Gazirpara 26

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Most people of our village live on agriculture. People of

our village maintain their family, educate their school and
Madrasah going children, by pen and papers for there children,
rntertain their relatives and maintain their medical treatment
expenses by selling crops of their landed property.
Apart this, people of our village are/ were employed in
\ i n i y . Navy, Air-force and Police force. It is noted, Bangladesh
\irny is employed under the United Nations, in different
• mmlries of the world for the work of peace and safety. People
"I our village, who are employed in Army, are also performing
iheir duty with efficiency in different countries of the world in
i h ! Cerent time for peace and safety.
Besides this, some people are involved in the occupation
ol teacher. Doctor, Banker, Reporter, Artist. Writer and
I nj'mcer including with different professions. Some of them are
i n v o l v e d in business and earning enough money being involved
Eidgah Field in different places of Bangladesh including our capital Dhaka.

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