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Abdul Meelar Cindy Rogers English 12 December 4, 2013 Journal #8 After completing the grueling 19 week S.A.

S training, Cpl. George Anderson was ready for his first mission as a fully fledged S.A.S member. He's had long line of military members in his family, starting with the second war of independence in 1332. His family tree is full of decorated military men, some of whom have gone down in history, like his uncle Sir Winston Churchill. Ever since he was boy, he wanted to be like his father, Major General Ian Anderson who served in Operation Desert Storm behind enemy lines. Days passed as he kept practicing and honing his skills until his supervisor informed him that he will be shipping out to Afghanistan to help out the locals, either training them or providing defense for them. A few months later, he was taking a relaxing tea break in a small Afghani village when he realized that the surrounding area was very quiet. Disturbed by this fact, he poked his out the window to see if anyone was around. After a quick scan of the street, he just assumed that everyone was either praying or sleeping and went back to sipping his tea. As soon as he sat down, two men in full camouflage came rushing in, pinning George to the wall. His fighter instincts kicked in and he kneed the first attacker in the stomach. The man reeled in pain and fell back, coughing violently, meanwhile the second attacker started to throw a few punches which caught George in stomach. Shaking off the punches, George arm locks the attacker and throws him towards his fallen comrade.

Just then two more attackers run in. George lifted his fists and push kicked the first attacker and launched an elbow barrage against the second. By this time, the first attacker had recovered and tried to kick George. Spinning with the speed of a top, George grabbed his leg and twisted it, dislocating it from its socket. The second and third rushed George together, to which George dropped down and tripped them both. They both hit the floor with a massive thud and fell through the wooden floor, which revealed the scared villagers. George rushed to the hole and assured the villages that they will be freed soon, but something tapped him on the shoulder and his vision went black.

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