Gazirpara 22

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Total number of students of the Madrasha is 285.

Yearly 'Was Mahtll" is observed in every Poush and

Number of male students is 152 and number of female students Magh months in the premises of our Madrasha by the assistance
is 133. Number of students of Hifz section is 30. Number of of the Madrasha managing committee and the villagers. In this
teachers is 12. and there are one office assistant and a night Mahiil. Sunni Alem participate. The head of the Madrasha
guard. Apart this, there are two Hafij teachers in Hafij section. ilivlare the accounts of income and expenditure of the Madrasha
Salary of Hafij teachers was paid by the help of united fund of in front of the present people. Pagri is distributed by the
settlers of U.K. But now, this salary has been being paid by Madrasha in 'Was Mahfil" among the Hafej. Apart this, a fare-
Gazi Abdul Haque (Dudu Miah) from his own fund for last 3 \ \ c l l is paid to the students who pass the Dhakil examination. In
years. the Was Mahfil, every family remains full of relatives as like as
Persons of our village, who performed their duties as the I ul festival.
Vice-President of the Madrasha managing committee, are late There is a 'Qaraf training center in Ga/irpara Hafizia
Shah Md. Kolondor Ali, Hazi Abdus Subhan, Hazi Chand Dhakil Madrasha. during the Ramadan month. ' Darul Qarat
Miah, Hazi Sunawor Ali (Kala Miah). At the time of Hazi \lo/idia Fultali Trust", established by Allama Fultoli Shaheb
Abdus Subhan, the development of the Madrasha was done kihlah (R.) was started in that Madrasha in 1984 by the strong
hugely. He collected contribution from the expatriates of the iTIort of Muhaddis Moulana Moinuddin Raybani (D.b) and
U.K going to the U.K. and by this fund he performed many \loulana Yaqub Ali and Kari Syed Ummor Ali (R.) of village
development works of the Madrasha including building of the I ' l a l Mohol. At first, from 'Sura' section to 'Rabe" class was
Madrasha. •.l.iiled. In 1428 hizri (2007 A.D) Khamis class was also
With the developed teaching system, computer-training •.I.ii led. Qarat training is provided from Pl day to 27 th day of
facilities is also in this Madrasha. Teaching at night is also Uamadan month in every year by experienced Kari. The
arranged in Hifz section. This Madrasha is one of the best v i l l a g e r s extend their helping hand giving lodging to the
Madrasha in the Dakshin Surma for its modern and exceptional •.indents who come from the remote areas. From 1429 hizri
teaching system. Many students are serving with skill in the ( '008 A.D), residential arrangement for teachers and students
important posts of Governmental and non-governmental \\;is started. Settlers of the U.K always donate a big amount of
institutions after having education from this Madrasha. Apart money in that Darul Qarat from their united fund.
this, many persons are involved in employment in U.S.A and
U.K. In 27lh day of Ramadan month the month-long 'Darul
Result of our Madrasha is 100%. Rate of pass in last < 1,11,11 comes to an end declaring the result of examination.
Dhakil Examination was 89.47%. And one Government 'Ir,intuiting the prizes and the ending prayer. Master Gazi
scholarship was obtained by our Madrasha. \ i u l u l Hannan has been serving as the accountant in Darul
" . i t . i t Mozidia Fultoli Trust of Gazirpara Hafizia Dhakil
M.ulrasha center from the beginning.

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