expressed as: 1 1 2 2 E p = k (l l 0 ) (translating motion) E p = k ( 0 ) (rotating motion) 2 2
Continued on next page



Energy balance / power balance


Dissipated power

The forces or torques that results in the dissipation of energy are the forces or torques yielded by the constraints (friction forces/torques). r r r r P = f . (rotating motion) P = Ff . v (translating motion)



Energy balance / power balance



The energy balance (in Flux)


This section discusses the system concept and the division into sub-systems. This section contains the following topics: Systems and sub-systems Mechanical sub-systems and mechanical coupling Electrical sub-systems and circuit coupling Power balance in Transient Magnetic application Power balance in Steady state AC Magnetic application




Energy balance / power balance


3.2.1. Systems and sub-systems

Definition of a system

The system is the assembly of the device descriptions in the software. It is the described device in the finite elements (FE) domain, the possible electrical supply circuits or charge circuits and the possible mechanical devices of motor, generator or brake type. A system consists of one or more sub-systems (see figure below). It is possible to distinguish among the following: the internal sub-system, consisting of all the regions described within the finite elements domain, the non meshed coils included the external sub-systems, such as the external electrical circuits or the external mechanical devices.
The system always consists of at least one sub-system, the internal sub-system.

Definition of a sub-system


Internal sub-system


External mechanical sub-system

External electric sub-system 1


External Losses electric sub-system 2


The exchanges

In a general manner, there can be exchanges of energy: among the sub-systems: among the internal sub-system and the external sub-systems among the external sub-systems * between a sub-system and the exterior between the internal sub-system and the exterior between an external sub-system and the exterior
Continued on next page



Energy balance / power balance



Examples of systems (devices) with their external sub-systems are given in the table below.
Induction heating device
P elec 1 Induction heating device Electric losses

1 electric sub-system

P elec 1 Transformer P elec 2

2 electric sub-systems
Electric losses

P elec 1 P mec 2 Motor Mechanical losses Electric losses

1 electric sub-system 1 mechanical sub-system

P mec 1 P elec 2 Generator Mechanical losses Electric losses

1 electric sub-system 1 mechanical sub-system



Energy balance / power balance


3.2.2. Mechanical sub-systems and mechanical coupling


In order to understand well the difference between an internal sub-system and an external mechanical sub-system, several reminders on the mechanical coupling in Flux are presented in this paragraph. For more details, see chapter Kinematic coupling: principles The diagram below emphasizes the manner in which motion is approached in Flux: the fixed part, the mobile part and the zone of compressible air belong to the finite element domain the mobile part can be connected to an external device (coupled load) that does not belong to the finite element domain.
Finite element domain

Kinematic coupling: reminders

Fixed part

Mobile part Zone of compressible air

Coupled load

The essential mechanical and kinematic characteristics to solve the fundamental motion equation are as follows: the mass or the moment of inertia of the mobile part (internal) and of the coupled load (external) the forces or the torques exerted upon the mobile part (internal) and of the coupled load (external) the initial conditions: initial position and initial velocity of the mobile part
Continued on next page



Energy balance / power balance


Mechanical sub-system: definition

The external part of a mechanical assembly in motion is called the external mechanical sub-system. There are as many external mechanical sub-systems as mechanical assemblies in motion.
Finite elements domain

Fixed part

Mobile part Zone of compressible air

Coupled load

External mechanical sub-system Internal sub-system

The internal part of a mechanical assembly in motion belongs to the internal subsystem.

Regarding applied forces

The forces applied to the mechanical system can be of different types. The return force of the spring is a conservative force deriving from a potential energy (stored energy). The friction force is a dissipative force (dissipated energy).
Attention: if the user introduces a force by means of a formula, this force is seen as a dissipative force.



Energy balance / power balance


3.2.3. Electrical sub-systems and circuit coupling


In order to correctly understand the difference between an internal subsystem and an external electrical sub-system, several reminders on the electrical coupling in Flux are presented in this paragraph. For more details, see chapter Circuit coupling: principles. The conductors related to the circuit coupling are of two types: solid conductors: bar-shaped conductors, plate-shaped conductors, etc. These can be the site of the localization of important eddy currents. stranded conductors: fine wire coils
These conductors are represented twice:

Circuit coupling: reminders

once in the electric circuit, as: components of the stranded conductor type components of the solid conductor type once in the finite element domain, as: regions of the stranded conductor type (or non meshed coils in 3D) regions of the solid conductor type
Electric subsystem: definition

The external part of an electric circuit, i.e. the assembly of electric components other than the components coupled with the FE* domain, is called the external electric sub-system. The number of external electric sub-systems is equal to the number of independent electric circuits.
The components coupled with the finite elements domain (components of the stranded conductor type and components of the solid conductor type) do not belong to the external electric sub-system, since the corresponding regions (regions of stranded conductor or solid conductor types) already belong to the internal subsystem (FE domain).

