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Fish Eating One Another

Shaykh Mohammad Nazim Al-Haqqani An-Naqshibendi, Sohbat of the 20th of January 2012.

For Islam, For the service of the Lord (jwa). Everyone is running after their desires. "If you find everyone following their desires and everyone wants to follow their own ideas, and follow greed. Leave them and keep yourself."(Hadith) People are like this, they have thoughts. There are 80 million people in Egypt, each one has an idea. Their thoughts are according to their desires. This one says "I like this" the other one says "no, I like this one." They follow greed, meaning they do not give for the sake of The Lord, Al Haqq to gain His (swt) acceptance. They do not give, they are not generous. Everyone wants to keep, why? Because Allah (awj) tests His servants and these groups of people they think only of themselves. They never think about what Allah (awj) wants to send them & how is Al Haqq (swt) dealing with His creation. People are following their desires, so He (swt) left them in their tyranny to do as they like. They are tyrants, from their heads to their feet. Tyrants! Tyrants, they are following shaytan. The Shariat of Allah (swt) makes clear: what is permissible is clear & what is forbidden is clear. And the Prophet (saws) left the Shariat as clear as daylight. There are no doubts, he (saws) showed what is permissible & what is forbidden. Don't they know that Allah (awj) sent the Shariat so His (swt) servants can rule with it? Yes they know! Then why do they deviate? They became crooked. They left The Shariat of Allah (swt) and want to follow shaytan. Beyond the powerful Shariat, there are only the ways of shaytan. This is clear. Just no scholars speak & people do not think. Let them... drown in their tyranny. These tyrants, because they left The Shariat of Allah (swt). For what did Allah (swt) send the Shariat? For decoration? Or for it to be recited with a loud... with a magnificent voice, with a voice masha'Allah that may attract hearts. Beyond It (The Quran) what else is there? Is this only for the reciters? The Holy Quran has been sent... Allah (swt) sent The Holy Quran for the voice of the reciters to recite & the people may say "Allah, Allah..." Is it only for this? Or to work with it? Wa Man LamYahkum Bima Anzala Allahu Fa'ula'ika Hum Al Kafiruna"(5:44) "Wa Man Lam Yahkum Bima Anzala Allahu Fa'ula'ika Humu Az-Zalimuna"(5:45) "And whosoever does not rule by that which Allah has revealed such are the oppressors" (5:45) Either they are unbelievers, or they are corrupt, or they are oppressors and whoever supports them. Every one of them who does not rule with The Shariat of Allah (swt), is an unbeliever, or oppressor, or corrupt. Who is there to help & support them.... support them..except shaytan. Until they return to The Shariat of Allah (jwa) they have no hope to be saved from everything in

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Dunya and in the Hereafter-Akhirat. And the Hereafter is harder. Naudhu Billah! O servants of The Lord you are the Arabs. You understand the words of The Holy Quran. Why are you acting in a crooked way? Your way " Inna Hadha.. "Hadha Siratun Alaya Mustaqimun"(15:41) (This way leads straight to Me) Allah (swt) wants that the servants be on a straight way. Not this way or that way, no a straight way- Mustaqimah. If they do not straighten up, will come upon them the Wrath of Allah (swt). Naudhu Billah. The Wrath of Allah (swt) will be on them & His (swt) curses. Naudhu Billah, naudhu Billah. That Hadith, that says "If you find greed being followed, then desires are being followed." Every person is following his desires. For what they have a parliament? Don't we have a constitution (Shariat)? Best would have been to bring, O idiots O oppressors, O ignorants! Allah (swt) will teach you a lesson, so you learn "Bi'ayyikumu Al-Maftunu" (68:6) (Which of you is afflicted with madness) May Allah (swt) protects us from following our ego.. ego, shaytan, this world. Aman Ya Rabbi, tawba Ya Rabbi astaghfirullah. Everyone does according to his desires... Allah..Ya Rabbi! And so the ummah needs Mahdi (as) to guide them to the path of Haqq, to the path of true guidance. All of them now are corrupted & corrupting. They will not only be unsuccessful, but they will never succeed! After what happened in Egypt, those who insist to still have democracy & parliament these not only will be unsuccessful, but they will never succeed! Allah Allah, tawba Ya Rabbi. Astaghfirullah, Fatiha. G: The Muslims Brotherhood (group) are bad? M: Insha'Allah Audhu Billah from their evilness. All those who accuse Muslims of being unbelievers, they are unbelievers. They corrupt, they misguide. They will not only be unsuccessful, but they will never succeed! They will never succeed! S.N.:Sayyid is saying that the whole world is ruling with the constitution & parliament. M: There is no constitution there is Shariat. In the Shariat of Allah (swt) there is a parliament? What is this vileness? They are taking Allah (swt) lightly? Allah (swt) will dishonour them & leave them tyranny to do as they like. Leave them..leave them leave them..let them go. One saint on a ship, he can see the fish they were eating one another. So they asked him "who knows this secret?" And one of Allah's servants was there & said "the reason for this, is that one misguided & corrupt one he spit in the sea. And this is the reason why fish are eating one another." How many corrupt people are spitting? Don't they read the Book (Quran)? These doctors, people from Hums, the people of Azhar? What did they learn? They did not learn what it means Shariat of Allah (swt)? For what was it sent to the Prophet (saws)? To work with it or as an ornament? To work with it. Was parliament mentioned in the Holy Qur'an? No, this will be held against them. They will get what they deserve. Astaghfirullah, Alhamdulillah Hamdan...

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(dua) Fatiha. And ask the people of Divine Remembrance if they know. Where they are let them ask. S.N.: Sayyid is saying there is no parliament, yes, but there is Shura, to consult. M:To consult about Shariat, not to consult about their own desires. Consult their personal desires. The Shura-consulting at the time of the Prophet (saws), was it outside the Holy Quran? No, to consult and to discuss amongst themselves only within the limits of the Holy Qur'an. What did you understand? What is the true understanding about Shura? They may the Prophet, (saws),he may explain to them. And then, the Blessed companions, deputies of the Prophet. Is there is a Sultan that was ruling using a parliament system? No. This is the trick of the unbelievers, to destroy Islam. To destroy Islam & they brought the parliament to the Sultans, to the Ottoman Sultans, the last Ottoman Sultan, Sultan Abdel Hamid, who ruled for 40 years alone in the Sultanate. But these shaytan people,that they are called new turks, such shaytans people, they came & in 7 years they destroyed the Islamic Khilafa and the Sultanate of the Muslims. The Ottoman Empire. What do they have now? Egyptian Empire? Or a Turkish Empire? Or an Iranian Empire? All of them came down. They claim that "We are a Republic". Take your republic. Take it. Take it They will see. People will die in endless numbers. May Allah keep us protected. O our Lord, O our Lord. "Wastaqimu" the Prophet (saws) was saying. When he was praying he was calling to the praying people behind him: "Fastaqimu" What does it mean to " Be straight"? Does it mean the parliament system? They are all liars, deceivers and devilish people. Straightness. Who from them is straight? All the tyrants, they are all claiming that they are straight. They brought Egypt to this point. 70 years or in 60 years they made Egypt to fall into a deep valley that they can never be saved except by The Divine Hand. They don't want to hold to The Divine Hand. No, they want to hold to the hand of shaytan. Let them be with shaytan. Eh..Astagfirullah. Isn't it true? My arabic is very little, but Sayyid Mardini, you know.
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