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High School

An educational institution, named 'Syed Kutub Jalal

school" was founded in 1972, after the names of two Oli of
I la/rat Shahajalal (R.) Syed Kutub and Syed Jalal by the effort
of the people of Gazirpara and Vangi. Later on, late Kazi Abdul
Muktadir donated his own land for the development of the high
school. Apart this, Gazi Nesar Ahmed was the founder teacher
of that school and had been serving in this school for long time
on free of salary.
At present, Syed Kutub Jalal high school has earned
ic-organization as 'Model school' by Government among the 28
high schools of Dakshin Surma Upazilla. Its reference No. is
1X2/2008 and date is 13-01-2009. Result of every year is very
I'.ood. In 2008, 65% students passed and one got A+. Besides
I hose, in 2008, the school got two Governmental scholarships.
ST C^oobr Without hesitation, we may say that Syed Kutub Jalal Model
high school is one of the best educational intuitions in Dakshin
Surma upzilla.
In our model high school, teachers teach their students
with care. At present, total students of this high school are 400.
Among the students, 150 are boy students and 250 are girl
•.indents. The number of students, who are of computer
knowledge, is 100. Total number of teachers of this school is
CTT5 800 iffo I.'. Male teachers are 09 and female teachers are 03. Apart this,
boo I here are and office assistance, a peon, a female bearer and a
Mij'ht guard.
The school has a two-storied academic building, a tin
•.li.-.l building and a library Building.

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