Finite element domain

External electric sub-system n1

Internal sub-system

External electric subsystem n2

Continued on next page



Energy balance / power balance


Particular case

It is important to analyze the following particular case: There is no circuit coupling (in the usual sense of the term) There are stranded conductors supplied by current sources The supplying of the stranded conductor is seen as an electrical sub-system.
Finite elements domain

External electric sub-system

Internal sub-system



Energy balance / power balance


3.2.4. Power balance in Transient Magnetic application


In Transient Magnetic application, the resolution is carried out for each time step. The power balance is carried out for a time interval defined by the user. A system comprises one or more sub-systems as the one presented in the figure below.

Sub-systems definition: reminder

Internal sub-system


External mechanical sub-system

External electric sub-system 1


External electric sub-system 2


Computation / results

For each of the sub-systems, as well as for the time interval defined by the user (t = t2-t1), the following quantities are computed: the stored energies (instantaneous values, for t = t1 and for t = t2) the dissipated powers (mean values over the time interval t) Attention: In the presence of symmetries and/or periodicities, the results correspond to the whole device, contrary to what is usually carried out in Flux (Reminder: the results usually correspond to the part of the device represented in the finite elements domain, with the exception of the magnetic flux in the coils).
Attention: In the presence of symmetries and/or periodicities, the results correspond to the whole device, contrary to what is usually carried out in Flux. Reminder: The results usually correspond to the part of the device represented in the finite elements domain, with the exception of the magnetic flux in the coils, the forces/torques applied on mobile mechanical sets.
Continued on next page



Energy balance / power balance


Stored energies

For the stored energies, a summary of the computed quantities is presented in the table below.

Stored energy (at a moment t) (in J) Magnetic energy stored in the computation domain: r r B r Wm (t ) = (dWm ) dV , with dW = H dB v 0 E int ( t ) = Wm (t ) + E pi (t ) Internal Internal mechanical energy: 1 E pi ( t ) = k i ( x ( t ) x i 0 ) 2 2 Energy stored in the coils: 1 2 E coil (t ) = LI(t ) 2 E elec ( t ) = E bob (t ) + E cond (t ) Electrical Energy stored in the capacitors: 1 2 E capa (t ) = C(U(t ) U init ) 2 External mechanical energy E mec ( t ) = E pe (t ) 1 Mechanical 2 E p e ( t ) = k e (x ( t ) x e 0 ) 2


Attention: In reference to the energy stored in the coils, the initial current is not taken into consideration in Flux at the present moment.
Dissipated powers

For the dissipated powers, a summary of the calculated quantities is presented in the table below.
Losses (instantaneous values) (in W) Losses by Joule effect in solid conductors r r P(t ) = E(t ) J (t ) dV


Losses (mean values) (in W)


Losses by Joule effect in stranded conductors 2 P(t ) = (R b + R bf ) i(t ) Internal mechanical losses: r r P(t ) = Ff i (t ) v(t ) (translating motion) r r P(t ) = f i (t ) (t ) (rotating motion)

Pint =

1 t2 Pint (t ) dt t t1


Losses by Joule effect (resistive components): P (t ) = u (t ) i (t )

Pelec =

1 t2 Pelec (t ) dt t t1

External mechanical losses: r r ( ) P t = F (translating motion) f e (t ) v(t ) Mechanical r r P(t ) = f e (t ) (t ) (rotating motion)

Pmec =

1 t2 Pmec (t ) dt t t1



Energy balance / power balance


3.2.5. Power balance in Steady state AC Magnetic application


In Steady state AC magnetic application, the computed physical quantities vary sinusoidally with time (at a given frequency). They are expressed by means of complex images. The power balance allows the access to the powers dissipated by the system. The system comprises one or more sub-systems like the one presented in the figure below.

Sub-systems definition: reminder

Internal sub-system



External electric sub-system 1


External electric sub-system 2


Computation / results

The values calculated for each of the sub-systems and for the period T=1/f: the dissipated powers (mean values over a T period)
Attention: In the presence of symmetries and/or periodicities, the results correspond to the whole device, contrary to what is usually carried out in Flux. Reminder: The results usually correspond to the part of the device represented in the finite elements domain, with the exception of the magnetic flux in the coils, the forces/torques applied on mobile mechanical sets.

Dissipated powers

For the dissipated powers, a summary of the computed quantities is presented in the table below.
Subsystem Losses (instantaneous) (in W) Losses by the Joule effect in the solid conductors 1 Pm = Re(S) , with S defined by: S = E J * dV 2 V Losses by the Joule effect in the stranded conductors: * Pm = (R b + R bf ) I I Losses by the Joule effect (resistive components): 1 * Pm = Re(S) , with S defined by: S = U I 2





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