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Arrival of Shah-Gazi

Hazrat Sha-Jalal (R) came to Sylhet, accompanied with 360

lollowers for preaching Islam with a handful of soil from far Yemen
l>y the Instruction of his uncle Syed Ahmed Kobir (R) in 1303 Bangla
or 1384 A.D. Her ^ it is noted that, in "Sylheti Nagri lipi Bhasha and
Shaitya", composed by Doctor S.M. Golam Kadir, published by
"Bangla Academy" the arrival of Hazrat Sha-jalal is mentioned in
1103. On the other hand, Achuyt Choron Chowdhury in his book
named "Sree hottoer Itibritto" mentioned stating the reference of
l.nglish historian "Hunter", the arrival of Hazrat Shajalal was in
I 184 A.D. So it is revealed that between 1303 or 1384 A.D, Shah-
(ia/.i came to Gazirpara with the message of Islam. It was not possible
to find out the names of Shah-Gazi's parents, usage of his language,
and his ethnic identification and nationality.
Before the arrival of Shah-Gazi in Gazirpara, the situation of
this place was as like as that of the whole Sylhet. People did not have
faith in the sole uniqueness of Allah. People were not recognized with
Ihc Rasul-e-Karim (S) the dearest one of Allah, the creator of sky and
land. People had belief in many gods. They were worshipper of Idol
and fire. Women were treated as the undignified beings. Female child
was treated as the curse. Everywhere was full of prejudice. But when
Shah-Gazi came to our village and being settled here, he started
inviting the people to come to Islam. Gradually people ware
recognized with Allah and his messenger. They began to take shelter
under the cool shadow of Islam. At that time, Muslim population was
very small. Number of Muslims was increasing gradually. For prayer
Shah-Gazi built a cottage (Kacha house) on the 200 sq ft area of the
hank of the river Boro Bhaga that was on the southern side of his
present tomb, that was the first mosque of this village.
It is prevalent in this area that people used to come threading
the bushes, swimming the river to that mosque for praying together
in Jamat. Some times "Zohor prayer" would held in 2.30 pm instead
of its actual time for waiting for the Muslim.

It is public opinion that at the ending point of life of Shah-

< ni/i (R) and after his death, tiger used to come to salute him at the
• n t l i n g time of every month.

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