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HOFFMAN; VICTORIA STEELE; ARIZONA ADVOCACY NETWORK, ) Arizona Supreme Court ) No. CV-13-0341-PR ) ) Court of Appeals ) Division One Petitioners, ) No. 1 CA-SA 13-0239 ) v. ) Maricopa County ) Superior Court THE HONORABLE MARK H. BRAIN, ) No. CV2013-010338 JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT OF ) THE STATE OF ARIZONA, in and for ) the County of Maricopa, ) ) Respondent Judge, ) O R D E R ) KEN BENNETT, in his official ) FILED 12/17/2013 capacity as Secretary of State; ) ANDY BIGGS, in his official ) capacity as President of the ) Arizona State Senate; ANDREW M. ) TOBIN, in his official capacity ) as Speaker of the Arizona House ) of Representatives, ) ) Real Parties in Interest. ) __________________________________) The Court has read the briefs of the parties and amici and heard oral arguments. After consideration, IT IS ORDERED that the opinion of the Court of Appeals is vacated. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the preliminary injunction issued by the Court of Appeals is lifted. An opinion explaining the Courts reasoning will follow in due course. DATED this ____________ day of December, 2013.

_______________________________ Rebecca White Berch Chief Justice

Arizona Supreme Court No. CV-13-0341-PR Page 2 of 2

TO: Joseph A Kanefield Brunn W Roysden III Mary R O'Grady Timothy J Eckstein Christina C Rubalcava Timothy M Hogan Hon Mark H Brain David D Weinzweig Daniel P Schaack Richard L Rice Michael T Liburdi Kelly A Kszywienski Gregrey G Jernigan Peter A Gentala Pele K Peacock Andrew S Gordon Roopali Hardin Desai Melissa A Soliz James E Barton II Paul V Avelar Timothy D Keller Ruth Willingham

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