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TO: Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz, Rev.

Al Sharpton, Chris Hayes, Lawrence ODonnell We are writing to draw your attention to serious issues facing many of the hard-working people at Peacock Productions, a subsidiary of NBC. We would like you to join us in meeting personally with these workers, who have the full support of the labor movement. Since July 2012, producers and associate producers have worked with the Writers Guild of America, East (WGAE) in order to organize a union and bargain with Peacock Productions. They have expressed real concern about access to affordable health insurance, declining pay rates, long hours and an overall feeling of job insecurity among even the most talented and qualified. Today those workers do not have a voice on the job to express their concerns. Unfortunately, Peacock has not acted in good faith, as its parent company NBC has in the past. Instead, Peacock has fought against its workers rights, jeopardizing the livelihoods of the workers. Peacock Productions has forced workers to attend mandatory anti-union meetings and has employed legal maneuvers to impound the ballots the workers cast in a June election. These actions are wrong, and we hope that you will stand with your colleagues to denounce them. Millions of viewers across the country look to your shows as a platform for progressive ideas and advancing workers rights. The workers at Peacock respect your work, as do we, and have seen the influence you have on many issues important to working people. We urge you to take the time to meet with these producers and associate producers to hear their concerns firsthand. We would be glad to join you. We know you will be moved, as we have been. What has occurred at Peacock is unconscionable. We recognize that these networks and production companies make millions of dollars in profits and wield great power. But at the end of the day, these workers are working hard and deserve to be fairly rewarded for the work they do.

We hope that you heed this call to help these brave men and women appeal to Peacock and to NBC to cease their anti-union tactics. Meet with them, talk to them, call your viewers to action, and lets make a difference together. We are attaching more information and would be glad to discuss further if you have questions.


Richard L. Trumka President

Elizabeth Shuler Secretary-Treasurer

Tefere Gebre, Executive Vice President

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