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Einstein's Letter

Matthew Zhang Junior Division Website

I chose this topic because I knew a lot about WWII and I wanted to do a topic on that so I was thinking of a topic that would fit the theme, rights and responsibilities in history. Then I thought of the atomic bomb and realized that there was a lot of rights and responsibilities in using such a destructive weapon and thats how I came up with my topic. Then I narrowed it down to Einstein's letter. I started out getting background information from databases like World Book Online and Ebsco Host and finding primary sources from them. Then I started to google search but I couldnt find any good sources. Then I kept getting sources from databases. Eventually I ran out of sources on databases and I turned back to google. I found many sources such as websites that were dedicated to my topic.Then I used Noodle Tools to help organize my information. I am the sort of person who really likes technology so when I heard I could do a website I decided that was what I was going to do. When I started my website I just wanted to set up all the pages and everything first so I could fill it up along the way. I also used a program called Scratch which allowed me to create a timeline. I took all the information I had on the three controls and made 1-2 paragraphs about it. My project relates to the this years theme; RIghts and Responsibilities in History because when Einstein wrote the letter, he was pretty worried that if he wrote the letter then the world might be destroyed by the atomic bomb. He only wanted the bomb to be

dropped on Germany so Hitler couldnt take over the world. When the bomb was dropped on japan against his wishes, he said the letter was the worst mistake in his life.

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